This Episode’s Executive Producer and 271 Club Member: Robert Goshko
Art By: Thijs Brouwers

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  1. deowll says:

    Adam, your statements about female products seem to be making main line news.

    World book day? Get a book and read it!

    You want a standard that doesn’t depend on one country? Commodities: gold, sliver, platinum, copper, oil, coal, food, etc.

    My forecast, Ophra is going to make a lot less money.

    You guys talked me out of sending money to con men for Haiti.

    If the rich bleeps show up in Haiti maybe the starving can get some of the crumbs.

    Yeah, everybody who is a tourist is now listed as a terrorist. We got a mulitibillon dollar organization keeping up with everything that hasn’t stopped even one terrorist attack. Of course they can tell you reams about the person after the fact.

    Give it sunlight, CO2, less than pure water to live in and you get fuel! Photosynthesis! Scientists discovered that process a few hundred years ago. This is just a variant on let’s grow algae! The question is how much does that fuel cost. If it’s more than extra virgin olive oil I can’t afford to use it in my car.

    The new earthquake scale goes up by 30 times every level up.

    How does requiring people to buy insurance mean they don’t have to deal with insurance companies? I don’t know but it must compute to progressives. Go back to skyrocketing costs? Costs are going up faster than ever unless you were already getting a free ride!

    The insurance companies _want medical costs to go up now_ so they can charge more because they are limited on the profit margin by law but by charging more and paying out more they can make the same or more. BLEEP! Think you very much progressives!

  2. TTHor says:

    Sorry Adam, your ignorance is sometimes pretty lame… ‘saccharine’ and preferably as sodium saccharine (the salt) has been around since 1890-somethng. Maybe banned in the US but not elsewhere. Like or dislike artificial sweeteners but that it is what it is.

    And Adam – can you please lay off this love thing with Nicky? Being so personal is tacky. I don’t want it. Too information, OK? Learn from John – he manages to keep the distance.

    And shape up the cover art… The salami thing with John had the right twist to it!

  3. Heinrich Moltke says:

    Best show in a long time!

    The hits kept on coming. Keep up the good work!

  4. deowll says:

    #2 I don’t care how much you know there is always going to be vastly more that you don’t know.

  5. BigBoyBC says:

    My heath insurance cost went up this year, so how did Obamacare protect me from higher rates?

    (…and don’t give me that crap about the increase would have been larger without Obamacare, I ain’t buying that…)


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