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Guy says the zoetrope is the best way to show how animation works. I disagree, the stroboscopic effect is a whole level of complication over the card flip sequence that started the video. I used to make little cartoons via the flip on the corner of my note pads in school. Couldn’t do a zoetrope at all.
Very timely video though now that everything is computer generated which again really goes back to the card flip.
DUH. How did this make the Dvorak blog? Im so dissapointed, and underwhelmed.
Worst Post Ever.
Show is animation different than a regular movie? Regular movie is just 24 still frames per second giving the illusion of movement. Instead of taking the picture you’re drawing it.
Hey, eastcoastcrackpot (#2), do you know how stupid you sound?
I’m not just talking a little “brain fart” dumb.
I’m talking about your posting making you sound like a major “brain damage” idiot.
Who gives a #%^$ about you, your opinion or the horse that rides you.
You’re just making bloviated noise and frankly wasting electrons.
Come back when you’ve got something useful to contribute.
Cute, that’s a good video to put on youtube because a lot of young people won’t know and this is something not likely to be taught by the schools because it isn’t likely to appear on the tests by which the teachers and admin of the schools lives or dies.
#4 Animation is equivalent to photographing live action when you use high shutter speeds. Film shot at 1/1000 of a second 24 frames loses a lot of motion information. If you shoot at 1/30 of a second 24 frames you retain motion information.
This motion information shows up as blur. Blur occurs in the living photography of your eye. Wave your hand back and forth in front of your face there will be blur.
Blur also is responsible for “rods.” (Google rods images)
Blur can also explain why 9/11 video from the Pentagon doesn’t show too much. It was not a high speed shuttered camera. (Video cameras do have shutter speeds.) This sounds like a good Mythbusters project.
“Here we are at Alameda Naval Air Station with our remote control 757……..”
@#3 Zoetropes, flipbooks, 24 FPS, I find it completely underwhelming.
@#5 I stand by my statement.
I may be “brain damaged” but I am not impressed with this post. I’ve Been reading Dvorak’s work for a couple decades.
#8–crackpot==still no why. Then how about what is the last thread you did like and why?
bobbo I listed my reasons.
I like many of dvorak blogs posts.
I couldn’t really put a finger on the last thread I liked.
I found this one to be underwhelming.
absolutely a cool post… nice find.. pixar thinking out of the digital box and into the analog one. great twist on an old concept..
eastcoastcrackpot, I obviously didn’t give you enough capacity to feel whelmed, which accounts for your whiney demeanor. Sorry about that.
This zoetrope is on display at Disney California Adventure in the Animation building. It’s always a crowd pleaser. You hear a lot of “whoa!” and “wow” from the kids when it spins up to speed and the strobes turn on.
# 7 WmDE said, “Film shot at 1/1000 of a second 24 frames loses a lot of motion information.”
And that was why early CGI animation looked so bad. One precise image after another with no motion blur. Seems illogical that we need imperfect images to convey reality.
Speaking of reality, I’ve never seen models used in a zoetrope before. The cowgirl doing the in and out with the lasso was sexier than my exwife. Certainly moved more.
Thanks. i had no idea there was a Ghibli Museum. I love that studio’s animation. It makes Disney look like cheap Scooby Doo cartoons. Next time I am in Tokyo, I am going to make sure I visit there.
If you watch one Studio Ghibli, then start with “Spirited Away”. That is a beautiful movie. Beautiful artwork and very imaginative.
#14 – Animby, regarding ex-wife. Did you have the strobe light properly adjusted?
#16 WmDE – I strobed, probed and disrobed … there were no signs of life.
Reminded me of the discount bordello above the mortuary:
“Hey, Festus! Send up another ‘un. This’n’s full…”
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