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Dead Cat
Everyone told Bob that a blind man couldn’t be a taxidermist.
Everyone was right.
You never know when your laxative will kick in…
Ohhhh!! I smell chicken!
Like a deer caught in the headlights!
someone get adam curry down from there
An example of work that shouldn’t be outsourced. The best taxidermy is done in Wisconsin.
Look what can happen when you artistically combine crushed up coffee cups and left over back hair!
Havens to Mergatroid, exit stage left!
I don’t think that lynx is just resting.
The Cheetos cat is real life!!!
Looks like Joan Rivers and this cat have the same plastic surgeon!
I did…I did…I did see dat puddycat!
Seussification: (see photo) A new trend in cosmetic surgery for the house pets of the overly wealthy.
“The Real Cougars of Beverly Hills”
Hey Doug.
What did the TSA do to fluffy mommy?
exit. stage left.
tru tv’s new show, taxidermy gone wrong.
… Maybe I shouldn’t have smoked that much catnip…
Are you sure this isn’t your cat?
Sara Palin trys on new coat, on national TV.
It’s pining for the fjords
I can has cheezburger, now?
Adam Gives It To Me Good on No Agenda!
WTF! I was just getting lucky and some guy comes up and shoots me.
” This will look great over the fireplace “
Is that the cross eyed possum?