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Found by CinĂ edh.

  1. thatswhatshe says:

    Waiting in anticipation to hear Franken do some stand-up comedy again after deciding to quit the Senate. Fun!

  2. el polo loco says:

    If government weren’t around, the corporations would have no institution with a monopoly on force to corrupt.

    If you stop paying your comcast bill, your cable is shut off. If you stop paying taxes, you’ll be arrested.

  3. Floyd says:

    Alfie: If anyone wants to subvert free speech it’s Comcast, Jones Intercable, and so forth. If they can, they’d be likely to get rid of (note this, Alfie) the church channels and the community service channels so they can replace them with more of the very profitable home shopping channels.

  4. admfubar says:

    ‘Unregulated Capitalism is Fascism.’
    Unregulated Capitalism is Terrorism

    If you wanna see why there needs to be more regulation of business fine the book titled “Big Blue” it is written by a former attorney general from late 70’s early 80’s about the government’s attempted break up of ibm, while a bit boring in the meat of this for most, there moments if insight into how large corporations work that truly frightening.

  5. Animby says:

    I was with him, right up to the point where he said I would be on his side.

  6. gildersleeve says:

    I don’t wanna watch the video – gimme text!

  7. boupierre says:

    Some anecdotal evidence from Canada (Great White North).

    In Canada, we have extreme concentration of cable, TV stations and ISP ownership. Although we have a regulatory framework, the regulators do not appear to be that interested in protecting consumers.

    The result is that the content available on Netflix Canada is a small percentage of what is available in the US. The reason for this is that the purchasers of content in Canada acquire all rights to the content (broadcast and digital), which means that Canadians choice is quite limited.

    Franken is right that a vertical integration will ultimately result in limited consumer choice and higher prices.

  8. chris says:

    #32 “Tax revenues is doublespeak. Unregulated money is quasi-doublespeak. ”

    Not so much. Tax revenues are monies collected by the government through taxation. Unregulated money in politics isn’t a new story, but it was made worse by the Citizens United decision.

    I don’t speak in code.

    #34 “Progressives are a clear and present danger”

    You seem to have inflammatory bowel to mouth disease. I’m pretty sure you’re thinking of the Tom Clancy movie where the President sends in the black ops squad. That is pretty bad, but semi-farcical.

    If you mean the term in a more historical way it refers to speech that is too dangerous to be given protection by the First Amendment. In other words political opinions you disagree with ought to be silenced.

    Either way that makes you a ghastly twit.

  9. SCMProfessor says:

    Did someone forget the laugh track?

  10. El Polo Loco says:


    It may be majority condoned, legalized theft, but it is theft none the less.

  11. Floyd says:

    Alfie is his own laugh track. So is El Pollo Loco, apparently.

    There is no such thing as a free lunch, and the Feds and states have to pay for the workings of government, so we have taxes. Think about it…

  12. tcc3 says:

    Crazy Chicken – its not theft. Its what you owe; the cost to run your government.

    If you think all taxation is theft, please feel free to pack up and go to one of the many tax free Utopias available.

  13. tcc3 says:

    A slave wouldn’t be allowed to leave. As I said before, please exercise your freedom by moving to a tax free Utopia.

    Put up or shut up Alfred. Why would you continue to let yourself be “stolen” from?

  14. El Polo Loco says:

    #52 Does the US government own every piece of land within its borders? If so, that would make this a feudal territory, instead of a republic. The US government does ACT like a feudal state, since you pay RENT, er, i mean, property taxes. If you ever stop paying your feudal lords, serf, you will lose your property and everything on it.

    And pray tell, where would I move? To another serfdom? Or to a country with a majority of people who understand LIBERTY and FREEDOM even less than the serfs who live in the US?

    I’d rather stay here, and try to convince people that we’re not free. At least as long as I still have the right to free speech. When that goes, so will I! Then you’ll be happy to be rid of me! 😉 Will you still be happy to live in the US? We’ll see…

  15. El Polo Loco says:

    #48 You make faulty assumptions: 1. That I asked for these gubment services, and 2. That the free market couldn’t provide these services, or better yet, provide them in a better capacity and at lower prices. You see, the gubment is a monopoly, and monopolies are ALWAYS bad for the consumer. Instead of forcing me to pay for, lets say, schools, the gubment could allow me to choose between home schooling, a private school or their suck-butt public school. You might say, hey, you’re allowed to home-school your kids or send them to private school, but, I’d have to pay twice. I’d still have to pay property tax, then pay for the private school or stay home from work to school them myself. And if I have no kids and never plan to have any, I’d still have to pay property taxes, a large percentage of which goes to paying for public schools.

  16. tcc3 says:

    Crazy Chicken

    Wait, you mean to tell me that there aren’t half a dozen free market, tax free anarchies to choose from? And none of them are better than the US to live in?

    I’m shocked, SHOCKED I tell you.

    You and Alfred make it sound so simple. I figured there must be plenty, if only you had the bus fare to get there.

  17. el polo loco says:


    Care to name them? Or describe their locations?

  18. tcc3 says:

    Wow, you’re not crazy, you’re stupid. You missed the entire point.

    Perhaps you can buy a clue on the free market.

  19. El Polo Loco says:


    No, I got your point exactly. I’m just emphasizing that there aren’t any. That doesn’t mean there never was or there never will be. It just means people don’t understand freedom or liberty, so they continue to live happily under this version of tyranny and slavery because it’s much better than the other tyrannies that are out there. It’s like the house slave comparing his situation to the field slave.


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