
We’ve seen TASER electroshock weapons designed for law enforcement, personal protection and even riot control, but in all of the above cases, it’s a human on the receiving end. Now the company has a different target in sight for its “less lethal” technology … and it’s one that could create as much controversy as its predecessors – the TASER Wildlife Electronic Control Device (ECD).

Introduced at this week’s SHOT Show in Las Vegas, the TASER Wildlife ECD has been developed as an alternative tool for less effective methods of animal control used by wildlife professionals like chemical or acoustic repellents. It is designed for use on large animals like bears and elk.

“The TASER Wildlife ECD is an extension of TASER’s technology to save animal lives,” said Rick Smith, CEO and co-founder of TASER International. “It is designed to incapacitate larger animals more effectively and safer than current animal control tools.”

Oh man. Now PETA has something else to bitch about.

  1. Snyde the Remarkable says:

    You’d pretty much have to fry a bull moose medium rare to stop one during the rut and I have to wonder if you’d get the time.

    It would probably make more sense to point the TASER at yourself and just keep pulling the trigger until you became unresponsive – if you got the time – which is also highly unlikely.

    On the other hand, I’m pretty sure this thing would work like a charm against PETA demonstrators.


  2. Mojo Yugen says:

    The TASER Wildlife ECD…for when you absolutely, positively have to piss off a grizzly.
    I’m so looking forward to the YouTube videos!

  3. AlanB says:

    I wonder how long it will be until one gets out in the wild and we read of it being used on a human? And since it’s designed for large animals, how lethal will it be on the peeps?

  4. Ben-in-the-woods says:

    sounds like a reasonable idea … my sister lives in British Columbia (in Canada, just North of Washington state, for the Americans who don’t know) and does a lot of hiking. A lot of places sell ‘bear spray’ which is a pepper spray used to ward of bears. Locally it is refereed to as ‘bear seasoning’ for its ability to do little else than aggravate bear … with shooting a bear bringing a potential $200,000 I am sure there are many people who feel better with one of bear-tazer … although you’d want to be pretty damn sure it will imobilise the bear long enough for you to get damn far away!

  5. msbpodcast says:

    Squeak squeak, squeak! (translated: Don’t taze me bro’!)

    But the grizzlies would make for a fun video, though.

    It would have to be retrieved by a search party who happens upon a digital camera dropped by the idiot who tried to taze a grizzly, the late idiot because bears can run pretty fast.

  6. msbpodcast says:

    This reminds me of the “Being Eaten By A Crocodile” Olympic sport skit by Monty Python.

  7. Faxon says:

    AMAZINGLY, tasers are completely legal in Kalifornia for citizens to own and use. How the hell did THAT get by these Fascist Sons of Bitches?

  8. msbpodcast says:

    (Background music: Sportscast intro)

    Newscaster: And right now it’s time for athletics, and over to Brian Goebells in Paris.

    Goebells: Hello, well you join us here in Paris just a few minutes before the start of today’s big event: the final of the Men’s-Being-Eaten- By-A-Crocodile event. I’m standing now by the crocodile pit where- AAAAAAHHHHH!

    (FX: Crocodiles eating, French exclamations and sirens)

    Newscaster: Ah. Well I’m afraid that we’ve lost Brian. While they’re sorting that out, we have a report from Barry Loothesom in Lughtborrow on the British preparations for this most important event.

    Loothesom: Here at Lughtborrow are the five young men chosen last week to be eaten by a crocodile for Britain this summer. Obviously, the most important part of the event is the opening 60 yard sprint towards the crocs. And twenty-two year old Nottingham schoolteacher Gavin Watterlow is rated by some not only the fastest but also the tastiest British morsel since Barry Gordon got a bronze at Helsinki. In charge of the team is Sergeant Major Harold Duke.

    Duke: Aww, well, you not only got to get in that pit first, you gotta get EATEN first. When you land in front of your croc, and ‘e opens his mouth, I wanna see you right in there. Rub your ‘ead up against ‘is taste buds. And when those teeth bite into your flesh, use the perches to thrust yourself DOWN his throat…

    Loothesom: Duke’s trained with every British team since 1928, and it’s his blend of gymnastic knowhow, reptilian expertise and culinary skill that’s turned many an un-appetizing novice into a crocodilic banquet.

    Duke: Well, our chefs have been experimenting for many years to find a sauce most likely to tempt the crocodile. In the past, we’ve concentrated on a fish based sauce, but this year, we are reverting to a simple bernaise.

    Loothesom: The British team are worried because Olympic regulations allow only the competitor’s heads to be sauced. Gavin Morolowe…

    Morolowe: Yes, well, I mean, (clears throat) you know, four years ago, everyone knew the Italians were coating the insides of their legs with bolinaise, the Russians have been marinating themselves, One of the Germans, Biolek, was caught actually putting, uh, remolarde down his shorts. And the Finns were using tomato flavoured running shoes. Uh, I think there should either be unrestricted garnishing, or a single, Olympic standard mayonnaise.

    Loothesom: Gavin, does it ever worry you that you’re actually going to be chewed up by a bloody, grey crocodile.

    Morolowe: The only thing that worries me, Jim, is being the first one down that gully.

    Loothesom: Well, the way things are going here at Lughtborrow, it looks as though Britan could easily pick up a place in the first seven hundred. But nothing’s predictable in this tough, harsh, highly competitive world where today’s champion is tomorrow’s crocodile shit. And back to you, in the studio, Norman.

  9. msbpodcast says:

    Faxon said in #7 “How the hell did THAT get by these Fascist Sons of Bitches?

    Hey, it only causes seizure-like incapacity to move and paralyzing agony.

    That’s perfectly legal in Kalifornia.

    Look at their governor.

    In fact there is a phrase that pretty well describes Californian elections in general.

    Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.

  10. jbenson2 says:

    I don’t want to be anywhere in the neighborhood when the tazer stops incapacitating the bear. You’re going to have one-pissed off bear looking for payback.

  11. Who says:

    This would be nice to have if you saw a cop approaching.

  12. retroman81 says:

    It’s a matter of minutes before people will buy
    this to shot other people

  13. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    This is the mammal version of “catch and release”, right?

  14. Mr. Fusion says:


    Beef up the battery a bit, crank up the amps, and you can fry your dinner while keeping at bay.

  15. Cursor_ says:

    And can we see videos of the tests done to back up their claims?


  16. So what says:

    Oh please please please please!!!!! post a video of any of the following tazing a bear, moose, or elk. However you must allow the tape to roll after the initial tazing. You must also include the unaltered audio. Example, watch this bzzzzt, GROOOWWWWWLLLLLL oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit, ouch ouch ouch.

  17. ECA says:

    iM WAITING FOR THE shark version..

  18. Mextli says:

    I thought that was, “Those who forget the past are doomed to regret it.” 😉

  19. So what says:

    The current governor of California is Democrat Jerry Brown.

  20. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    According to the website, the device has the “Ability to gain voluntary compliance and avert use-of-force with stronger deterrence from Warning Arc” which seems to be a visible, crackling spark. To which I say, “WTF?” Voluntary compliance from a charging grizzly?

    It also includes a “magnesium holster.” A highly flammable substance used to hold a high voltage device? That doesn’t sound too dangerous…

  21. msbpodcast says:

    Animby – just phoning it in said in #20, “

    Right, I just spewed glass of wine up my nose imagining a bear trying to stomp out a burning camper.

  22. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    # 21 msbpodcast : Sorry about your nose. Care for an elk-strength taze?

  23. Mr Fog says:

    Re: the illustration, is that a self-defense device or Jimmy Choo platform heels?

  24. Dallas says:

    Just another toy for the mentally disturbed to torture animals, children and random assault on another human being for their pleasure. This needs to be outlawed.

  25. Buzz Mega says:

    Wanna see something freaky? Tase a moose.

  26. Publius says:

    Who wouldn’t want to become a wildlife professional for a day, just long enough to buy one of these babies?

  27. GregA says:

    Jerry Brown??? The politican??? is gov of California now???

  28. Bad news for hairy woodsmen everywhere.


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