This one might be a little too obvious. Har!
Found by CinĂ edh.
By hhopper Saturday January 15, 2011
Found by CinĂ edh.
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Pedro’s garage
So *that’s* a Jack Hole!
“Dumb Ass”
is it ‘a hole in one’, or ‘one in a hole’?
Q: What’s the difference between Barney Frank and a donkey in a well?
A: One has an ass in his shaft….
Put down your Slurpee and help me out of this hole, Mr. Elephant.
Depending on your slant,
MSNBC or Fox News, Where There Is Always a Camera Pointed at an Asshole
my dad said he said hee haaaaw hheeeehhhhaw waysss said don’t go down that hole you jack ass