This Episode’s Executive Producer: Kevin Liang
Associate Executive Producer: Noah Kuttler
This Episode’s Associate Executive Producers and 268 Club Members: Sir Ara Derdarian, Sir Charles Jordan
Art By: Jesse Anderson

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  1. Buzz Mega says:

    New political term: “Palin Hairs.” Pass it on.

  2. deowll says:

    John, Lawrence County TN has the the biggest snow it’s had in at least the last 22 years. There’s about 6 to 8 inches in the street. Do ya think this is more global warming?

    I never followed Wikileaks. I went to their web site and found nothing of interest and I think the guy is a publicity hound out to make a buck/Euro.

    I’m not all that afraid of being on the TSA no fly list though. I don’t fly. My arms get too tired.

    # Athapaskan: a group of Amerindian languages (the name coined by an American anthropologist, Edward Sapir)
    # Athapaskan: a member of any of the North American Indian groups speaking an Athapaskan language and living in the subarctic regions of western Canada and central Alaska

    I’m assuming that Athabasca is connected to the above.

    Everybody is being stalked every time they go on line.

    The President didn’t have that much to say about the Ft. Hood shooting did he? Oh well.

    When a big news story hits they want to move in their big names lest the bbs become to well known.

    What do you want to bet the guy didn’t pass his mental fitness test?

    Let’s see. Beck is pretty much into non violence. Palin targets people for removal by election.

    The photo is either fake or the woman with her tongue is sticking out is way in front of the woman with the boobs.

    Congress doesn’t care about anything other than themselves. It’s all about them. The judge and the kid are dross to them. As for now I don’t see any reason to think the shooter didn’t act alone but they are going to run around acting like panic stricken cowards and no doubt pass a few thousand pages of laws meant to protect themselves.

    I agree with John, there might be that many perverts working for the government but I’d expect most of them to be too smart to download it on government machines.

    Um, Adam if a plane flies into an armored building and burns why would you expect to find baggage? I doubt if they found any baggage at the twin towers either.

    AT&T has being giving everyone my IP everywhere I go for years.

    The guy at Ft. Hood raised plenty of flags but the PC crowd made sure nobody did jack.

    The guy in Yemen is wanted dead or alive. This is not a new thing. Personally I don’t think he’s in much danger.

    Leave the disaster and move in with friends? Sounds good as long as that is an option.

  3. msbpodcast says:

    Athabasca is an area of prairies in Canada.

    That’s where the tar sands are, where most of the ‘States oil imports actually come from. (Canadians are “Blue Eyed Arabs” to your north. [We don’t exactly feel you pain at the pump. With us the price at the pump is mostly taxes.])

    And the gun nuts/lobbyists and gun control nuts/lobbyists are already starting. Too many links to list.

    Look for this debate to bring on some more regulation which the NRA will render toothless. Americans like their politicians wearing Kevlar™®.

  4. Buzz Mega says:

    I love how deniers can stand up, look you in the eye and state with supreme misunderstanding, “It’s cold out in the winter. Therefore global warming is a fraud.”


  5. ECA says:

    computer and protection..

    LOCK UP EMAIL, so it cant have access to other parts of your HARD DRIVE..

    LOCK UP IE and browsers, so that CANT have access to ANY PART of your computer or its functions.

    MS dont/wont do it.

  6. Somebody_Else says:

    Am I the only one who can’t stand No Agenda anymore?

    It used to be a fun and interesting show, but it seems like it has shifted more towards the crackpot end of the spectrum over time. Most of the stuff Adam brings up is unbelievably stupid. Dvorak is interesting, but there’s no serious counterbalance to his ideas.

  7. Nagaldas says:

    No Agenda was a “must listen to” podcast for a period of time to me. When it started it was f*cking excellent and DIFFERENT.

    But after Obama got elected and Adam’s marriage broke up, for some reason it became far less interesting to me. I maybe listen to one out of three shows now. I get the impression that they are now tailoring the show towards what will get them numbers and donations, as opposed to just doing a show on its own merits. That was what was great about the original show– it truly had no agenda. Now the show HAS an agenda and is formulaic.

    I still get a chuckle from time to time out of some of their bits. Some of the comments in the “doug” episode were quite hilarious. But overall its approaching the shark and a jump could be in the future.

  8. Publius says:

    Curry and Dvorak may like to deconstruct this article. It’s an interview with a CIA agent who not long ago got out of jail.

  9. Uncle Patso says:

    #8 Somebody_Else said

    “Am I the only one who can’t stand No Agenda anymore?”

    Nope. Gave up somewhere around #113. Too smirky, too hateful, too crazy. I get way too much exposure to insane rants on the street and in the comments here; I don’t need to download more and get wheedled to for “donations” for the privilege as well.


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