For your approval.

  1. Brian says:

    Yeah, taxes to pay the war profiteers like Blackwater, Boeing, Northrop…

  2. msbpodcast says:

    Those were simpler days.

    Between Fascists like ol’ Adolph, Benito and Hirohito we could spot our enemies. (Well, more or less. They were little yellow people, wops or krauts.)

    Now when we meet the enemy, we find that he is us.

    And what a formidable foe he is.

    Between Wall Street profiteers, the banks, all of the useless services we find ourselves to, at great humiliation and expense, and our own cupidity, stupidity sort-sightedness and greed, we are all going to branch offices of “The Incontinent Bank.

    Yes. The Incontinent Bank. Pissing Away Your Money Since 2001.

    Sucks to be us…

  3. Faxon says:

    #3…I believe it was Reddy Kilowatt, wasn’t it?
    The cartoon shows how different the country was 66 years ago. Now, nobody gives a shit about the enemies of our country, and instead, turns us against each other. It’s politically incorrect to even POINT OUT that Muslims want to destroy the United States and all the pretty little boys and girls riding in mommy’s Subaru.

  4. Buzz Mega says:

    Gosh Unca Donald, does this mean I’m unpatriotic when I buy something from China?

  5. UN-John C Dvorak says:

    You show us the old times.
    But its no old times, no more.
    Show us new times,
    And we’ll listen more

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    It is time to start the discussion of raising American taxes to pay for what we, as a society, want.

  7. Axl says:

    Well… good ol’ war propaganda and agree with #2 – the simpler days. The problem now is we have no idea who the enemy is, however it looks as we have become our own worst enemy. We ale sppoked by our own shaddow… while we privatize the wars. How crazy is that?

  8. msbpodcast says:

    Give Mr. Fusion a Cupie doll.

    Seriously, do you ever see ‘Merican’s being grown up enough to do this?

    Do you ever see ‘Mericans wanting anything but more, now and for less?

    This country will lament the last generation as being the last generation of native sons with aspirations.

    I’m watching the self-absorbed, self-interested selfish citizens of the United States rape their own country and being unable to stop it.

    Its disturbing, but then this is one shift in technology which has outstripped the people’s capacity to adapt to it.

    The ‘Mericans simply lacked the imagination to see what was up the hill.

  9. O'Really says:

    That’s right human resources…pay your taxes! That way, the boots on the ground (like me) can keep sending bullets down range. Don’t blame me…I’m just there because the Commander in Chief (former) said they were bad and lied to the world, the American people, and Congress, about how they had all these weapons of mass destruction.

    He lied, but no censure or impeachment for him. In order to be impeached you must lie about something much more grievous. You must lie about extra-marital sex between an adult man and woman. Wasting a trillion dollars and tens of thousands of lives is not worth review by Congress. Just keep approving the budget…slaves!

    When everything goes to shit, I’ll just burn my copy of the US Constitution to help keep me and my family warm because that’s all it appears to be good for.

  10. Ranger007 says:

    “Payroll withholding” for federal income taxes – one (and, of course, there have been many) of the biggest cons ever instituted on the good old USA taxpayer.

    #10 O’Really said – “I’m just there because the Commander in Chief (former)…….”

    When I was in the service and absolutely quit listening to anything LBJ said, I don’t remember blaming JFK. He was gone. LBJ was President. Until a few days ago, Obama and the Democrats were running the whole show. No?

  11. Cursor_ says:

    Yep that’s America!

    Ethics lessons from a cross-dressing, egomaniac who built his empire on the backs of real innovators and artists.

    Hypocrisy, the American Way.


  12. fishguy says:

    Being born in 1949 I remember these cartoons from the Saturday matinées of my 50’s youth. They seemed strange and outdated even then.

    Now,I roam around the western US. Visiting small towns and lone prairie gas stations where I chat up the locals. Everyone knows we are in trouble. The short-order cook, the truck mechanic, the tire store guy, EVERYONE.

    The only ones in denial are the liberal elites running the average western town (Ketchum, Missoula, Aspen, etc). These east coast/California over-educated idiots keep experimenting with affordable housing requirements on development(now illegal), community funded YMCA’s, community councils (read: more bureaucracy), and so forth.

    Now, don’t get me wrong, all their ideas sound good on paper but they DON’T work and they cost too much. And, in some cases they are already against the law.

    Let’s get back to basics. Everyone learn to make something that they can trade for something else. For instance. Make cookies. Trade them for an oil change. Change someone’s oil for their attention to your dog’s heart worms. Anything. It will kill the Chinese over night. That’s what I think.

  13. User7 says:

    I think I hate Donald Duck now. Prior to this cartoon people paid their taxes quarterly and wrote out a check for it. In those times people actually held their representatives responsible for spending their money, and voted them out of office if they spent too much. But during WW!! the U.S. government took a cue from the unions and tried to pass a bill to withhold your taxes from your check so that you don’t miss them. This cartoon was a way to win support from the American people. Since then government spending and taxes have never been the same. Everyone should read the Fair Tax Book.

  14. Cursor_ says:



  15. O'Really says:

    Ranger007 said, on January 23rd, 2011 at 8:14 am
    When I was in the service and absolutely quit listening to anything LBJ said, I don’t remember blaming JFK. He was gone. LBJ was President. Until a few days ago, Obama and the Democrats were running the whole show. No?

    Obama didn’t send Collin Powell to the UN to lie about WMD, Obama didn’t authorize the invasion of Iraq, Obama didn’t endorse no bid contracts to KBR, a company that Cheney was a shareholder, Obama didn’t stand before Congress and LIE to America about the “yellow cake uranium” that Saddam was using to build his nu-cle-ar arsenal, Obama didn’t have a cabinet that made more false statements than Pinocchio about how Saddam was amassing a huge arsenal of chemical and biological weapons….did he????? NO!

    You can blame Obama and the Democrats for keeping us there, but you can keep denying the fact that GW Bush pulled a $1,000,000,000,000 (and counting) wool blanket over our eyes.

  16. Breetai says:

    Not much point having a discussion about raising taxes when the taxes aren’t used to pay for government. Anyone competent would be discussion ending and replacing fiat money first.

  17. Ranger007 says:

    #17 O’Really said – “You can blame Obama and the Democrats for keeping us there,”

    I do.

    Many of us know how we got there. Doesn’t change things. This is where we are, prolonging it (at this point in time)isn’t Bush’s fault, and believe me, I am no fan of Bush.

  18. Faxon says:

    A national sales tax would get everybody who spends money. But, of course, without the IRS, the government would not be able to intimidate and punish the citizens.

    Dan Carlin (podcast almost as good as the boys here), has pointed out that the IRS is a great way for the Feds to insure certain behaviors of states and citizens.

    And, oh yes, I did notice John’s mention on NA of the Marines questionaire regarding confiscation of all American’s firearms. That will be when Sock Monkey goes with the UN anti gun treaty.
    Thing to do would be to “lose” your guns now, and file a police report.

  19. David says:

    Please tell me this was done as satire of war propaganda.

  20. Animal Mother says:

    Free trade, the conservatives wet dream. We exported our manufacturing jobs overseas and got nothing in return, and still they bray for more free trade.

    Ross Perot was 1000% correct.

  21. raintrees says:

    Taxes! Taxes! Blood and veins in your teeth!

    You’re our kinda boy!

    … er, no, off to the group W bench for me….

  22. O'Really says:

    Ranger007 said, on January 23rd, 2011 at 9:49 am
    Many of us know how we got there. Doesn’t change things. This is where we are, prolonging it (at this point in time)isn’t Bush’s fault, and believe me, I am no fan of Bush.

    Just because we know “how we got there”, doesn’t excuse the criminality of his administration. Nxon was ousted for some illegal political B&E. How many lives were lost and how many trillions were spent on that…? Clinton was impeached for lying under oath about sexual relations with an intern. How many lives were lost? Bush sends America to war on a lie. His consequences…an election to a second term as President.

    Since Obama took office, the troop levels in Iraq have been reduced to 50,000 or below (from 150,000+ during the previous administration) and all but a very few essential personnel will be gone by the end of 2011 as stated by Iraqi law. While the drawdown hasn’t happened fast enough, more has been done to remedy the situation than the 5 years Bush kept us there. “Mission Accomplished”….just another lie and another $100+ billion and another plane load of fallen Americans.

  23. Ranger007 says:

    O’Really – I guess you are right. When you get to the point of putting Bush on trial, don’t forget all of those voting with him deserve the same.

  24. Micromike says:

    We need to stop the tax and kill cycle, if we can.

    Only hippie pinko commie freaks think we should give peace a chance. We need more of them. Even General Eisenhower warned us in 1953 to stop the military industrial complex and we ignored him.

    Too bad we can’t work to support our family without supporting the biggest death and destruction operation on the planet.

    Oh, wait, nevermind, my favorite show is on TV.

  25. deowll says:

    Let’s be a little real here. A staggering amount of money is being wasted at the Federal, State, and local levels. By limiting state spending and taxes TN is able to do a fairly decent job with the resources they have. The people running the city utilities on the other hand most likely should be tired and feathered and ridden out of town on a rail. They spent ten years paying interest without ever paying a dime on the principle on a loan.

    The Fed Gov can best be summed up with “to the victors go the spoils.”

    There are several things which need to be done such as tort reform to reduce medical costs. James Dean explains why the Dems didn’t do it.

    Last and not least the bureaucratic abomination in the Dem health care bill is just going to rip everyone a new one unless they were already getting a free ride, This bureaucratic night mare will completely run out of money after ten years along with the entire government. They intend to shift staggering costs that most states can’t cover over to the states and of course the tooth fairy was supposed to fix it. If you want to see how well that stupidity works check out CA.

    TN has already tried to be all for those needing medical care through medicaid and it broke our piggy bank. When the sky is the limit the medical profession will charge astronomical fees. Our Dem governor fixed it by limiting the amount the State Gov. will cover.

    Is SS going to be there when you need it? Maybe if they slash benefits. I don’t know how you will be able to survive on it.

    Is medicare going to be there when people need it?
    Maybe, if you don’t need more than cheap generics.

    I will make an observation here. Your options to getting old and needing these two programs are limited: Die or get rich.

    Medicaid? Not so sure. Too many people and organizations are saying they don’t want to deal with future medicaid. The insurance companies are ripping everyone a new one and no longer care about containing costs because not containing costs and hiking fees is the way to make money under the new rules in the Dem Health Insurance bill which is what health care turned out to be.

    I would add that Americans are among the most highly taxed people around today when you add all the taxes and “fees” up but we aren’t getting value for what we are putting in.

    This might be a good time to tell Conn. thank you for convincing a small business to move to my home town. We can use the jobs since you didn’t want them. Yes high taxes and to many regulations do cost jobs. Low taxes and more reasonable business regulations can attract businesses.

  26. Greg Allen says:

    I can’t watch the video but I will tell you this: no taxes = anarchy.

    While most people think of anarchists as skinny tweeks with an “A” Sharpie’d on their army surplus jackets, the loudest and most common anarchist rhetoric is coming from the anti-tax tea baggers riding around on Medicare scooters.

  27. jmfree says:

    Oh, David (#21), congratulations on being so above it all.

    The same year this cartoon was made, and six months out of high school, my father shipped out in the infantry to some of the fiercest ground fighting in Europe and watched half his generation get their brains, guts, and legs exploded in front of his eyes. Just one of the endless deprivations during this time: most of the ground troops couldn’t get decent boots and spent the entire winter of 1944 with their feet in perpetual, wet cold (taxes, anyone?) while they completed the defeat of the Nazi army.

    After he came back he slept with a .45 under his pillow for two years while he recovered from the shock.

    But what was really surprising was how many people were completely indifferent to the sacrifices that he or any of the other survivors had made.

    I wonder what kind of people that would be? Let’s see… oh, I know. That would be people like you.

  28. © says:

    After the war someone noticed how frightening Americans was a good way to get them to spend money on guns Guns GUNS until we perfected both the payload (hydrogen bombs) and the gun (ICBMs)to the point of mutually assured destruction. Since no one would go to war with us (Cuban missile crisis) we’ve had to invent wars ever since (Vietnam, Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan … Pakistan?). This film could be a chronicle of the conception of the military industrial complex. About the only thing made in USA anymore is weapons systems.

  29. Uncle Patso says:

    # 21 David said:
    “Please tell me this was done as satire of war propaganda.”

    Nope, this is the genuine article. The movies of the time were chock-full of the stuff: the previews, the newsreels, the cartoons and the features. Haven’t you ever seen any ’40s war movies? I recommend it.

  30. Glenn E. says:

    Proving that Disney Studios was just as much of a propaganda-meister as the rest of the entertainment industry. This film was made before Congress came up with the idea of automatic “Withholding Tax”. So they get their share of your income, before you do. And no “payment schedule” is required. Basically your paycheck has been drafted.

    I like how they blamed Hitler and the Japanese for raising the taxes. BTW, only one country ever paid back the US, for saving their butts in WW2. That was Iceland. And that was only in dollars, not in lives lost. Ever since then, the US doesn’t seem to get much of either in exchange for spreading and protecting democracy, over the globe. While industries flourish everywhere else, protected by US troops. The US GNP (DNP now?) keeps shrinking.

    But wasn’t it nice of Disney to make us believe that only mere dollars were being sacrificed? But not by that company. Because I’m sure Disney got gov. subsidized for producing this clip. And spending your money for booze help the Axis powers? Wow! You mean to tell me the Kennedys got rich selling booze for the Nazis? How come I’m just learning this now?! Well maybe old Joe Kennedy had gotten out of the import game, after Prohibition. Still, Seagrams and Jim Beam, all Nazi fronts?

    You know, when I was in school, they always told us how the Nazis and later the Russians, all made these propaganda films. But US? never! And then I grew older, and discovered that Santa Claus wasn’t the only entertaining lie I was fed. BTW, the script for this film was probably written (or dictated) by the US Office of War Information. With only minor character dialogs (Ducks) by the Disney team.

    And the Pentagon is still at it. What you think the “UNIT” Tv series is for? It replaced “24” and “JAG”. Don’t believe it? Read “Operation Hollywood” by David L. Robb.


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