• This Episode’s Executive Producer and sole 270 Club Member: Michael Miller

• Art By: Sir Paul T.

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  1. rabidmonkey says:

    Awesome artwork this time. Kudos to Sir Paul T.

  2. rabidmonkey says:

    I love this show and I am a $5 per month donor. If I get this new job I will donate $500 per month for 4 months total. A double-knight if you will.

  3. jayfyve says:

    Allo Allo!

  4. Dallas says:

    What is that hanging off your neck? Be vague.

  5. Heinrich Moltke says:

    Those are some suspicious looking salamis.

  6. admfubar says:

    which one of those ‘gals’ is adam in drag??? 😛 just teasing!!!

  7. deowll says:

    John is basically right in that salami and the old style bologna they made when I was a kid didn’t require refrigeration. The new style dog crap might be something else.

    The old style bologna was still stuffed in cow intestine and I can remember it hanging from the ceiling in Mr. Ed’s tiny rural store in the middle of the summer with no air-conditioning. If this stuff was going to go bad it would have.

    There was no such thing as air-conditioning in the community though at least one store in town was air-conditioned.

    If you wanted a sandwich or bologna and crackers he’d take a less than sanitary knife and cut you a slice and you could eat it which I did as a young child while the flies flew around our head. You could peel off the intestine or chew it up and swallow which I did.

    This would have been before 1956. I would have been less than six. I guess our standard of living would have passed for third world but we did not go hungry. We raised nearly everything we ate so bologna was a rare treat.

  8. ECA says:

    Guns in the USA..
    Dont consider the numbers.
    Less then 1in10 have a gun..MORE guns are in the hands of the cops, then the people.
    MOST people are not introduced to guns. Only those that have access to them, and the MORE INTERESTING GUNS, have any thought or idea of using a gun.

    If you consider that the average hunter MIGHT have 4 guns. Then a collector has AT LEAST 10 guns. And SOME collectors have HUNDREDS of guns..never used.

    Most GUN crime is from Gangs(?) and idiots that cant figure a way to SOLVE a problem.

    For those that understand. The right to carry guns in the constitution is to CONTROL the government BY THE PEOPLE.


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