This video is a bit much, but entertaining.

  1. Animby says:

    So – a retired FBI agent “personally” saw some aircraft on a military base. WHY WON’T CONGRESS TAKE ACTION???

    -sigh –

    The rest of the video was just plain ole good fun – Alex Jones / Adam Curry style.

  2. O'Really says:

    A tad crazy, but I’d share it if it wasn’t so outlandish. My status as a Soldier in the US Army prevents me from speaking against the policies of my CinC.

  3. Mr Fog says:

    Reminds me of No Agenda.
    Three minutes of material followed by 5 of “a word from our sponsor”

  4. rabidmonkey says:

    OMG! What the heck happened to scientific scrutiny in this day an age? I am ashamed of this. In the hundreds of years following the “age of enlightenment” people still do not possess critical-thinking skills. Kill me now mama, I don’t see how it can get any better than this. I have seen the zenith of human intellect. Kill me now before I see how much worse it could really get. 🙂

  5. soundwash says:

    lol.. nice thought.. but a crappy vid for chemtrails..

    However..i need no vids.. i’ve been treated to “trails-R-Us” several times a week here in the bronx for years. (the fat ones are what the skinny ones look like after 30+ minutes)


    This *was* a clear day until they showed up..

    ah..nope.. we have no aerosol program. ..pfft.


  6. WmDE says:

    A real chemtrail

  7. jescott418 says:

    I doubt this is the explanation for these birds dying. But it makes for a good conspiracy theory. As far as the Nation police force the video is hinting at. Yes, lets bring in that force and stop the violence on the Mexican- US boarder!

  8. Slatts says:

    As aircraft engineer I have to ask where on the aeroplanes they hidden the tanks that hold this chemical? Remember at a major inspection we inspect the whole machine. – there is nowhere we don’t look. I’ve been doing this job for 44 years I’ve been an inspector for 30 of them but I have never seen any place on an aircraft to put any chemical other than the normally used ones, fuel, oil, toilet fluid – nothing is connected to any spray gear – Oh and yes I’ve worked on crop sprayers so I know what spray gear nozzles and pumps look like. Don’t say they are putting it in the fuel – we test the fuel and any additives would show up then or worse as a coating on the turbine blades.
    Why the hell are people so willing to accept Woo?
    Mind you I guess the “True Believers” TM would just say all aircraft engineers are in on the conspiracy, along with the pilots and the ground crew, the refuelers and sundry other airport staff!

  9. What? says:

    True Believers ™ are just another facet of the need to experience religion. For some it is ChemTrails (sm), and others ClimateChange (sm), and others God (sm). Each one believes their life and death depends on being a good adherent.

  10. Animby says:

    #8 Slatts : See? You’ve never seen the tanks. That proves it. They hide them really well. Probably don’t even get any service or maintenance on those aircraft. You wouldn’t be able to service them, anyway. Alien technology, you know. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go buy some more tin foil for the windows…

  11. The DON says:

    The guy states how he saw the ‘unmarked’ planes.

    An unmarked plane sticks out a mile! better to paint it in some airlines colours. No-one would give it a second thought.

  12. seriously-cofusssed says:

    Seriously? The Air National Guard in Lincoln?

    No offense to any of you guardsmen/women. You serve your country gallantly , but you are weekend warriors. With the uber secret and secure Offutt Air Base so close, why use the National Guard?

    It doesn’t add up and I have heard chemtrail conspiracies before. I don’t doubt they can;t be wonderful for the planet if they are also spewing chemicals in the exhaust but come on….

  13. FRAGaLOT says:

    what the fuck is congress going to do about it? First they have to know it, and then acknowledge it. But I’m sure they are much in the dark as anyone else is.

    Also if chemtrails have been going on for decades, the death of the black birds would be a lot more prevalent. The death of birds and fish is caused by other more common sources of pollution.

    This guy is a crackpot, he makes Adam Curry seem… NORMAL.

  14. Buzz Mega says:

    “A bit much” is an understatement.

  15. Mr Ed says:

    And they wonder why they’re called “wingnuts”?
    However, locking up these guys in internment camps seems like a good idea…as long as it is permanently!

  16. So what says:

    If you could find the tanks, then they wouldn’t be hidden now would they? To put it quite plainly the world is full of crazy folk.

  17. dcphill says:

    Who ever put this film together is as full of
    shit as a christmas goose. This kind of fantasy raising the anxiety levels of many folks, will be counter productive and will cause too much unjustified consternation or lead to another shoot’em up.

  18. Butter Butt says:

    Most of the PJC’s I’ve seen or heard about have been in the western states.

    Anybody got pictures of these over lets say New York City or Washington DC?

    If no one can show them over Washington DC then maybe the politicians are in on it. I mean if they are dangerous I can’t imagine the politicians letting this be done to themselves or their families…

  19. deowll says:

    1. Would the U.S. government dump chemicals on the American people? Only if the government is stupid which leaves me with a definite maybe though I’m more into thinking they are running some sort of dumb bleep experiment not meant to harm the public.

    However since the people doing this have to be brain dead or they wouldn’t be doing it the odds that what ever they are doing is dangerous is actually pretty good.

    As to how insane the military can be you might want to reference the nuclear powered bomber that they once almost built. I hope they almost built that is. A lot of this is still classified.

    2. Private concerns are always trying to dispose of toxic chemicals the cheapest way possible without regard for anything. This crap is turning up everywhere. They found mercury at a couple of local bridges. How did it get there?

    3. There is plenty of evidence that synthetic hormones and pseudo hormones are doing bad things to humans because they are doing bad things to animals and while the FDA seems oblivious to this, biologically speaking, our bodies work the same way the bodies of the species impacted work.

    Modern American males don’t even have half the sperm count their grandfathers had. Nobody ever keep up with the numbers of birth defects relating to the male reproductive system. Gender confusion could certainly be a side effect of what is going on.

    So Obama wants to create an American Version of the SS. Big surprise. The progressives want a private Army, paid for by the Fed Gov., to impose their will on everybody else.

    This is so unconstitutional it just underlines the observations that progressives defecate on the Constitution.

    We already have so many law enforcement agencies most people can’t even name them all and he wants to create an internal Army the size of what we already have. The only reason I can figure out to create such a force is to take on the National Guard.

    There is no sane reason for having a force that size to deal with terrorist unless you regard most Americans as terrorist or as he once said in a speech “the enemy”.

    I guess they have that organization in the department of homeland insecurity. It doesn’t make the a lot of the American people feel safe from threats domestic and foreign but we are slowly learning to fear it and the brutal way it treats citizens. Due process for citizens? Bleep that!Secure the borders? Bleep that! What does it do? Mostly get people more accustomed to being shoved around and treated like slaves.

    For the billions spent on it and all the power given to it the TSA has caught how many terrorist and prevented how many terrorist attacks? I’m coming up short here. Does anyone have a number larger than zero? Surely there were at least one or two cases even if I can’t recall them?

  20. Animby says:

    # 18 Butter Butt said, “If no one can show them over Washington DC”

    Assuming you were being serious – sort of (and I doubt you were) – I believe DC is still restricted airspace.

    # 19 deowll said, “Surely there were at least one or two cases even if I can’t recall them?”

    Nope. Not one. Oh, Nappy said they caught a lot of people trying to sneak weapons onto aircraft. But it seems these were oversights. Not a single one has been arrested for terrorism. I’m hoping (but have little faith) that Congress will defund a lot of the TSA.

  21. Snyde the Remarkable says:

    These contrails are obviously a highly effective means of exposing mental illness in the population of the United States of America.

    Remember, the only way to win is not to play their game.

  22. Butter Butt says:

    #20 Animby said…

    “Assuming you were being serious – sort of (and I doubt you were) – I believe DC is still restricted airspace.”

    Actually I was serious but not for the reason you would think. I was hoping someone would come up with photo’s or a link to some and I was going to call them on it with the restricted air space…

    Well, I’ll try again next time…

  23. freemovement says:

    Look up to the sky on a clear day. Why doesn’t it stay clear all day?

    Water Vapor behind a plane dissipates. Chem trails do Not!

    With all the commercial air traffic in the sky people don’t think much of it. This is why this dastardly deed is ingenious. People spend their days looking at their feet not at the skies. Our country is doomed because of these feet fetishists.

  24. howard beal says:

    too stupid your average art bell caller is more compelling

    its just condensation from engine exhaust check historic photos they have always looked like they do now the variable is in upper atmospheric conditions

    now if you want to go all protesty on contrails look into the science on their possible influence on the greenhouse effect

  25. Milo says:

    How does Ted find the time to fight both this and the massive satanist conspiracy?

    Oh, and he was never “Chief”.

  26. GF says:

    Armchair informers, one things for sure, short on the proof but plenty of hot air.

  27. Animby says:

    # 22 Butter Butt – I apologize for having spoiled your experiment.

    # 23 freemovement said, “Water Vapor behind a plane dissipates. Chem trails do Not!”

    Tell me, BowelMovement – what do you think is in these chem trails that they are able to defy the winds aloft and not dissipate. Maybe they’re SillyString? Poophead.


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