– This Episode’s Executive Producer: Sir Dave Hoffman N3PRO
– This Episode’s Associate Executive Producers and 269 Club Members: Ameeta Goss, Kyle Ferencz
– Associate Executive Producer: Eric Gray
– Art By: Sir Paul T.

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  1. colismo says:

    On the subject of threes I see three problems with the show as it’s evolved:

    3. The show is content to just play clips of lowbrow news anchors saying outrageously stupid things. NA used to filter static to get behind the ‘real news’ now it just finds the noisiest static.

    3. Adam is now the dominant partner. Every story has a crackpot angle and we get less buzzkill.

    3. The arcane language has become too opaque. It puts off new listners.


  2. msbpodcast says:

    I must admit I am irked by the hosts failure to eliminate these single point of failure communication problems.

    I would have both Verizon and ComCast hooked up to 1Gb/s LAN networks in both houses.

    I’d also have a satellite disk for pulling down media.

    Your bread and butter comes from this. Its worth doing it right.

    And C’mon Mr Dvorak, don’t just phone your participation in. (Well, actually you have to, don’t you? 🙂 Some of us like your part of the banter.

  3. Deadpan411 says:

    Not saying your wrong on your evaluation of Obama’s speaking habits, but referencing Mussolini???<—-You're old.

  4. deowll says:

    John needs to push back more. More give and take. We don’t need monologues. The question is can Adam do that without getting mad or grabbing the conversation.

    The other thing is I was off due to snow and I knew more about the killer than either John or Adam. I read the police reports I found on the drudge report. I listened to video’s of people who knew him. This guy was not a fan of the news or talk radio. He was interested in grammar, didn’t like paper money, the flag, was an independent, didn’t vote in the last election and had read the main book written by Hitler, as well as Marx’s. He was deeply concerned about mind control. He was seriously out of tune with the rest of world. He couldn’t get a girl friend or a job which upset him a lot. He freaked people out.

    Anybody that thinks this guy was dancing to somebody’s tune other than his own is ignorant or in need of a mental examine.

    It may well be that society is remiss in not getting people like this evaluated and at least prevented from purchasing a firearm however guns aren’t nearly as effective at killing large numbers of people as something else most people don’t think of as a weapon and can be obtained even by most children. Since it was used in the largest mass murders in this nation and I don’t want people shifting over to using it I’ll shut up.

  5. Tom says:

    I think it is time for No Agenda to go away permanently. It has lost its edge and is also no longer relevant.

  6. BigBoyBC says:

    Adam is always whining about his finances, he seems to live rather high-on-the-hog for being broke. Although Mickey could be paying for everything, which makes him a douche-bag.

  7. nicktherat says:


    my album art for this episode 😀

    heehee, see all of the comments here are fom haters. they listen to all the eps and post about how the show sucks. its strange. maybe they like crappy podcasts? i for one still love it and get a few tidbits of info out of every episode.

    Its not like you HAVE to listen or PAY for anything!

  8. ECA says:

    I like my ISP, and they have LEARNED to like me.
    But it took them 2 months and replacing the WHOLE LINE to my home(4 blocks to the main line) to know about it.

    I lost connection..
    They BLAMED my modem..Suggested I get a NEW ONE..
    I GOT NEW ONE, and it wasnt connecting to THEIR SERVICE. They tested the line 3-4 times with THEIR equipment and decided to change it ALL OUT.
    STILL had problem with new modem, tested OLD MODEM and it Worked..so I complained about all that had happened..
    Searched about my NEW DOCSIS3 modem and found that MOTOROLLA had screwed up the modem, and needed to FLASH the modem.
    Everything worked great.

    Im also the first person to CALL them when there is a problem in the area. ANY STORM/WEATHER CHANGE/WIND over 40mph, knocks OUT THE AREA.

  9. ECA says:

    the main reason to change the 4 blocks of cable to my home? SQUIRRELS LOVE PLASTIC.

  10. The_Tick says:

    @ #8, perhaps they are just reconstructing the podcast so others don’t have to.

  11. ECA says:

    civil discourse= AGREE WITH ME or I wont DEAL with you.

  12. Mick Hamblen says:

    Dear Sir Paul T
    I see no difference from your artwork that adorns this podcast than SarahPACs picture targeting politicians with gun site crosshairs. Kindly cool the violent imagery.

  13. John Galt says:

    Mick! # 13 May i suggest get an appointment with your doctor as it is clear to me that you are a delusional paranoid duchebag! and ill give you my reasons for saying that
    1. Sarah P ? to blame for it ? really ? come one next you will say that GE and FORD to be locked up for killing people every day in car accidents!
    2. OPEN your eyes the art is not about recent events its about lucid dreaming!
    Come on now. Check your facts before you start giving all this rubbish and associating Paul T with you Political Ideology that is probally based on 10 min of total research time and 10 hours of FOX news .
    Now can you do me a favour and have a closer look at the picture, perhaps with some glasses this time!

  14. non-hater says:

    “I dont like the show” – Hurdurpdurpdurp
    “just stop the show” – trollolololololol

    in polite words to the trolls: ______ off

  15. Mick Hamblen says:

    John Galt:
    Knife + Blood = Violent imagery. There are crazies who might take this ‘art’ the wrong way.

    FOX News? Me? I don’t watch Broadcast TV much less cable. I despise Rupert ‘Emperor Palpatine’ Murdock and his foul network

  16. B. Dog says:

    Dreams are like Mohammed’s Radio.

  17. The_Tick says:

    Well, it looks like you guys are on the way to radio success a’la Rush Limbaugh.

  18. #1, 2 I’ve never understood why anyone who does not like this show listens to it in the first place. Makes no sense unless that are really disturbed. And since you two are the first commenters, you must really get to it fast!

    As for a satellite lash-up. Have you ever tried using Skype over a down-link like that? It’s not possible. Geez.

    As for living high on the hog, Adam drives an old Saab and rents his accommodations. Hardly living large. SO what if he complains about it?

    No matter what the naysayers say, I know of no better 4 hours of podcasting a week than this show. Nothing compares to it.

  19. gildersleeve says:

    Time Warner cable sucks. Well OK – but is there a GOOD cable service out there? Name one please.

    BTW I blame all the copper. Need fttp all round.

  20. Butter Butt says:

    Thought I’d give the show a try again…

    It’s bad enough they break up their clips with commentary so it’s hard to follow but does Adam have to try adding ‘cute’ voices for comic relief…

    I wish they would consider letting the portion of the clip they are highlighting play and after their comments and jokes after. It’s just hard to follow when the break it up in the middle of a sentence to make a joke…

  21. Somebody_Else says:

    @#19 Dvorak

    I used to really enjoy the show, but I have to agree with #1’s comments. The show has turned too crackpot for me.

  22. coolismo says:

    I’m stunned John #19, I’m a fan and a donor and am apparently ‘disturbed’ because of offering some show crit. Not so ‘open source’ when it comes to notes and crits then.

  23. trip1ex says:

    Haven’t listened to the show in awhile. I got turned off once you went to the play a CSPAN clip and rant about their choice of words angle.

    LIked it better when it was more about your personal experiences. Adam about piloting, airports, mtv days, living in europe, differences between europe and us etc

    John about tech and wines and eateries and his 2 residences and wife driving by the volcano and once in a great awhile a story about his son using this or that tech. Rants on Comcast.

    I’m sure you still do some of that, but when it became more Rush Limbaugh it got boring. STick to your circle of competence.

    Haven’t listened in 6 months or more.

  24. Danielle says:

    I’ve had my fair share of cable companies and I can feel your pain. I finally moved to Denver and decided to give satellite a shot and it’s been a tremendous stress reliever. I don’t have to worry about any TV issues because I know that I get the best value possible. DISH Network has ranked #1 in Customer Satisfaction amongst all TV and satellite providers and there is a reason for that. DISH also provides 100% digital programming everyday, nationwide. I always recommend that people try out DISH Network and I am inviting anyone who comes across this post to explore the endless possibilities with DISH Network and experience a value unheard of by any other TV company!



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