Here is the latest conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. Here is the 2011 Outlook. And what we learned from 2010.

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  1. David says:

    Funny, I was just thinking about this podcast, and suddenly there it was. Any chance Tech 5 will return at some point as well?

  2. mustardtits says:

    I was getting worried, good to see you guys and ya, what happened to t-5?

  3. PhoneBoy says:

    How come the podcast isn’t posted on It’s also not coming in iTunes, etc, either.

  4. deowll says:

    There was snow on the ground in Hawaii. The big island is one tall volcano and it did get snow. Nothing at sea level but up where the astronomical observatories are they had snow. However not to worry the global warming crowd have “adjusted” all the numbers and 2010 was more or less the warmest year on record especially if you live in a big city heat island. What it was actually like outside those locations is hard to even guess about because the numbers have all been adjusted.

    Flooding in OZ seems to follow a 19 year cycle at least according to Piers Corbyn who predicated flooding. The global warming crowd missed this for some reason. They also missed the rough weather in Europe. I don’t think they got the rough weather state side either. The rains are good for coal prices, bad for buyers. Should be good for ag products prices as well. In fact supplies are running a tad short in grain and soy beans.

    I’m moderately interested in super high def tvs from CES or anywhere else.

    The shooter may well have been on something when his picture was taken. He had mental issues and was a drug abuser. He may have been self medicating to use a meaningless term.

    Texas was slightly overspending. However the governor doesn’t think they will have any problems cutting back to balance the budget. No tax increases. Saw that broadcast myself.

    Phone covers good. I don’t know exactly why but some Iphone owners seem to be really good at breaking Iphones.

    They make headphones with Fifty-cent’s name on them among other things. The company seems to be treating him as management which computes because his product makes money for them and he is a major share owner. The headphones seem to be pretty good.

    If the guy didn’t sell I don’t know if he broke a law or not. The guy may even be right that the company is in a position to do some growing.

  5. Dallas says:

    I’m still waiting for the financial collapse predicted for the fall of 2009.

  6. High Karate says:

    Boring and not insightful. Almost like NA, with out the good hair. Now send me TP.

  7. gMitchellD says:

    Just a little bone to pick about the guy deflating his tires…

    He wasn’t. he had an older land rover that requires the 4wd hubs to be locked from the outside.


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