1. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    wow. That was long and boring.

  2. foobar says:

    I’m so glad that I’m Canadian.

  3. foobar says:

    In Canada, we don’t have the Fed and all it’s bureaucratic rules. We just use the unwritten code.

  4. Specul8 says:

    John: This is the best video I have ever seen on what is wrong with America!

  5. dittmv says:

    Symbolically pushing Hank Paulson down a hole. Wow! It is too bad the cartoon did not include the part about the threats of martial law that exist in the congressional record. Such offenses should more than qualify these people for exile to St Helena.

    Ooh, strong critical words of the establishment… better be careful!

    Somehow I see the sheriff in Pima County responding to this video with, “This is exactly the kind of heated rhetoric that is destroying America. We all need to step back and understand that words have consequences. We cannot have bloggers inflaming the public with those pesky facts. Anything less than a police state is unacceptable. Shut up slaves, you will obey!”

    Good find John!

  6. moss says:

    Yes! Nothing like a 19th Century understanding of 18th Century economics.

    About as likely to be sorted out – to the satisfaction of Libertarian nutballs – as, say, the average American returning to growing all their own food, eliminating wheeled transport and blocking TV broadcasts because of those nasty electromagnetic waves.

  7. JimD says:

    Explaining the Federal Reserve Bank ??? Not “Federal” but PRIVATE, NO “RESERVES”, AND ONLY A BANK A ROTHSCHILD COULD LOVE !!!

  8. deowll says:

    #5 You are so right. Progressives want to be slaves and to make everyone else into slaves.

    They want someone to love them and take care of them like a mommy and they have found it in the government which simply sells them out and pimps them out to the highest bidder.

    Anyone who actually looks at the ~2300 pages of the heath care/insurance package that Nancy P. and Reed passed and Obama signed and thinks the people writing it were doing something other than doing a power grab for the Fed Gov has dementia.

    Worse I find it very hard to comprehend how anyone not utterly brain dead and totally illiterate thinks we the people can come up with the money to pay for this abortion on top of all the other other unfunded liabilities this nation already has.

    It’s like a big slice of the public wants to be badly abused slaves or they loath using their brains to think with so much they prefer to be slaves. How can people be this foolish?

  9. foobar says:

    Just out of curiosity, setting aside all the other silliness. Without the Fed, how would you deal with asset bubbles and liquidity shortages? And don’t say the “free markets”. The US banking industry is as addicted to the Fed like everyone else.

  10. Kahless says:

    I know I’m running a risk here of sounding crazy, but the banks/credit card companies aren’t forcing us to take their money. We have to share a little bit of responsibility for taking on debt we can’t afford.

  11. foobar says:

    Kahless, up to a point. People do have responsibility for their own debt. But conversely, where will you save and invest your money if major institutions hide their risk from you? Most business’, especially smaller (<200), require bank support since they can't maintain a fluctuating pool of liquidity.

  12. ECA says:

    Ownership of ANYTHING, has gone away.
    YOU HAVE no rights of ownership.
    Ever since Property taxes went into place.

    MUCH of this is clear if you look at the cause of WAR. GO to WAR, and get a loan to pay for it..the NATION fell into a trap.
    Nation needed money for the WEAPONS(insted of creating their OWN business/manufacturing/jobs.)

    Then congress voted to GIVE WAGES to the representatives, insted of an allowance for SERVICES RENDERED.

    Then to pay if off, we increase(in anyway/form/cheat/fashion) EXPORTS..the only export the USA has is(???GUESS) FOOD.. WE supply about 1/3 of the food, world wide. We threw out all the agri concepts and Forms of growing and FORCE FEED the plants. The soil cant keep up, so we Artificially FEED and process the food, then ship out what we dont use.

    Do the math.
    USA has 300,000,000
    REST of the world has 4,000,000,000 people. figure that we ship out AT LEAST 10 TIMES THE FOOD that is used in the USA.
    AND we Supply 30% for the rest of the world.
    DO YOU THINK that the other parts of the world PAYS as much as the USA for FOOD? ALSO that we are SHORT on feeding everyone.

    Another point.
    HOW to ship out MORE FOOD.
    Look at your peanut butter. FIND out the amount of PEANUT OIL..its not there. they replaced it with “Modified SOY OIL”.
    Look for SPECIAL products..HOT POCKETS is one. HOW MUCH CHEESE is in most food. Its not real cheese, by any process.
    Hamburger helper..powdered Cheese and noodles.

    Food products are the LAST cut in Export production. CUT everything this nation has, slowly..replace it with FILLERS. replace it with alternative material thats CHEAPER, and CHEAPER.. Take that 1 pound of cereal, make it 10oz and raise the price, and KEEP THE SAME BOX.
    You are no longer eating FOOD, you are being processed, JUST LIKE DAIRY CATTLE. FEED you CRAP as long as you are useful then THROW you away.
    MORE and MORE of our food stocks are being shipped to other nations FOR CHEAP.
    If you live in a farming area…FIND A MILL and see IF’ you can by grain. compare the price from the store. Farmers get about $3 per 1 hundred pounds of grain. Processed and cooked into cereal, you pay MORE THEN $4 per pound.. AND its not PURE GRAINS, there are fillers in 90% of what you are buying.

    This all also goes to IMPORTED GOODS. buying and buying CRAP THAT BREAKS every 1-2 years. ITS MADE TO BREAK. Even the xbox, had a SPECIAL $50 ADDON(it was a FAN) that kept the system COOL..and if you didnt buy it AT THE TIME OF PURCHASE..BAM!! it fried itself.

    Who remembers HOBBY CRAFTS, and being able to REPAIR most goods and appliances? its gone.
    Buying electronics Parts in the USA is like trying to find DIAMONDS on a beach. Whats costs $0.10 in other nations is $10 in the USA. Hobbies are OVER PRICED, like knitting. FIND a cheap skein of yarn and it costs you MORE then the clothes you will make with it. AND IT WASNT MADE IN THE USA, so why is it so Expensive?

    Find your own answers..You wont believe me. There is to much BS running around and the truth ISNT easy to find. ASK your parents and grand parents.

    ABUNDANCE has left the building on a SPACE SHIP FOR MARS..

  13. FRAGaLOT says:

    I know this is focusing about the federal reserve, but it would have been nice if this mentioned the selling bank loans to rich investors. The banks can make quick profits by flipping mortgages quickly, including all those bad “sub-prime” loans they already knew wouldn’t be paid back.

  14. Animby says:

    # 15 msbpodcast said, “kids are obese because the stuff they eat … CANT be digested by any stomach.”

    So, you’re saying the kids are obese because they CAN’T digest the food they eat.

    Isn’t that sort of like saying they get smart because they haven’t studied?

  15. sashley616 says:

    OK interesting and has some good points in places but it really jumps the shark with the Kennedy thing.

    Who was it on the grassy knoll, the commies avenging the bay of pigs, the mob, the CIA, NO it was the federal reserve! Really?

  16. DK says:

    You lost me at JFK. BS.

  17. nilum says:

    I didn’t really think the cartoon was that well done.

    It’s not that I don’t agree with a gold standard (well not entirely), but I don’t think this is the best explanation for why a gold standard is a good alternative to the current system.

    I do think we need to give control of printing money back to the people, and I think banks need more govt. regulation and oversight. Really they just need to be completely transparent to the public. I do not think that the gold standard really helps most people.

    The gold standard mostly helps people with savings. Most poor people don’t have savings, and I couldn’t give a shit about the wealthy.

    The biggest problem, as the video stated(rather poorly) is we are needlessly putting ourselves in debt by borrowing from a private bank.

    We are also making a lot of scam artists and crooks wealthy for contributing absolutely 0 to society. Some people get really mad at govt, but it’s the bankers I would like to string up.

    That idiot Loughner should have went after a banker, not a politician. Politicians are just pawns that can be easily be replaced… if you want to kill anyone it should be the bankers who buy the politicians. But they probably have better security.

  18. What? says:

    Ah, money does “grow” on trees. It is trees, that the Fed turns into paper money.

  19. What? says:

    Gold isn’t worth any more than paper, it is only a substitute for products and services people wish to exchange. The marketplace, and individuals’ wants and needs, determine the “exchange rate” for all goods and services.

    Gold has no intrinsic value, unless you want to “get” with a woman that no one else is giving jewels to.

  20. Ron Paul fan says:

    Nice histroy lesson. All true. Why cant we fire the Feds and have our own mint – pay no interest? Now that Ron Paul is Chairman of the Fed Reserve Committee, will he be able to audit the “FED?” NO. Now they turned his proposal into a joke and made the federal reserve ( banks and European A-holes )more powerful and more control over the countries money and gave him Chairmanship position because as the saying goes, Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Another trick to delay the final end game. REBELLION or SLAVERY. We dont have the balls to fight, we all are sucking up and think were in control- NOT. Open your eyes-see the wool?

  21. Mr Fog says:

    # 22 What? “money does “grow” on trees. It is trees, that the Fed turns into paper money.”

    Could be wrong but I think money is printed on linen ‘paper’ and cotton grows on a shrub – not a tree.

  22. FRAGaLOT says:

    #22 #25

    Yes and many countries have moved onto forms of petrolatum (plastic) based paper money for longevity, and to thwart counterfeiting.

  23. Sea Lawyer says:

    Actually, when dealing with banks’ account at the Fed, it’s just a number entry on a ledger.

  24. Mouring says:

    So.. If I follow this.. Because the Fed and an international banking union exist, and they feed money to both sides in war… and because they create fake money.. and they supply it to our banks… It causes me to make bad choices while shopping for mortgages thus causes me to be living on the street after failure to pay said mortgage…

    And here all this time I thought it was all my fault. Dang… Wonder if I could sue them for causing me to make poor choices…

  25. Somebody says:

    To keep the dream alive, you have to wake up:

  26. Somebody says:

    Then there’s this from Issac Asimov’s “Book of Facts”:

    The federal government keeps billions of dollars – much of it taxes collected by the Internal Revenue Service – in bank accounts that draw no interest. Banks turn around and invest much of these deposits in U.S. Treasury bills, on which the government frequently pays more than 9 percent interest. Incredibly, the government is paying the banks to borrow back its own money.”

    Incredible indeed!

    Of course, it is you, gentle reader, who pays that interest.

  27. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    Somebody–nice link. Starts off pretty boringly: Asia is rising. At 4:30 he also correctly points out the limited role of the UN.

    Most of our ills are obvious and self inflicted.

    The spiral continues to tighten and accelerate thereby.

  28. Mark T. says:

    Well, it looks like someone watched “The Money Masters” and turned it into a cartoon so that even people with incredibly short attention spans can comprehend it. Kudos!

    If you liked this cartoon then go to Youtube and search for the excellent documentary “The Money Masters”.

    This will get you started:


  29. Somebody says:

    The cartoon gets its history right.

    The ending is a bit far-fetched.

    In a country where everyone is for sale, who is going to stand up to the guy who can print money at will?


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