The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Verizon iPhone Announcement
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  1. CrankyGeeksFan says:

    Until the supposed iPhone 5 release this summer, the Verizon iPhone will sell best in New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles especially in the areas of West Hollywood and Hollywood (bad signal there).

    Question: Does anyone know how Verizon’s CDMA/EV-DO Android phones perform there?

  2. Chris says:

    Getting my popcorn ready for when the Verizon network feels the crush of the iPhone and users start to wonder how their network suddenly got so bad. AT&T has been treading water, building their network as fast as they can and are still going to be best positioned to deliver high data demands to customers.

    AT&T even did a study and found that the data demands of an AVERAGE iPhone user (let alone the vocal crowd who has been salivating for a Verizon version and likely high data users) and iPhone users use 8X the data of your average smartphone user (e.g. Blackberry, Droid – in other words, your typical Verizon customer) and 30X non-smartphone users.

    It’s good being in the middle of you country where AT&T service is very good 🙂

    [And you think Verizon is not aware of this? – ed.]

  3. gildersleeve says:

    Gah this is frustrating. You apple folk complain about the phone service and blame AT&T? Wasn’t it Apple that chose the vendor, not the other way ’round? Face it – you’ve got clever expensive toys with bad cell phones attached to them. There are better phones that cost way less. I have to agree with the other observers saying Verizon will groan under the traffic these turds produce. True – AT&T isn’t the service it oughta be, but seems to me the problem has been Apple all along.

  4. Grandpa says:

    Hilarious. Thank you for posting it. I bet ATT appreciated it also.

  5. rabidmonkey says:

    Best show on tv these days – thanks fer the laughs.

  6. Buzz Mega says:

    Funny. Not science; humor.

  7. txbd75 says:

    As much as I hate AT&T’s network, particularly when I’m on the west coast (Has anyone ever gotten 3G at LAX????), remember that Verizon is from the same gene pool as AT&T – Ma Bell. They all are greedy arrogant SOB’s….. It won’t be much better with Verizon within a year….

  8. Jetfire says:

    #3 “Wasn’t it Apple that chose the vendor” If you knew the history of the iPhone you would know that Apple went to Verizon first. But Verizon wouldn’t give into Apple demands. Apple wanted an fully functional phone and not be crippled by the provider in it’s functions. The want the provider to just provide the pipes and no crapware installed.

    Verizon finally had to give into Apple because Android wasn’t the savior they thought it was. iPhone numbers was making AT&T catch up to Verizon in Subscribers numbers.

    For all you Apple haters, they didn’t change the way Wireless providers operate.

  9. foobar says:

    It’s been iPhone vs Verizon for most consumers.

  10. Dallas says:

    haha That was great.
    (I have an iPhone on ATT) 🙂

  11. Matrons says:

    Can’t watch the video it requires flash and I have an iPhone 4.
    Dumb ass networks.

  12. Gary says:

    We’ll soon find out if indeed it’s AT&T network or perhaps merely issues with the iPhone as some contend.


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