For the record, I have never considered this issue anything more than a distraction. I am beginning to wonder….

  1. GF says:

    Yeah, it doesn’t really matter. ::rolleyes::

  2. jbenson2 says:

    Keep it up, Guv!

    The Governor of Hawaii is doing more to help the birthers than shut them down.

    Heh, heh, heh.

  3. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Why did you post this garbage?

  4. MikeN says:

    Nothing more than a distraction? It is the key to Obama’s reelection campaign. Just as Bush got the Left focused on being AWOL in Vietnam, turning off all but a crazed Democratic base, Obama hopes to tag the Republicans as obsessed with a birth certificate.

    That Abercrombie is one smart guy.

    I have to say, that while I think it’s a distraction, I am leaning towards the idea that Obama was not born in Hawaii.

  5. the haunted sheep says:

    I thought it a distraction too, as it isnt going to make him leave even if we find out he wasnt born in hawaii I guess it doesn’t matter, but it does seem pretty fishy. I dunno why they havent simply forged one. I figured they would have done it a long time ago. Unless that’s the game.

  6. ECA says:

    I have to mention something here…

    “I AM TOLD”?

    The governor, has no time to walk to the office, and ASK to see it. He has a specific date and NAME.. He could view it on RECORD.

    AND THE OTHER GUY, is suggesting there is NO LONG FORM of his birth? ALL of the data from ?? years ago has been placed on DIGITAL RECORDINGS, insted of PAPER. AND the office will NOT SHOW the FULL FORM unless you are a person of concern IN THE GOVERNMENT.

    Anyone AGREE that we need a better LANGUAGE? ONE NOT designed to HIDE MEANING.

    Definition of Politician:
    A person that can tell you to ‘go to hell’ and you look forward to the trip.

  7. ubiquitous talking head says:

    This is World Net Daily. It’s like the nutjob right-wing version of the national inquirer. There’s nothing but an invisible talking head reading a script over b-roll footage of people nobody but their mother would recognize.

    That said, just show us the fucking birth certificate if there is one.

  8. Guyver says:

    Cheney: Obama will be a one-term president:

  9. David says:

    Any reporting with the name Jerome Corsi attached to it can be immediately discarded and ignored. But for the record, I’d still like to see the birth certificate. And college records while we’re at it.

  10. damontsar says:

    Please stop posting this garbage?

  11. Donald Silva says:

    This is an interesting issue. If Obama is not a citizen then he can’t hold office. And they can’t produce the birth certificate. I have one being born in Hawaii. Why doesn’t Obama have one. Seems really fishy to me.

  12. David says:

    A more interesting development is that several states have introduced legislation to require candidates for president to present their birth certificate before they can be legally placed on the ballot. I’m not generally in favor of checking birth certificates, but I support the measure. We’re supposed to live according to the rule of law, and that should apply to those at the very top as well.

  13. Grandpa says:

    Somehow it seems appropriate that the first partially black President is from another country since most of his election money comes from overseas and his most important legislation benefits overseas interests.

  14. Granite1 says:

    The allegation that Abercrombie “can’t find the birth certificate” is all based on the speculation of a birther website.

    Abercrombie did not say that he could not find the birth certificate. He said in fact that there was a document in the birth certificate files. Two officials in the Republican governor’s administration that preceded Abercrombie said repeatedly that there is an original birth certificate in Obama’s file and that it VERIFIES that Obama was born in Hawaii.

    For Obama to have been born in any other country than the USA requires the combination of:

    (1) Travel by his mother during late pregnancy (highly unlikely because of the high expense and high risk of such a trip in 1961. The expense of going to Kenya—the main allegation–is estimated at around $20,000 in 2010 dollars for two round trip, and the risk was high of stillbirths in 1961, and there was Yellow Fever in Kenya.);

    (2) Birth outside of Hawaii (also unlikely);

    (3) Birth abroad despite the absence of any foreign documents or photographs showing either that Obama was born in a foreign country or that his mother was in the country at the time (highly unlikely);

    (4) The willingness of the parents to lie about his place of birth (unlikely since it would be a crime to file a false government document, and the lie would be unnecessary since for most purposes naturalizing a foreign-born child would be just as good as his being born in the country);

    (5) Successfully smuggling the child into the USA without a US travel document (extremely unlikely), and;

    (6) Convincing the officials in Hawaii that he was born in Hawaii (also extremely unlikely).

    ALL of these six things would be required for there to be a reasonable case that he was born in any other country than the USA. What are the odds of all six of them happening?

    The willingness to believe that Obama was born outside of the USA despite the overwhelming odds against it and despite all the evidence that he was born in Hawaii is why Ann Coulter, Glenn Beck and Bill O’Reilly all call birthers crazy.

    Oh, and by the way, Obama’s Kenyan grandmother never said that he was born in Kenya. She said repeatedly in the taped interview that he was born in Hawaii, and she said in another interview that the first that her family in Kenya had heard of Obama’s birth was in a letter from Hawaii.

  15. Greg Allen says:

    >> For the record, I have never considered this issue anything more than a distraction. Now I am beginning to wonder..

    Listen to your first instincts.

    Otherwise you’ll soon be making posts about the “Moon Landing Hoax” and “Climategate.”

  16. dusanmal says:

    @#14 I think that the question is not if Obama have been born in the USA (Hawaii). Having a member of my own wider family who was born to mother and father with dual citizenship in the USA and having US “Certificate of live birth” (which is the one Obama produced) – but NOT having US “Birth Certificate” because parents chose to register him with Birth Certificate of the other country… I wonder. Add to that known anti-Western politics of his father and it is possible that Obama parents may have chosen the same (fully legal) option. Hence, though born in US he may hold Kenyan birth certificate. This would muddy the issue even more.
    I still think that no matter what is the truth, Obama is cleverly using the issue to demonize opponents. Same “judo politics” recently seen after Arizona shooting.

  17. Benjamin says:

    Rush, Beck, O’Rielly, and Coulter said that Obama was born in Hawaii, so Obama was born in Hawaii. No further investigation is needed here.

    He is not a Muslim either. We all know he went to Jeremiah Wright’s wacky church.

    He is a fascist. Evidence is the fasist health care plan he passed.

  18. Mr Ed says:

    And these crazies wonder why people call them “wingnuts”? Absolute morons.

  19. granite1 says:

    Re: “dual citizenship”

    Answer: Dual citizenship at birth (which lapsed by the way) has no effect on the Natural Born Citizen status of a child born in the USA. To think that it does means that you think that a foreign law can determine whether a US-born child is eligible to be president. We have never allowed foreign laws to have that much power.

    Moreover, the citizenship of Obama’s father has no effect on Natural Born Citizen status. ALL US citizens who were born in the USA, as Obama was, are Natural Born citizens. Only naturalized citizens, citizens who were not born in the USA, are not Natural Born Citizens.

    “Natural born citizen. Persons who are born within the jurisdiction of a national government, i.e. in its territorial limits, or those born of citizens temporarily residing abroad.” — Black’s Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition

    “Under the longstanding English common-law principle of jus soli, persons born within the territory of the sovereign (other than children of enemy aliens or foreign diplomats) are citizens from birth. Thus, those persons born within the United States are “natural born citizens” and eligible to be President. Much less certain, however, is whether children born abroad of United States citizens are “natural born citizens” eligible to serve as President …”—- Edwin Meese, et al, THE HERITAGE GUIDE TO THE CONSTITUTION (2005) [Edwin Meese was Ronald Reagan’s attorney general, and the Heritage Foundation is a well-known Conservative organization.]

    Re: “having US “Certificate of live birth” (which is the one Obama produced) – but NOT having US “Birth Certificate”’

    Answer: The name is Certification of Live Birth, and it is the official and only birth certificate that Hawaii issues.

    The Wall Street Journal said:

    “The birthers have also misrepresented the law in the claims they have made about Obama’s birth certificate. In truth, Obama has proved that he is a native of Hawaii, and this proof would hold up in any legal or administrative proceeding.

    In order to explain the birthers’ deception on this point, it is necessary to delve into the arcana of Hawaiian vital records. The document that Obama has released, which carries the title “certification of live birth,” confirms that the president was born in Honolulu. It is a legal birth certificate, and, as the Honolulu Star-Bulletin notes, it is the only kind of birth certificate the state of Hawaii issues….

    Further, if Congress were to pass the so-called birther bill, Obama would be able to comply easily. The bill would require presidential campaigns to submit “a copy of the candidate’s birth certificate” to the Federal Election Commission. The certificate Obama has released publicly would meet this requirement.”

    Re: “because parents chose to register him with Birth Certificate of the other country…”

    Obama was born in Hawaii, in Kapiolani Hospital, as both the former governor of Hawaii, a Republican, and this witness (

    Also, in 1961 Hawaii would not accept a foreign birth certificate. It was not allowed to place a foreign birth certificate in a Hawaii birth registry file. Only Hawaii documents could be placed in the Hawaii birth files in 1961, and the officials in Hawaii (members of a Republican governor’s administration) have confirmed repeatedly that there is an original birth certificate in Obama’s file and that it VERIFIES that he was born in Hawaii.

    Re: “Hence, though born in US he may hold Kenyan birth certificate.”

    Why don’t you call the Kenyan embassy and ASK whether Obama has a Kenyan birth certificate (there have been some obvious forged “Kenyan birth certificates” but you would ask if there is a real one)? Also, it is highly unlikely that Kenya granted a birth certificate to people who were not born in Kenya back in 1961.

    However, the key point is birth in the USA, which he was.

    Re: “Obama is cleverly using the issue to demonize opponents.”

    Answer: This would be sad, but not illegal. In fact, it may be smart politics. But, if you are saying that he could release the original birth certificate, the answer remains that Obama does not have it because it was not sent to him. He has the official birth certificate, and has published that.

  20. Sai Kai Lee says:


    You spelled Moran wrong…

  21. Jon says:

    “WorldNetDaily has emerged as a leading outlet publicizing claims about Barack Obama’s citizenship status, claiming that President Obama is not a natural-born citizen and is thus not eligible to serve as president.”

  22. Jack Africa, sending it up the stick! says:

    If he isn’t lawfully in office, what happens?

    Do you “back out” all the changes he made.

    Yeah, that will work. Everything will be good again.

  23. Ah_Yea says:

    Ok, let’s go over this again:

    Obama was born in Hawaii and all this birther stuff is a distraction from the real questions:

    “Just to clear things up, again…

    Obama’s birth certificate.

    The REAL reason people have questions is this:
    Here is a partial list of records that Obama refuses to release or has hidden from the public .

    (1) the original, long-form 1961 Hawaiian birth certificate, has never been released. It’s available, so why not release it and get this over with? What about:
    2) Marriage license between Obama’s father (Barak Sr.) and mother (Stanley Ann Dunham) — not found, not released
    3) Obama’s baptism records — sealed
    4) Obama’s adoption records — sealed
    5) Records of Obama’s and his mother’s reptriation as US citizens on return from Indonesia — not found, not released
    6) Name change (Barry Sotero to Barack Hussein Obama) records — not found, not released
    7) Noelani Elementary School (Hawaii) — not released
    Punahou School financial aid or school records — not released
    9) Occidental College financial aid records — not released. (These records were, however, subpoenaed but Obama lawyers succeeded in quashing the subpoena in court. No other Occi records have been released.)
    10) Columbia College records — not released
    11) Columbia senior thesis — not released
    12) Harvard Law School records (not mentioned below, but not released)
    13) Obama’s law client list — sealed
    14) Obama’s files from career as an Illinois State Senator — sealed
    15) Obama’s record with Illinois State Bar Association — sealed
    16) Obama’s medical records — not released
    17) Obama’s passport records — not released

    What does our Great Savior have to hide?”

  24. MikeN says:

    #14, your six unlikely conditions don’t strike me as unlikely at all.

    #1 travel by mother during late pregnancy
    I agree this is a unlikely one, but perhaps she was already out of the country when pregnant. It is known that within weeks of Obama’s birth in Hawaii, she was taking classes in Washington. Travel from Hawaii to Washington is difficult as well back then.

    #2 birth outside of Hawaii
    This is circular reasoning and a meaningless point

    #3 Birth abroad despite the absence of any foreign documents or photographs showing either that Obama was born in a foreign country or that his mother was in the country at the time (highly unlikely);

    Well if those documents existed it would be a stronger case. But absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Stronger case is if there is evidence she was in the country prior to his birth, closer the better. Photography back then wasn’t as common of course.

    #4The willingness of the parents to lie about his place of birth (unlikely since it would be a crime to file a false government

    This is very likely. It is so much easier to just claim something and not go thru the paperwork hassles.

    #5 Successfully smuggling the child into the USA without a US travel document (extremely unlikely)
    I think this would have been pretty easy back then.

    #6 Convincing the officials in Hawaii that he was born in Hawaii
    This strikes me as very easy. Home births still happen today. The place where he was listed in the newspaper announcement is his grandparents’ place.
    It doesn’t strike me as implausible that they made the ad and registered a birth to make things easier for him.

  25. chiarde says:

    You too, John? Oh please. This is garbage, and I’m telling this to you as a long time fan and respectful listener.

    You’re feeding the racists.

  26. MikeN says:

    Even if Obama’s public released birth certificate is incorrect, it is meaningless. Even if born in Kenya he is still eligible to serve as President. The only issue is that at the time he might not have met the standards for being a natural born US citizen, but he meets them now, because of the age of his mother at the time he was born.

  27. bobbo, progress is made by 1%, the rest of us follow usually in disagreement or awe says:

    #23–Ah Yea==interesting list. I’m thinking one of his trusted advisers said its better to stand the heat for not releasing this stuff than to release it and give the loons license to go after whatever they find there. I believe all that stuff should be released as a matter of law, but thats just me – putting the “public” transparently into “public office.”

    I wonder how long such a list is for each President we have had, like Bush’s military record, but not that much.

    People disagree about what he said in public on videotape at the Tucson Eulogy. No need for more darkly considered things.

  28. Mr Fog says:

    # 19 granite1 said, “call the Kenyan embassy and ASK whether Obama has a Kenyan birth certificate”

    Granny – ever been to Kenya? A large percentage of births there do not get registered even today. 1961?

    # 26 MikeN said, “he might not have met the standards for being a natural born US citizen, but he meets them now”

    Gee. I wasn’t aware the Constitution had been changed to redefine natural born citizen.

    Now, before it sounds like I’m a birther, I’m not. A fifty year old conspiracy to fake citizenship? I don’t buy it. However, I agree with Bobbo in #27. Politicians should not be allowed to seal the records of their finances, their education, legal proceedings, etc. I suspect the ‘Publicans will make a real issue of this in 2012. Not the candidates, directly. They’ll have a PAC or something do it.

    As for the original post: McCullough, please tell me you don’t get your news from WorldNetDaily? They make Fox News look absolutely fair and balanced.

    [The source, or how I came by it, shouldn’t matter, if you want to use FOX or any MSM outlet as your definitive source…that’s your choice – McCullough]

  29. granite1 says:

    Replying to MikeN:

    Re: “But perhaps she was already out of the country when pregnant.”

    Answer. You are speculating, and doing a lousy job of it. Here is how a trip would have had to have gone. There were no direct flights, and airplanes had very limited distances in those days. They would have had to have gone either via LA, New York, London, Rome, Cairo and then finally Nairobi, or the other way: via Tokyo, Hong Kong, Bangkok, New Delhi, Teheran, Cairo and Nairobi.

    Where do you speculate that she stayed prior to arrival in Kenya? In what one of those cities? In any case, the birther scenario only works if she traveled late in pregnancy, apparently because earlier in pregnancy she was attending classes.

    Re: “It is known that within weeks of Obama’s birth in Hawaii, she was taking classes in Washington. “

    Answer: The difference between before and after is ENORMOUS.

    Before birth, a woman is heavy, cannot walk easily, and there is risk of stillbith (and you had to get Yellow Fever shots for Kenya, which are bad during pregnancy). After birth, no risk of stillbirth, the woman could walk around easily.

    IF you had a desire to make a trip via LA, New York, London, Rome, Cairo and finally Nairobi, or the other way, via Tokyo, Hong Kong, Bangkok, New Delhi, Teheran, Cairo and Nairobi, you would make it AFTER THE BIRTH. You could still show the child to the grandparents, get to see the cities along the way and no risk of stillbirth. It would still cost around $20,000 for two round trip in 2010 dollars, but if you had the money, you would spend it after the birth not before. That is not merely because of the risk of stillbirth, but because you could see the sights along the way. In those days, if you made such an expensive trip, one of the benefits was that you could stop along the way.

    (But it was still one very expensive trip, and there is no evidence that they had anywhere near enough money. And, if they did, they would not waste it in travel late in pregnancy).

    Re: “2) birth outside of Hawaii”

    Answer: When I entered that item I considered that it might be considered double counting. Well, perhaps, but remember we are asked to believe that she gave birth in Kenya and there is no proof of a birth in Kenya, and no proof that she arrived in Kenya.

    Re: “But absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Stronger case is if there is evidence she was in the country prior to his birth, closer the better. Photography back then wasn’t as common of course.”

    Answer: Let’s examine all the documents that are missing. IN addition to the absence of US government documents, there are no documents from Kenya either. Birthers explain this by claiming that Kenya has hidden or sealed all the files. If you believe this, you have to believe that Kenya has the enormous competency to hide the files without the US CIA, and foreign diplomats, and the hundreds of freelance and other journalists in Kenya finding out that Kenya had hidden the files. It would not be necessary to find the actual files, only to know that Kenya had hidden files, and that would lead to an investigation.

    Re Pictures. People were taking lots of them in the 1960s too. Kodak had made it popular. And, when you go to see your inlaws, you take pictures of the child with his grandparents. The birther explanation of why there are no photos is that right away when Obama’s mother got there, there was a fight, and she did not take any photos and tried to rush home, but the baby came too soon so she gave birth in Kenya. This is not merely speculation but far from likely.

    It also seems highly unlikely that an application for a US visa on a foreign passport in Kenya in 1961 or the change to his mother’s passport in Kenya to include Obama could have been lost, or that US officials are hiding that document.

    Re: Lying about the place of birth and your response: “This is very likely. It is so much easier to just claim something and not go thru the paperwork hassles.”

    Answer: Take a moment and think this out again. Unless you want your child to run for president, getting the child naturalized is just as good as his being born in the USA. A naturalized citizen has all the rights and obligations of a natural born citizen.

    So, if Obama had been born in Kenya, why run the risk of lying about it? Admit the truth (which you could brag about for the rest of your life: “I gave birth in a Kenyan hospital, and let me tell you that was quite an experience”) and naturalize the child later on. Why run the risk of lying, when if they caught you in the lie, you could face criminal prosecution and Obama senior could lose his US student visa?

    What the birther myth REQUIRES is both somehow getting the child through US immigration without a document and the lie to the officials in Hawaii that the child was born in Hawaii. AND, the lie has to be successful.

    But there is evidence that if you claimed that a child was born outside of a hospital in Hawaii in 1961 the officials would demand proof in the form of a signed statement from the doctor or midwife or a witness of some kind. Yet the birther myth holds that somehow Obama’s parents were able to slip Obama through immigration without a document (or that the US government is so lazy or sloppy or corrupt that it cannot find such a document) AND that they lied about Obama’s place of birth AND that they got away with it.

    How likely is this?

    Re: “Successfully smuggling the child into the USA without a US travel document (extremely unlikely) and your answer: “I think this would have been pretty easy back then.”

    Answer: I remember travel in those days. They were far more detailed in checking documents than they are today, and in this case you would be bringing a BLACK child into the USA (unless you think that the officials would not have looked at his face, which is unlikely. The family would have had to arrive at either an airport or sea port, and the officials would have asked for their documents. ALL of their documents, the mother’s, the father’s, and the child’s. Some birthers have claimed that this could have been avoided with a bribe, but that would be even more illegal and risky.

    Re: “#6 Convincing the officials in Hawaii that he was born in Hawaii
    This strikes me as very easy. Home births still happen today. “

    Answer: Sure home births happen, but if you claimed a home birth, there is evidence that Hawaii officials required some kind of a witness statement before they would issue a birth certificate with a Hawaii place of birth on it. The PUMA Lori did the research (and she was trying to prove that Obama was not born in Hawaii to help Hillary), and she found:

    “At the time, if a child was born outside a hospital, the family would have 30 days to apply for a birth certificate and Vital Records would expect to see prenatal care records, or pediatrician records of the first check up, etc. They’d also want the notarized statement from the mid-wife. Of course, they can apply later but that would noted as a different kind of birth certificate.”

    (Note that both the former governor of Hawaii, a Republican, and this witness indicate that the birth took place in Kapiolani Hospital).

    Re: “The place where he was listed in the newspaper announcement is his grandparents’ place.”

    Answer: That is a legal address. It does not require that they both lived there, and he may never have lived there. It is perfectly legal to list a parent’s address,

    Re: “It doesn’t strike me as implausible that they made the ad and registered a birth to make things easier for him.”

    Answer: The notices in the newspapers were NOT advertisements. Hawaii newspapers did not accept advertised notices of birth in those days. ALL the notices were sent out by the department of vital records of Hawaii. To be sure, the notices were generated by the registration, and some birthers claim that you could just walk in to the DOH and claim a birth at home and that would generate the notice. But Lori’s evidence is very strong that it was not possible to just “walk in” with a claim of birth at home.

    But, say that you could just walk in and claim that the child was born at home. That would be lying, and it would be lying despite the fact that the Obama had been seen or would be seen on planes or ships coming from Kenya—so it would be a risky lie. And, if you were found to have lied, there could have been some kind of criminal prosecution, and Obama’s father would run the risk of losing his visa. And why lie when you could simply say “he was born in Kenya,” get all the status of having done something highly unusual (“let me tell you what Kenyan hospitals are like”) and simply naturalize the child at a later date.

  30. Dallas says:

    There are 6 of them on eBay


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