A pharmacist at a Nampa, Idaho, Walgreens refused to dispense medication that stops uterine bleeding because she suspected the woman may have had an abortion. The pharmacist invoked the state’s new so-called conscience clause that allows pharmacists to refuse to fill prescriptions for emergency contraceptives and abortifacient drugs, among other things, if they have a personal problem with it.

Last November, a woman took her prescription for Methergine, a drug that stops uterine bleeding regardless of cause, to Walgreens. The pharmacist, suspicious that the woman’s uncontrolled bleeding may have been the result of an abortion, called the nurse practitioner who wrote the prescription to inquire why the patient needed it. When the nurse refused to answer because to do so would violate the patient’s confidentiality, the pharmacist hung up on her and refused to fill the prescription.

Found by CinĂ edh.

  1. stopher2475 says:

    Am I wrong but the way the article reads if she was taking this do to an abortion, which we don’t even know, the abortion would already have happened. In which case this isn’t a moral objection to stopping a course of action. It’s retribution against someone’s action already taken. This wasn’t going to stop any hypothetical abortion.

  2. One lung says:

    How does a person living in a state named I da ho get the gall?


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