A pharmacist at a Nampa, Idaho, Walgreens refused to dispense medication that stops uterine bleeding because she suspected the woman may have had an abortion. The pharmacist invoked the state’s new so-called conscience clause that allows pharmacists to refuse to fill prescriptions for emergency contraceptives and abortifacient drugs, among other things, if they have a personal problem with it.

Last November, a woman took her prescription for Methergine, a drug that stops uterine bleeding regardless of cause, to Walgreens. The pharmacist, suspicious that the woman’s uncontrolled bleeding may have been the result of an abortion, called the nurse practitioner who wrote the prescription to inquire why the patient needed it. When the nurse refused to answer because to do so would violate the patient’s confidentiality, the pharmacist hung up on her and refused to fill the prescription.

Found by CinĂ edh.

  1. Steve says:

    Revoke her license. When she calls to find out why, hang up on her.

  2. robnee says:

    Fire the bitch

  3. green says:


  4. silver says:

    Well nobody ever said people in Nampa were bright.

  5. ellisante35 says:

    Cheeemmmmm Traiiillllss

  6. God, also known as Allah says:

    Ah, I see another one of my admirers is being and ass. It’s all part of my big plan.

  7. Luc says:

    For a more comprehensive view of the problem, read the comments here and here:

    Clearly, the problem is not Wallgreen’s, it’s America.

  8. Publius says:

    Sue their socks off. Only then they will stop the dangerous behaviors.

  9. Crazytown says:

    Just a thought…if you take your orders from a magical invisible floating head in the sky, maybe a science based job isn’t the right fit for you. Just saying.

  10. bobbo, keeping his priorities in order says:

    Animby==you seem to be anti “targeting” those people/functions that are known/suspected of violating other people’s rights. What are you “for?” Random chance instances of such interactions so that the suspected violaters can continue on for months/years before running into an informed citizen?

    Really this position of yours makes little sense. Any/all violaters of laws/rights SHOULD BE targeted–by the police or the public as each is variously informed/empowered/motivated to so so. Their potential “bias” for being so motivated is only matched by the bias of the suspected perps to begin with.

    What kind of a world does your “morality” condone/condemn?

  11. The_Tick says:

    lol The Christian jihad on freedom. Every now and then Bobbo tosses a crumb.

  12. bobbo, the law is what happens whether you like it or not says:

    Animby–oh gosh. If only I could badger you to death with the shallowness of your perception. I would target you for a long exchange until you get it. Given you are a philosophical scientist, it would be fun to watch you admit your faults. THAT I think you would do. Change your actual beliefs or behavior?? Like an alcoholic, that could only come with time, desire, and practice.

    Your faults can be revealed thru a slow process of defining what all these words mean. You very evidently have confused entrapment with sting operations. The line can be close, but “not usually.” I love watching the show “Bait Car.” Nice car parked on street with doors and windows closed but keys in the ignition all wired up to stop running with a kill switch, everything on video. Very TARGETED police activities and just exactly what needs to be done more often. Do you disagree?===before or after your own car is stolen? Car repair, insurance agents, senators, should all likewise be targeted. Violaters of the law should be targeted!!

    Its rather unavoidable–if you are against targeting, then you are “for” the abuse. Surely you can go deeper than your very first impression?

    Your various “rights” issues ignore the well known history and is purely definitional. When women had no vote, was it human rights that needed attending to or moreso the women’s rights? Purely definitional. Don’t quibble.

    I could go on, but I have some Avian Flu attacking my computer making this all very difficult. some kind of corruption going back and forth between ram and the os==what with the os not having enough ram to operate. If I could only find a technician whose morality allowed him to fix Satan’s computer. Ha, ha.

    No, seriously. Very shallow.

  13. bobbo, the name calling analyst says:

    Animby–I apologize for my closing use of the word/concept shallow.

    What I meant was that your analysis is too one sided. I agree the “first rule” is leave other people alone, aka-don’t target them. But as I stated, not targeting people/criminals/miscreants only allows them to continue in their activities hurting people.

    So, as is so often the case, you have to weigh and compare the alternative, not just stick with what is “right” about one alternative. It is a deeper process but calling the opposite shallow too often is seen as name calling rather than as analytical.

    Label, so important.

  14. What? says:

    Are Realtors allowed to refuse to show someone a house because of client’s color or religion?

    People are so full of themselves. Righteous indignation my ass.

    It is just a power trip.

  15. bobbo, the name calling analyst says:

    Ummm–the hidden camera was a set up with actors portraying the couple and the lunch counter was actually a late night bar/meat market type place. It just struck me the bar had a lunch counter look-bad camera angle I think.

    Every time I have been cheated by dishonest repair people I have wished for PROACTIVE consumer protection agencies to actually run sting operations. A loose wire on a compressor does not warrant a 1500 bill for a new compressor that is cleaned and repainted and reinstalled. How can criminals like that be caught except by sting operations===which practically NEVER happen.

    And those creeps on the Predator series. Do you think they should really be allowed to roam free and how are they to be legitimately caught in your world? Daddy happens to come home early one day and happens to be a cop? What?

    Name the value you think is more important than name the value of what you think is being compromised.

    Educate me.

  16. Animby says:

    Bobbo – I can’t educate you. I expressed an opinion. I don’t believe I represented anything as a fact. Opinions are just that. Unsupported beliefs. I believe if you offer someone an easy opportunity to commit an offense, they might take it – even if they have no previous criminal history. I believe that by parking the bait car in South LA instead of Beverly Hills they are profiling the residents of South LA. Hey, I’m all for profiling! But, if you put the bait in an area where the pressure is high to commit a crime, then you are crossing a line. Gosh. If the area is so rife with car thieves, why do you need a bait car? Just set up your cameras and wait. Oh, a television schedule to meet? Crime on demand. OK.

    Those are my opinions. If you feel the need for education, go talk to your clergy. Oh, wait…

  17. bobbo, the name calling analyst says:

    Animby–I’ll post now, but I’m just about ready to pass out after my wine cooler escapade while troubleshooting my failing computer. The ram appeared fried, but then works in another computer, but then doesn’t work in my main computer. Never having cared about $$$, it amuses me that he “fun” way out here is to build a new Sandy Beach based 1155 system for about $800–or limp along and buy some new single DDR ram for 80 bucks. Money. Who knew I’d want some when I ran out of it? Hah, hah!!

    So, what are you saying? Your opinions are illogical and unsupportable but somehow still valid? I think not. I was looking forward to you really skewering me—pinning me to the wall. Am I that much a bull in a china shop? aka the lotus garden? Can you “profile” a community? I suppose so. You are very liberal on what you consider to be “innocent.” A lower standard than you hold yourself to I assume? Wonder why that is??? Not evil, just bleeding heart—just the way a doc should be. We flunkards have higher standards. Ha, ha.

    But, if you put the bait in an area where the pressure is high to commit a crime, then you are crossing a line.//// What pressure? Thats really stupid. What “pressure” is there to steal a car, joy ride for 5 hours, crash it, and leave the scene???? Bleeding heart for sure. Societies don’t work with that kind of free floating invalid humanitarianism. How can these poor victims of society get the help they need if they aren’t caught first????

    Food for thought, or just adulterated rot? Sleep tight dear prince.

  18. Dallas says:

    Yup. This is what I’m talking about.

    The system gets out of control when the nut balls are allowed to have their way.

  19. Seeeing Thingzze says:

    There really needs to be a law about surveillance cameras being placed on the ground looking up.

  20. Animby says:

    #36 Robbie – You take advantage of my jungle locale. Is Sandy Beach the i7 quad core? You claimed you were pining for a quad core machine so, if money is no object, I say go for it!

    But that’s just my opinion and not based on any demonstrable logic.

    Speaking of logic: if the current RAM tests ok, why would you throw new RAM into those slots? Doesn’t your opinion suggest there might be another problem elsewhere?

    Ok. I might be a little sensitive about the baited cars. I have a child who didn’t turn out, can I say? as wonderful as his father. He is, however, as crazy as his mother. He was peer pressured into stealing a car and doing some joy riding. Am I a bleeding heart? I don’t think so.

    I do have a little chest pain now and then but that’s just when the massage is too vigorous.

    Why would you think I would skewer you? Your points were valid. But opinions are not always logical nor defensible. Skewer was a very good choice of words, however. I brought my dinner home: pork and chicken satay from a street stand nearby. I have a friend who works in the food safety division of the FDA. One of these days I’m going to get him out here and show him what street food is really like. For entertainment, he can toss tidbits to the rats. He will have lecture material for years!!!

  21. Steve says:

    #40 If this women owned this Walgreens you’d be right.If she wants to pretend she’s participating in an abortion, she’s stretching a technicality past the breaking point and so are you.Freedom has nothing to do with it.

  22. RSweeney says:

    Another helpful hint:

    Don’t let the ambulance take you to a Catholic hospital if your illness is morally frowned upon.

    I had a relative attempt suicide. I was shocked and you might be surprised at the lack of concern and even direct verbal abuse by supposed professionals at at least one Catholic hospital.

  23. bobbo, the name calling analyst says:

    Well – la, di, da! After 3 days, and after downloading the rma form from GSkill==I’ve got all my old RAM running on a different motherboard.

    So – what looked like a software problem, then a psu problem, then a ram problem was “actually” a motherboard that went bad in some way most likely regarding memory controller?

    I better be careful though, this is how religions get started. Now to look at those big screen plasma’s! Grown up on standard broadcast, and usually only looking out the corner of my eye while doing something else, I’m even thinking of going with a 720p system==it will look great to me and save another 2-300 bucks.

  24. Blind Stevie says:

    Spend the money and get the new system. You will realize it’s the right thing to do the first time you boot it up.

  25. bobbo, how do you know what you know and how do you change your mind says:

    Weren’t the sirens of Phadros also blind? Or was it the sailors needed to be blind (hooded) not to be turned to stone? Too many mixed/half remembered legends.

    Yes, I’m being pulled towards the new system. I spend more time on the puter than anywhere else. That deserves a continuing investment.

    Thanks. Maybe I’ll finally get a system that system restore will work on/or have an OS image that will actually restore the system? That would be nice. Tech just leaping forward and yet still no holodeck.

  26. MikeN says:

    So the woman kills one living being, and wants help to make sure she doesn’t die for it, or is suffer some pain?

  27. Animby says:

    Bobbo – do you really have time for a new hi def TV AND and new ‘puter?

    My vote (as if I had one) is get the new system and forget TV. It will rot your brain faster than ECA’s capitaliZATION.

    I had occasion to watch some documentaries on a friend’s 1080p system. Sure better than 3D! I’d skip the 720 and go straight to 1080.

    Now, you have me in a quandary: Who were the Sirens of Phadros? Sadly, my copy of Bullfinch is in the States. The only sirens residing in my Greek memories were the singing temptresses of Odysseus and Jason. They lived on islands but not the Phadros. The turning to stone bit was the province of the gorgons. Gorgons and sirens were connected to the sea god Phorcys. Poop. I feel a bunch of googling coming on…

  28. bobbo, how do you know what you know and how do you change your mind says:

    Animby–your recollection of Greek Myths far exceeds mine. That memory thing is still working for you. RATS!!!! Everything I posted is wrong–ha, ha, other than the Sirens’ song of financial ruin on the rocks of high end tech. Those Greek Myths are however endlessly fascinating. I wonder at their complexity and have always wanted to take a class on how they arose. Individually, or is there 2-3 main works that created the general relationships?

    I got that oceanic mystical feeling the early morning I hiked up to the top of Mount Olympus in Northern Greece–but I often get that feeling in areas of historical note.

    Ooohhh–there’s a flip HD videocam==size of a cigarette package with 4 GB flash memory. $139. Whadda deal! Get away from me you filthy siren!

    Hey==I’ll dump on Mikey too: what killer hasn’t been concerned for their own health?

  29. Animby says:

    Roberto – blame it on my misspent youth. Instead of taking a useful language, I studied Latin! Most of the Roman mythology (I’m sorry – religion) was based om the Greek myth… err, religion. I was fascinated by it. Should have become a preacher. Uh, mythologist. I have worn out several copies of Bullfinch’s book. I also have the advantage in this discussion of having recently (last week) read a retelling of The Odyssey entitled The Lost Books of the Odyssey. Not as good as Homer’s tome but much more readable.

    Get that Flip (but not the Kodak clone). A friend and I each bought a camera at the same time. She got the Flip, I got a fancy dancy Sony at 3 times the price. I’ve been jealous ever since. (Mine was advertised as coming with 12 GB of memory. But, when I got the package home, it was three 4GB memory sticks! Somehow, I felt ripped off.)

  30. Animby says:

    Pardon the early termination there. Not sure what happened.

    I wanted to add the Flip had pictures every bit as good as the Sony, was easier to use and faster to transfer images. The one way the Sony excelled (and Flip may have figured it by now) was to get still photos from the video. Oh, and the Sony has a 20X optical zoom. But, you ever tried using that long a focal length in a tiny handheld? Anything over 5X or 6X you need a tripod.

    You climbed Mt Oly, huh? I’m jealous. Prior to moving into Kosovo, I was living in Macedonia. I did get into Greece several times but my one chance at Olympus was rained out. I can’t tell you how many times I heard a variation on “the gods are angry”. Still beautiful to look upon.

    If you’re serious about studying the mythologies, you can do no better than to read Bullfinch’s even though the book was written in the 1850s. I just did a quick search and find it’s printed on line at (This link is to volumes 1 & 2. Vol 3 was Arthurian legends and 4 was legends of Charlemagne.)


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