Found by CinĂ edh.

  1. foobar says:

    Disaster porn.

  2. msbpodcast says:

    Well, so much for Australia never having any rain.

    I wonder what the train tracks look like on the Null Arbor plain right now?

  3. God, also known as Allah says:

    aaaaaaaah……… sorry, I couldn’t hold it any longer.

  4. Jetfire says:

    That’s some great co-workers they have there. We’ll just take videos of your car getting swept away and not tell you.

  5. podman says:

    @ #2
    The train tracks on the Nullarbor Plain look like train tracks.
    This flood is over 2000 kilometres away from there.

  6. Zybch says:

    #4 So if they did tell you, just what would you have been able to do…

  7. Zybch says:

    Just so you guys can get an idea of the size of the flooded area, currently 62% of the state is flooded (1,148,638 square km2).
    To put that into perspective California and Texas combined is around the same area. (423,970 / 696,241 km2) so thats a freaking HUGE area under water right now.

  8. No Fly Zone says:

    Is that the Tweed River? I remember the nice town.
    Queensland’s rainy season corresponds to the same time of the year as California’s…

    I don’t think I would have parked so close to the river.

  9. noneofyourbusiness says:

    “Should we move our cars?” REALLY?? YOU HAVE TO ASK???? No, dumb-ass leave it there to make a great video.

  10. ECA says:

    they have time to video the PAIN..
    but not the time to Run around and warn people TO MOVE THEIR CARS..

    For those KIDS that have ever dug HOLES in the ground with a water hose. You should understand what a SMALL amount of water can do..NOW magnify by 1000-10,000 times the water and FORCE.

    to these idiots, and the FEW buildings they were IN/Watching…THANKS (for nothing except an insurance bill)..

  11. Jetfire says:

    #6 He said in the video he’s glad he parked on the other side of the building. As the cars started to being over taken by water, he ask should we move the cars. I would told the people to move their cars right away and make that place a no parking area just to be safe.

  12. anon says:

    #7 – No Fly Zone:
    >Is that the Tweed River?

    Nah mate. The Tweed is like 150 miles away. Toowoomba is at the top of a mountain range, it isn’t even on any rivers. What’s in the video is officially a “creek”, but really it’s just a stormwater drain, that has overflowed from an hour of heavy rain (I think about 3 inches or so).

    The eastern half of the town drains through this little drain, so it’s literally a flash flood caused by inadequate infrastructure (obviously heavy rain isn’t unusual in Queensland).

    BTW, cars washing away is nothing. The news yesterday had footage from other towns of houses literally washing away in the flood waters…

  13. God, also known as Allah says:

    Everyone in the area (except Sandra) knew that the cars were in danger. The news quickly spread throughout the building while that Michael was recording, and he knew it. Anyone who wanted to, had ample opportunity to take the risk to save their car. Ye are so quick to judge on so little evidence.

  14. sargasso_c says:

    Australia is big, flat and has few natural river systems. It floods from time to time. Parked cars are however, not a natural phenomenon.

  15. No Fly Zone says:

    Of course, I was thinking of Murwillumbah.. but, it is downstream though… At least the Tweed is a real river…

    I do remember driving to Toowoomba… you’re right, it’s on the top of a high platau/mountain. wow! I bet the water really drains fast!!

  16. Cursor_ says:

    Toowoomba? Dude I loved their Tubthumping song, but this video is lame.

    They need to stick to music.


  17. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    Bad day to sleep in.

    It would be “fun” to see the survey of everyone that lost their car that day:

    1. “When did you become aware that it was raining heavily?

    2. When did you first think that the rivers where/might start flooding.

    3. When did you first think your car was in a bad location?


    Ha, ha. Stoopid Hoomans.

    I’ve learned “never” to buy a house in the “low spot” of any area. Irritates me I inherited a house in the lowest spot of a drainage system. Water regularly comes up 6 feet to the foundation of my house. Really wouldn’t take much to come up another few feet.

    Flood areas should be ZONED against residential areas–they should all be parks and recreation/green zones===or even parking lots. Just more wealth transfer from the poor to the SUPER rich and government aiding the process.

    Silly Hoomans.

  18. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    Brisbane, Oz’s 3rd largest city now under threat. Of course, a “well contructed” skycraper should take a flood very well – but totally saturated ground is a very real threat to a heavy structure. Tilt.

    Rain in the desert? AGW? Naaaaaaaaaaaaaa! But it rains everywhere so whats the issue. Ha, ha.

  19. Speter says:

    In Perth we are under heavy water restrictions and have a save 60 litres a day program active (even though we have huuugge underground supplies, but shhhh don’t tell anyone or we cant scare the people into compliance)

    Ironically watching that video on the Chanel 7 website showed a “save 60 – have you reached your target?” advert. oh the insensitivity of automatic rotating ads…

    we had some huge storms last year but nothing of this calibre. Some dude is sitting on our roof fiddling away with his haarp i rekon.


    Info about Perth water if anyone is interested:

  20. Brian says:


  21. *wingz* says:

    Well – The town is 3/4 of the way up a small plateau. The whole ‘uphill’ area – about 30 square miles – received 150mm (6 inches) of rain in 30 minutes. An amount of rain at least 4 times as much as ever recorded in the area in such a small time since settlement about 200 years ago. The lucky people had less than 2 minutes notice from the start of floodwater to the destructive height of the flood wave – try getting out of your office tower and moving your car in less than 2 minutes – especially when there has never been a flood in teh area in anyones lifetime.

  22. ECA says:

    WOW, what an excuse for the insurance companies..

    YOU KNEW it was happening..and you didnt MOVE YOUR CAR to a safe place.. NO CLAIM.

  23. Glenn E. says:

    One aussie woman said this was worse than the last time she remembered it happening. 36 years ago. Did they have global warming / climate change, back then too?

    The Tv networks have been guardedly blaming all the whole wide flooding on AGW. Guardedly, because if it turns out NOT to be a reoccurring trend, after all, then they’d look pretty stupid for claiming it was. And then a year or two would pass without much happening. As it has before. Apparently AGW likes to skip a few years, just to fool us. Just as “warming” somehow results in colder than average and earlier winters. As well as increased snow and rain, instead of sever droughts. Which the calamitologists would also attribute to AGW. They get their cake and eat it too. To them, both a surplus, and a deficit, is cause for alarm. As long as nature doesn’t conform to their arbitrarily established levels of statistical perfection. We’re doomed!


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