1. admfubar says:

    WTF??? why is the vehicle he is parking in between (yes in between) in two halves???!!!!!!

  2. Mac Guy says:

    So easy, even an ass can do it!

  3. msbpodcast says:

    #1 admfubar, what are you talking about?

    There’s a van in front of the donkey and a small car up the ass’s ass. (See the head lights?)

    And its cheating. There’s no way to swing the front of a car that much. The donkey side-stepped. Try that in a car…

  4. Skeptic says:

    That’s nothing. I have a car that can parallel park. All I have to do is guide it.

  5. Yankinwaoz says:

    And why can’t people parallel park? My god, my GF is so bad that she makes me get out of the car because I start laughing at her and she gets flustered. I mean if you can’t do it in 3 quick moves, then get out one weekend and practice.

  6. Fluffy Rabbit says:

    OK, so the donkey passed the driving test. So did I. But can he pass the written exam?

  7. soundwash says:

    People from new jersey may learn something from watching this video..


  8. Benjamin says:

    I was going to parallel park and my passenger told me to let him out so he could flag me in. I said no and just pulled in. It is not that difficult and I have a big pick-up.

  9. JoaoPT says:

    What happened to good old Revving up and Hand Brake?

    Sissy Mule!…

  10. Tiago says:

    Gotta give up to brazilian for the creativity kkkkk

    But i cant understand the car he is parking, it is a Bugre ( car used to go on dunes with turists ) but the car is broken in half with the back being the front “car” wierd.

  11. Mr Fog says:

    #1, #10 – Every country has it’s hillbillies.

  12. Awake says:

    The title of the video is “Driving School in IrauCuba”. I guess that parallel parking your mule is part of the drivers test in those areas of the world.

    Pay attention, it may be a necessary skill pretty soon now that the Republicans are taking over and likely to take the country backwards another 100 years.

  13. deowll says:

    #12 If we don’t get the national dept under control you will be lucky to be able to afford an ass either way you want to take that. ?8^)

    Countries without an acceptable currency have a hard time doing business and the social safety net is just a fond memory.

  14. UncDon says:

    Now if only my rickshaw driver could do donuts!

  15. Benjamin says:

    How does he signal to the ass to go in reverse?

  16. MySecrets says:

    very funny. I want a mule now!

  17. Ross Matton says:

    No need to wait 10 15 years for the anti drug seniors to die out. The 1960’s generation, the first to smoke weed in huge numbers are already 60 -70 years old.
    The biggest anti-pot group are the DARE generation who grew up during the 1980’s now in their 30’s. The most anti pot, NORML, HIGH TIMES, etc people I know are between 25 -35.
    We do however have to move very slowly or else risk a severe backlash, like in the 1980’s. LASTING change neeeds to be incrimental and more or less off the radar screen. The prohibitionist have a lot more political firepower than we do (currently at least).
    The only way to win is to elect more Pro-reform members of congress.


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