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Hey! Gollum is no troll!
Bah! FOX…
Oh, the cluelessness, it burns!
First off, everyone loves Boxxy! Everyone. Yes, even you there who is about to exclaim that you haet boxxy. You actually love her. Just accept it.
Secondly, troll comes from trolling, which is to say, fishing by dragging bait behind a boat. Originaly trolling meant that you said things you knew were wrong to get noob besserwissers to jump you and hoist themselves on their own petard by getting upset.
Today, what people mostly call trolling is more appropriatly called simple harrasment or bullying. There is really nothing tricky or clever about it.
um.. don’t feed the trolls.
At least they got the end advice right; ignore the trolls.
Hopefully someone will listen.
And, i love Boxxy 😀
Does anyone else find it funny that what Fox News describes as trolling can apply to them with respect to politics/news?
Thankfully were all pretty civil here!
Shit, I meant “we’re” for all the grammar nazi fucks.
Trolling, Griefing (as it is known in MMOs) bullies, harassment, it’s all the same thing. Pests. You ignore pests, and they eventually go away and try to annoy someone else.
Their whole point in life is to piss people off. So just don’t get pissed.
Problem here is FOX news makes it sound like this is new and it’s at near-epidemic proportions so you need to panic, have a knee-jerk reaction, and protect your kids.
However this kind of crap has been going on at school play grounds for hundreds of years. Nothing new, move along.
Whoa, thank God the wise news reader man told me how to deal with some stupid asshole writing things on the internet!
I didn’t know what i was gonna do!
Next i hope they do a story about what to do if your shoe comes untied.
#9 “Next i hope they do a story about what to do if your shoe comes untied.”
Isn’t that what guns are for?
I think all trolls are Progressives, like Alfred Persson.
Jesus was a communist ;-D
Gee… Is Faux news mostly Trolls by their own definition?
So a troll is “someone who deliberately causes controversy” or “anyone who wants to upset anyone else… on the internet”.
Ok, here goes:
Sarah Palin wants crazy people to kill Democrats.
Anyone who opposes health-care is a racist.
Fox News is hate speech.
Sarah Palin wants crazy people to kill Democrats.
Anyone who opposes health-care is a racist.
Fox News is hate speech.
And like all the best trolls, there is an element of truth there.
such bs. beat-up on celebrities.
Spent and awful lot of time on in the news groups in the good old days. Trolls were a pain but you dealt with them.
People into simple harassment in this day and age are asking to go to jail, etc. if you can run them down. They may not be in your country and may have been knocked off line dozens of times.
Welcome to the Intraweb loser!
Seriously, we act as if these “trolls” are vicious hideous people who have a mission. Trolling is something anybody can and will probably do at some point. I know I’ve been guilty of posting a comment for the mere purpose of digging another person. So to say anyone can become a victim is true, but it’s also important to say anyone can become a troll and not realize it either..
point is.. deal with it and stfu…seriously.
Fun is trolling with a bare metal hook.
you cant troll trolls. what a #$%^&, ima go post on her youtube page
can any one help me repair the ceiling of my bridge? the rain is getting in
Top 10 targets for trolling.©™:
– you swim in the commentary of odd anglers
– you are attracted to shiny objections
– you lunge at jerking criticism
– you are a mouth breather
– you don’t notice when things smell fishy
– you are easily startled by controversy
– responding like a sucker is natural
– you tend to carp
– you are often insulted to the gills
… and the #1 target for trolling is (drum roll)
– you can be fed the same line over and over, and will almost always bite, hook line and sinker.
This video was nothing but troll bait. Well done.
These comments are so LAME. What type of brainless noob morons would post such horrible
dog crap!!! What type of knuckle dragging troglodytes could even think of such brain dead swill! I can’t stop vomiting just thinking of
this!!!! Obviously the human race is heading back to the dark ages with this type of quasi-thoughts!!!!!! I can’t tell if my pity or my hatred of you is stronger. I thought Hitler was
bad. You guys make his sound like Mother Teressa!!!!!!!!
Naa, you guys are OK.
I can’t believe I’m the first to mention this, but didn’t anyone catch the last line of the video?
Team A and Team B played each other. Guess what? [surprised look] One team one, the other team lost!
Sarah Palin and Ex-Grand Wizard David Duke are trolls?
This about sums it up…
“pet troll engine said, on January 21st, 2011 at 7:24 pm
These comments are so LAME. What type of brainless noob morons would post such horrible
dog crap!!! What type of knuckle dragging troglodytes could even think of such brain dead swill! I can’t stop vomiting just thinking of
this!!!! Obviously the human race is heading back to the dark ages with this type of quasi-thoughts!!!!!! I can’t tell if my pity or my hatred of you is stronger. I thought Hitler was
bad. You guys make his sound like Mother Teressa!!!!!!!!
Naa, you guys are OK.”
What happened to just calling these people “haters”? Or do they need a 21st Century, Web 2.0 nickname now?
get over it already…It’s just the f&*(^g internet. Then after you got over it…get a life!!!