1. poindexter says:


  2. deowll says:

    Dead Cat

  3. Grae says:

    Everyone told Bob that a blind man couldn’t be a taxidermist.

    Everyone was right.

  4. Mac Guy says:

    You never know when your laxative will kick in…

  5. hhopper says:

    Ohhhh!! I smell chicken!

  6. rcool says:

    Like a deer caught in the headlights!

  7. nicktherat says:

    someone get adam curry down from there

  8. Unplugged says:

    An example of work that shouldn’t be outsourced. The best taxidermy is done in Wisconsin.

  9. birdzetf says:

    Look what can happen when you artistically combine crushed up coffee cups and left over back hair!

  10. FRAGaLOT says:

    Havens to Mergatroid, exit stage left!

  11. Snyde the Remarkable says:

    I don’t think that lynx is just resting.

  12. Elmer says:

    The Cheetos cat is real life!!!

  13. Watt Facelift says:

    Looks like Joan Rivers and this cat have the same plastic surgeon!

  14. FatCat says:

    I did…I did…I did see dat puddycat!

  15. Donal says:

    Seussification: (see photo) A new trend in cosmetic surgery for the house pets of the overly wealthy.

  16. one plastic surgeon says:

    “The Real Cougars of Beverly Hills”

  17. JCDFan says:

    Hey Doug.

  18. BigBoyBC says:

    What did the TSA do to fluffy mommy?

  19. bob onthis says:

    exit. stage left.

  20. oplama says:

    tru tv’s new show, taxidermy gone wrong.

  21. I says:

    … Maybe I shouldn’t have smoked that much catnip…

  22. padillald says:

    Are you sure this isn’t your cat?

  23. George Calin says:

    Sara Palin trys on new coat, on national TV.

  24. Hastur says:

    It’s pining for the fjords

  25. JC Wise says:

    I can has cheezburger, now?

  26. Rich says:

    Adam Gives It To Me Good on No Agenda!

  27. mattb5 says:

    WTF! I was just getting lucky and some guy comes up and shoots me.

  28. atlassheepdog says:

    ” This will look great over the fireplace “

  29. VP says:

    Is that the cross eyed possum?


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