Warning: Language NSFW, depending on where you work.

  1. msbpodcast says:

    Yup, UPS stands for Unbelievably Poor Service.

    Or at least it did until we got a cell phone for our janitor.

    Now the fucker cant skip out on us anymore.

  2. mharry860 says:

    That’s why I won’t order from anybody, who requires a signature.

  3. GregA says:

    Woah, I ordered from Amazon last month, and they shipped a package USPS, and that makes UPS look reasonable and responsive…

  4. Publius says:

    OK but Brown has the sense and decency not to leave my parcels in the grass at the curb below the mailbox near the street.

    Postal doesn’t seem to understand any problem with that approach to my property.

  5. The Watcher says:


    I work mids, and managing to get to the door to sign for something can get interesting, but that’s the worst of it.

    FedEx has mis-delivered at least two packages on me – a nearby street with a similar name and matching house numbers…. One never did turn up….

    Worst, though, was a USPS carrier who was afraid of my cocker spaniel…. In so far as the dog was inside, and he was outside, that never made any sense, other than the rare occasion somebody had to come to the door….

    (He also freaked over some bees nesting in a flower bed near the door. It took a while to get rid of those. Then, naturally, he quit….)

    Then there was the time that I was just about to call a supplier to ask where a package was, and happened to walk out into the garage. Somehow, the UPS driver had put the package in there, in front of my wife’s car, amidst other nearly identical packages…. Whee….

  6. deowll says:

    They’re not perfect but I’m not complaining.

  7. Zybch says:

    Seems pretty accurate, give that its depicts how most delivery services treat their obligation to make sure the package gets to you.
    Its even began to happen to tiny items not needing signatures (DVDs for example) that could easily be placed in my capacious mailbox, but oh no. I walk to my box mid-morning after being home the entire time and get a fucking “You weren’t at home so YOU come to US” note inside.
    Seriously, these bastards don’t even try to deliver items these days. I even doubt that the delivery guy takes them with him, just a heap of ‘we missed you’ notes so we have to go to the extra effort and disruption of having to pick up something we paid to be delivered.

  8. msbpodcast says:

    The USPS is something else, what is to be determined, but it starts with “lousy, lazy-ass mother-fucking bastards” and end in tears and bloodshed.

    I walk with a cane, slowly and painfully.

    Do you think that they ever delivered a fucking package that needed a signature?

    Instead, I have to walk about half a fucking mile, stand in line and wait up to 20 minutes, leaning on my cane and teetering on the verge of collapse, because there is never more than one schmuck manning the four service windows, present some form of ID so I can’t send my wife, oh no, its gotta be ME who shows up in person.

    The USPS in Jersey City is served by blind and deaf troglodyte sloths.

    I avoid using it for anything and pay extra for a parcel service.

  9. ggore says:

    Funny. We have had the same UPS man for several years now, he knows us and all our neighbors and just leaves a package with the neighbors if we’re not home, or sticks it in the truck if its parked out back because it’s always unlocked. It’s one of the great benefits of living in a smaller town.

  10. Cursor_ says:

    On most sites there is a note section that you can leave special instructions to be passed onto the delivery people.

    I know reading comprehension. It is unamerican.


  11. Kalle says:

    I run an online store in germany and ship with UPS.
    There are some occasional problems and naturally there are customers who have problems with UPS all the time, others are glad that we ship with UPS because they have problems with other companies all the time. So in the end it depends on the individual driver whether the delivery service is good or bad. Regarding customer service by phone UPS is by far the best choice – at least here in germany.

  12. Pokemon says:

    UPS works fine for me. It’s Fedex that’s nasty. Their drivers are independent contractors, so if they screw up, Fedex has very little or no liability depending on what happened.

  13. Floyd says:

    Funny video, but the UPS and Post Office people around here (Albuquerque, a fairly large city) do a good job of putting packages where they belong. We don’t do Fedex much, simply because they don’t deliver in our residential neighborhod as often.

  14. Faxon says:

    I only lost one shipment in twenty years of UPS delivery. It was an attempted delivery that was lost when I attempted to pick it up. I talked to my driver on Christmas Eve, and he told me black punks from a rotten neighborhood had a scam going whereby one would solicit magazine subscriptions, and determine which houses were vacant. Then a carload of hoodlum gangbangers would shadow the UPS delivery guy and take all the packages that were left on porches.
    Fuckhead shits. So if a shady character comes to your door asking him to buy a subscription, kick his rotten ass down the stairs and let him know you are home all the time, and love taxidermy.

  15. MikeN says:

    UPS is great. They have tracking that works. They even replaced a computer that was damaged in shipping.

  16. John E. Quantum says:

    The real fun at UPS happens behind the curtain. The sorters have their own special language in which “fragile” means kick hard twice.

    Actually, both UPS and FedEx are good around here. I once had a FedEx driver that knew me and when I wasn’t home, brought a box to my office.

  17. Rich says:

    I’m waiting on the FedEx guy now. I had the option of using UPS but I chose FedEx because they were $5 cheaper. We’ll see if it works out.

  18. Uncle Patso says:

    Yesterday FedEx was bringing me a couple of envelopes had a hard time finding the house (it’s set back quite a way from the street). The shipper included our home phone number so the driver called and asked how to find us.

    USPS, UPS, FedEx and probably all the others have WIDE variations in local service quality. When I lived in Austin, Texas, the local paper did a feature story where they mailed dozens of letters to a local address from various places around town. When the story was published TWO WEEKS LATER, some of the letters still hadn’t been delivered. I knew someone who worked at an S&L who routinely told mortgage customers that if they were ever going to mail their mortgage payment close to the deadline to mail it to their Dallas office rather than the local Austin branch to avoid having to pay late fees. But more recently, when I lived in Louisville, Kentucky, I mailed out our computer user group’s monthly newsletter for a couple of years — during that time every in-town addressee I asked about it got his/her newsletter the very next day.

  19. mysticgeek says:

    Yeah, that is about right when I lived in the city.
    The cool thing now is I live in a rural area and know the UPS guy and he just leaves it in my door.
    However, the USPS service out here is complete ass. Priority mailings get here in 4 days and not the advertised 3. So I never pay extra for USPS shipping anymore.
    That all being said, I think Fed Ex is the absolute best. I have never had a complaint with Fed Ex, they require no signature,and it’s freaky how well their tracking is!

  20. Bud says:

    Let’s see I ordered an expensive HP printer to be delivered to my neighbor’s house (retired couple who would be home to accept my printer). What does the UPS guy do? He leaves the box in front of the door. Doesn’t even knock on the frigging door!
    No here’s the kicker, HP screwed up my order and shipped another printer. Same thing happened again.
    UPS is a piece of work.

  21. Rich says:

    Update- He finally delivered in the evening. I went to bed at 5:00 or so; I estimate he delivered 5:30 or later, so it was dark locally. Maybe he’s Batman?

  22. plumbum says:

    This is how the naperville, Il USPS operates, they suck, there is noway to complain and Im tired of them . I hope they go out of business!


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