cnet news

At a press conference in New York City today, Verizon said it will soon begin selling Apple’s iPhone.

The device will be available on its network starting in early February, COO Lowell McAdam said to a gathering of press at Lincoln Center. It’s the same model iPhone 4 that AT&T and international carriers currently sell except that it connects to the CDMA network instead of GSM.

Starting on February 10, a 16GB model will cost $199.99 with a two-year contract, according to Verizon Wireless’ Web site. The 32GB model will sell for $299.99. An extra feature Verizon will offer is the phone’s ability to be a personal Wi-Fi “hot spot.” Up to five Wi-Fi devices can connect to the Verizon iPhone at one time.

  1. Cursor_ says:

    Well if it connects to CDMA it could be used for Sprint, Boost, Metro PCS and John’s fav TracPhone (the disposable phone people).

    NOW the iPhone will be able to take over the mobile space in the US. Until now it would have never made it. They should have done this at version 3.


  2. Improbus says:

    Whoop T. Doo. This is only of interest to the Cult of Steve.

  3. sargasso_c says:

    CDMA will never again be this interesting.

  4. scandihoovian says:

    wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo…..i mean..who cares? I just moved from an iPhone to an Evo and could not be happier! the luster of the iPhone has faded.

  5. foobar says:

    I wonder if John C will bet Leo Laporte bottle of Merlot on sales numbers? Or Zin? Or Cabernet?

    I’m starting to get thirsty for some reason…

  6. foobar says:

    On a slightly related note. I’m busting out of my current plan since I’m moving and now swear I will never use a locked phone again.

    Anybody else moving to or already moved to the unlocked way of life?

  7. Joe Dirt says:

    meh…no big deal.

    but the hotspot feature would be nice on at&t…too bad they would charge another $20/mth for this feature.

  8. Angus says:

    Great! Now the complainers will jump ship, complain about Verizon Coverage, and leave the rest of us at AT&T with a better network!

  9. What? says:

    This is a sign Apple needs more customers as Android has begun eating them alive.

  10. Eric says:

    The unlimited data plan is $30 compared to AT&T’s at $20. The tethering is $20 extra on top of that.

    The way I see it, the extra $10 is Verizon making you pay for tethering whether you use it or not.

  11. jescott418 says:

    As a long time Verizon customer. I like the news. But I’m waiting for the details. Like cost of plans, early termination fee’s, and any Data caps.

  12. gquaglia says:

    Wow a tech article. Haven’t seen too many of these here anymore.

  13. gquaglia says:

    This is a sign Apple needs more customers as Android has begun eating them alive.

    Really? I see it as a natural progression of their product. Last time I checked, Apple was one of the most successful companies in America.

  14. rottinapple says:

    Aaannd… let the fan boy whining and defending commence.

  15. Grandpa says:

    Wow, boy this is big news huh! I have a Verizon Incredible and like it….alot. Non news like this just wastes our time.

  16. Dave T says:

    I just bought an ATT iPhone on Jan 1. I live in the burbs of Chicago and ATT has been fine, even bumperless.

    ATT has unlimted minutes, texting, but data was $15 per month for 500 mb and $25 per 2 gig with an extra $10 per gig if you go over. No more unlimited.

    I do hope the verizon news forces ATT to change the data plan back to unlimted.

  17. Named says:

    6 foobar,

    Meh. CDMA is crap anyway. It’s available in the following countries: USA, Canada, South Korea. That’s some real contiguity there.

    Being unlocked is great. Especially if you travel. In Europe, you can just hop onto whatever network gives you the SIM card and rate you like. In the US and Canada, you need to prove you’re not a commie/pinko/fascist/terrorist by providing a credit card and a 24 month contract. BTW, did you know that in Europe incoming calls are free? Even if you are eaten all your credits on a pay as you go plan, you can still receive incoming calls and texts for free? Frickin commies!

    13 gquaglia,

    Ahhhh… Good old America. A company that makes a telephone and five computers is the most successful. Times they are a changing…

  18. CrankyGeeksFan says:

    Are the monetary figures and practices in the 2:06 clip posted below similar to other cell phone carriers? It’s from 2007.

  19. What? says:

    If $15 a month gets 0.5 GB, then why does $10 a month get 1.0 on a marginal basis? Seems like a rip off either way.

  20. deowll says:

    I can’t prove this is valid but Buzoutloud reported that the antenna was not the same. They also said it does not multitask as in the phone feature doesn’t work while you do other things.

    I would simply suggest that you seriously check out what this phone does and doesn’t do before making a purchase. If you’re happy I’m happy.

  21. foobar says:


    Thanks for your thoughts. It makes good sense.

  22. Larry Miller says:


  23. McCullough says:

    Slaves to cell phones….whatever.

  24. What? says:

    Apple is a religion.

  25. Nugget Coombs says:

    # 27 What? said, on January 11th, 2011 at 8:53 pm

    Apple is a religion.

    As is Judaism.

  26. Animby says:

    Didn’t I read somewhere recently that Verizon had just rebranded their entire 3G network as 4G – that is, without actually upgrading the service?

    Buying a locked phone is insanity. I have a collection of SIM cards from everyplace I travel. I save all my contact information to my SD card instead of the SIM. Travel to Laos? Buy a temporary SIM card, slip it into my Nexus One and I’m up and running at local prices.

    The iPhone was a game changer. Like the iPad, the iPod and even the original computers, though NOT original, just highly engineered and usable. The best thing about Apple is they show other companies how to create a need and then meet user expectations.

  27. Bob says:

    What #2 said. I mean, really- who gives a rat’s rear end?

  28. Norman Speight says:

    Notice the way the ‘report’ is written.
    Great prominence given to the intitial cost i.e. $199, which sounds like a great bargain. Until you look at the minimised follow-up of the compulsory 2 year contract.
    You still pay through the nose, but over an extended period with no way of getting out of it.
    Isn’t actually such a bargain after all.
    Of course. You could still opt for the other way of getting screwed, PAYG. Much higher call charges in order to maintain the hidous profits of the ‘providers’. Providers, in this case meaning that you provide for their guaranteed profits for at least two years.
    Remember also. This isn’t ‘new technology’ It’s downright ancient.

  29. Special Ed says:

    Stop by a Microsoft store and try out one of the Windows tablets – what a piece of shit! Mission Viejo store has two steaming piles on display. It is little wonder why the Apple store a few doors away is crowded.


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