
A cross-border kerfuffle over a popular chocolate treat nearly cost a Winnipeg woman a $300 fine and saddled her with a bureaucratic headache.

Lind Bird was recently stopped at the U.S. border and selected for a random search of her vehicle. She was warned she could have faced a fine after the customs official found — and seized — her $2 Kinder Surprise egg as illegal contraband.

Bird learned U.S. authorities have banned the candy because they come with a plastic toy inside that could, if eaten, choke a small child.

  1. One Big Game says:

    Never mind US Customs
    Its lucky she was not snagged by Canada Customs
    It could well of gone on for years
    resulting in appeals at high end Ottawa government levels then dismissed arbitrarily with the civil servants never being held to account in any way manner or form
    Yet the graphs and charts for departmental assessments and bonuses are always facing upwards
    One giant sink hole
    Its like rearranging desk chairs on the Titanic

  2. RSweeney says:

    Sadly, a lot of little people want to wear big shoes.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:


    … or big undies.


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