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Overture of 1812 has a much better weapon in it.
I for one, have used music as a weapon.
Might as well add the Nairobi Trio
And I thought music videos these days were over top…
Another reminder of how talented performers were back when.
Consider that entire performance was on live TV. Not just that performance, but the hundreds like it as well.
(Not to forget Ernie Kovacs -thank you WmDE-, Sid Caesar, Milton Berle, etc…)
Now try to imagine anyone pulling that off today.
Did you see the size of that corn? I knew Spike Jones was a musical genius but, apparently, he was hell of a genetic modifier, too!
I must happily admit, I remember watching his TV show in the very late 50s and early 60s. (I always thought Jones was Leo Gorcey at his full time job.)
My MP3 player still occasionally puts a little Spike in my ears. Damned painful…
I’ll see you that, and raise you this:
Der Fuhrer’s Face
WmDE said, “Might as well add the Nairobi Trio”
Thanks for that. I also remember Ernie Kovacs. I wonder if they could get away with doing the Nairobi Trio, these days. Probably not. Have to call it the Monkeyhouse Three or similar. I’m reminded of the current reissue of Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn in which the word “nigger” is replaced by “slave.” Forget history. Forget that the words are not synonyms. We must be politically correct. Someone reading a 19th century novel might get offended by it’s accuracy.
While I’m ranting – why do people insist on typing “sh-t” when they mean “shit”? Do they think those of us who might be offended by “shit” can’t recognize it without the “i”? Why don’ they spell: cr-p?
That goes for all you other f-ckers out there, too! What do you find offensive about the letter “u”?
I watched a TV show the other day with Denis Leary doing his standup. Comedy Central bleeped him when he said “cock sucker” (as “bleep sucker”) but he was allowed to say ball sack. In fact the word “balls” seems to be all over TV these days. And I’m not talking about the NBA.
I think the English language as used in Britain is going downhill very rapidly with “fuck” and “cunt” leading the way as words that are mandatory in every sentence.
In the US we can’t seem to spell “bad” words, anymore. Right down to a lousy TV show called “Sh*t My Dad Says.” Is there one person in the English language speaking world that doesn’t know what that asterisk stands for? So, why is “sh*t” acceptable for prime time but “shit” is not?
When I got out of the Army, “fuck” was part of my language. Fuckin’ A right, it was. I never did understand what a fuckin’ A was, but I sure said it a lot. And every other form of the word “fuck.” But as I left my 20s, I realized it was more of a stammer than an exclamation and pretty much removed it from my language. I save it now for special situations and, of course, for the act itself. Same for “shit.”
I’m not offended by the words (or the acts) just people who think they are not being offensive dropping vowels.
Sorry. That’s been building up. Rant over. Pardon any misspellings. I’m typing this ion my phone with a ShapeWriter keyboard. Wonderful invention.
great way to start a friday!Lawrence welk played all these on his show.
Spike Jones is legendary in the way that he used all sorts of things in his music. He was a one of a kind act. Nobody ever has been like him, before, or since, and I don’t think that there will be anyone like him.
Spike is much better than most of what is on TV now.
I just bought a bunch of Amos and Andy. They’re funny.
Yeah I know that having African Americans do low brow humor similar to the Three Stooges or Laura and Hardy or Abbot and Costello is not PC much less having them do it using the correct dialect but it is still funny and if you have a brain you know the people that could do it as well as these guys did had a heck of a lot of talent. I respect their work enough to be willing to purchase it and enjoy it.
Spike Jones was one of the few TV entertainers that could make my cranky father laugh, along with Ernie Kovacs and Steve Allen. Apparently there were jokes on those shows which were considered risque, because my siblings and I were shuttled off to bed when Jones, Kovacs or Allen were on the tube.
#10 based on a music box like act using humans as stand in for mechanical monkeys. Not bad. I’m not PC enough to even care about why I should be offended.
Every Sunday evening I enjoyed this music. Thanks Dr. Demento!
Well, let us not forget Kay Kyser’s Kollege of Musical Knowledge w/ Ish Kabbile.
Near the end of the clip… is that Adam Curry in a dress?
was that you at the end john in the dress?