Obviously, a candidate for waterboarding.

Saudi Arabian officials have “detained” a vulture on accusations of being a spy for Israel, media reports say. The griffon vulture was carrying a GPS transmitter bearing the name of Tel Aviv University, prompting rumours it was part of a Zionist plot.

Israeli wildlife officials dismissed the claims as ludicrous and expressed concern about the bird’s fate. Last month, Egyptian officials implied the Israeli spy agency Mossad was to blame for shark attacks off its coast.

The vulture, which can have a wing span of up to 265cm (8ft 8in), was caught after it landed in the desert city of Hyaal a few days ago.

When locals discovered the GPS transmitter, they suspected the worst and handed it over to the security forces, said Israel’s Ma’ariv newspaper. Conspiracy theories quickly began circulating in Saudi newspapers and on websites that the bird was involved in espionage.

Found by Brother Uncle Don.

  1. MikeN says:

    Smart move. This is the country that just took out a nuclear program with some flash drives.

  2. Benjamin says:

    It was obviously a wildlife tag. The Israelis should keep in mind what happens to the wild life they tag if it gets into the hands of the irrational.

  3. chuck says:

    “Last month, Egyptian officials implied the Israeli spy agency Mossad was to blame for shark attacks off its coast.”

    Did the sharks have frikkin’ lasers attached?

  4. dittmv says:

    I saw this yesterday and thought, why is Obama wasting his time with a peace settlement regarding the occupied territories. All of these governments need to slapped across the face and told to shut up and behave. If the Israelis wanted to spy would they not use something called a satellite that would provide much more useful information.

    Clearly the governments of the mideast need to be at each others throats to justify the continuation of tyranny like Bush and Obama with terrorism and the previous Red Scares.

  5. Zybch says:

    Perhaps the vulture knew Doug.

  6. billabong says:

    The governments of the Middle East have tremendous fear of the technological capabilities of Israel and the U.S.They view a lot of our tech as “magic”.

  7. Yankinwaoz says:

    Once everyone realizes the truth out the Israeli-Palestinian conflict the sooner we can get to a solution. For Christs sakes, it has been over 60 years now and it is still going on strong.

    The truth is simply that the kleptocracies and dictatorships that rule the Middle East and Africa need this conflict in order to stay in power. They know that they can keep this low to mid level conflict going because Israel is not going to invade and kick the rules out any time soon. They use this an excuse for their own corruption, lack of rights, and lack of development. They wear the cloak of “Helping our Arab or Muslim brothers” to deflect internal criticism.

    Islamic leaders use the Palestinians as muslims as an excuse for their power grabs. Arab leaders use the Palestinians as Arabs to justify their hold of power. Hezbollah in Lebanon uses the conflict as their excuse for a private army.

    Factions with Palestine, the PLO and Hezbollah and Hamas, use the conflict to justify their abuse of power, their corruption, and and their violence against their own people.

    The right wing in Israel needs this conflict in order to justify their land grab of the west bank. It would be damn hard to justify the military occupation of Palestinian land if they are at peace.

    Bottom line: Everyone is using the Palestinians for their own ends and the Palestinians are too blinded by pride and rage to realize that their so called “friends” are really their worst enemies.

    As long as it remains “profitable” to abuse the Palestinians, then this will never end.

    So, back to this story. KSA uses crap like this to justify the monarchy. It keeps the uneducated masses distracted while the royal family steals another billion dollars.

  8. B. Dog says:

    Well, that’s just the way they think over there. Just be grateful that the U.S. is jammed with wonderful high tech things and you have access to whatever way of thinking that you want.

  9. Buzz Mega says:

    Saudi officials are now examining all barnyard fowl for hidden cameras. Chicken Little could not be reached for comment.

  10. Yankinwaoz says:

    All a Palestinian has to do is ask themselves “If the Arab world is our friend, then why do we have smuggle goods through our border with Egypt? Why are the Palestinians in Lebanon, Syrian, and Jorden still confined to concentration camps after 50 years? Why are the Palestinian Diaspora in the Middle East denied citizenship and rights in their host Arab countries? Yet, Palestinians who live in the ‘enemy’ countries of the US, Europe, Australia are given full rights. Why does Iran arm Hezbollah to the teeth? Why, after all these years and all the bragging, have all these countries not gotten together and invaded Israel? KSA, Iraq, Iran, Libia, and all our other ‘friends’ have never actually participated in a military campaign, despite arming themselves to teeth on our behalf.”

    I’d like to add that I get the sense that lastest generation of Palestinians are starting to realize the truth. They are sick and tired of being told what to do by Israeli soldiers AND by bearded muslim fanatics. However, the bearded muslim fanatics in Gaza are going violent on anyone who questions them.

    When the Palestinians ignore and disarm the bearded muslim fanatics in their midst is the day this will all start to end. It can take the air out the the tires of the hard core zionist’s plans.

  11. hmeyers says:

    The Israel’s *wanted* them to arrest this bird.

    The whole ordeal is going precisely as planned.

  12. msbpodcast says:

    We should just nuke the fucking place into a sheet of glowing glass.


    Not leave a single stone standing in both Israel and the occupied territories.

    That will insure peace in the region for at least a thousand years because it will take that long for the radiation to subside.

    Give the people living there a chance to move but just tell them to pack up because WE’RE going to solve the fucking conflict for ’em.

    We’ve had enough of it and we’re not wasting any more time on ’em.

  13. Angel H. Wong says:

    Did they checked if it was a circumcised bird?

  14. Ah_Yea says:

    Thank you, Yankinwaoz.

    Sadly, many bloggers here are liberal Jew Haters.

    It’s nice to see a bit of sanity once in a while.

  15. Improbus says:

    Man, human stupidity never ceases to amaze.

  16. Angel H. Wong says:

    #15 Ah Yeah,

    Jews are like Apple fanboys: Too easy to offend, too many mother issues and when you disagree with them they call you a nazi.

  17. Zybch says:

    #15 So it has absolutely NOTHING do do with the illegal settlements (now under construction again) and that of the land cut out of Palestine for the Jewish state, they gobbled up more than 80% of the fertile land. Hmmm.
    Both sides are to blame for the continuation of this conflict, but only 1 side was responsible for it starting with the then help of the UN (who the US like to keep insisting is worthless) and then the subsequent ironic support the US has dished out to bolster this UN act…

  18. foobar says:

    Florida professor arrested for taking a suspicious looking bagel onto a plane.

  19. Greg Allen says:

    The fear, paranoia and general nuttiness about Israel in the Muslims countries I’ve lived never ceased to amaze me.

    For example, a rumor was going around which said that “PEPSI” stands for “Pay Every Penny to Save Israel” and that the company was secretly owned by Zionists.

    I always suspected that someone at Coca Cola started that rumor!

  20. Greg Allen says:

    >> msbpodcast said, on January 6th, 2011 at 1:17 pm
    >> We should just nuke the fucking place into a sheet of glowing glass.

    msbpodcast want to commit genocide on Muslims yet, inexplicably, people claim that the Muslims are the violent ones!

  21. Yankinwaoz says:

    #18… You didn’t read what i wrote. Zionist use the conflict. Arabist use the conflict. Islamic nutters use the conflict. Warlords use the conflict. Dictators and Arab royalty use this conflict. All profit handsomely.

    Solving this conflict is the last thing any of them want.

    Frankly, I don’t care who the hell used to live where. The history of man is nothing but one group over taking another. Nations and empires wax and wane. If rolling back the clock to 1945 solves everything, then why stop there? Why not kick the Europeans out of the Americas, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa? Why not restore the Persian Empire? Why not restore the Roman Empire? Why not put Pakistan and India back together? Really, where does it end?

    The answer is, you don’t. You lick your wounds and you move on. Why does the current generation have to pay for the crimes of their fathers? Its been long enough. Israel has earned their right to exist. Move on. There really are more important things to worry about now.

    Sometimes I think #12 might be right. Just get this damn fight over with once and for all. I’m in my 40’s and my whole frikken life has been nothing but god damn news about the god damn Palestinians. I’m sick of it.

    Israel… just take over the damn place 100%, or get the hell out of there. You act like of one of those worthless boyfriends who can’t quit get to actually asking his girlfriend to marry him. This game you play is BS. We all know what you really want, so just f**king be a man, deal your hand and pay the consequences. I’m sick and tired of this never ending crap.

    And regarding Jerusalem. When you have two kids who fight over a toy, the solution is to take it away from both of them. F**k both Israel and Palestine. How about this? Since you can’t f**king figure it out, then nether of you get it. It becomes a UN patrolled city state, like the Vatican, that doesn’t belong to either of you idiots. Make it a world heritage site. No one gets to live there. No one gets to claim it. It becomes a god damn museum. Until all you nutters can figure out how to share it, then no one gets it.

  22. Podman says:

    The real issue is Religion. The biggest obstacle to peace for over 2000 years.

  23. Stiffie says:

    Nah, I think it’s a lot of people in a historically troubled place who are reacting against a perceived notion that the Euro-Anglican West (and its “proxy” Israel) has ‘left’ them behind in things like technology and capitalist success, and ultimately wants to control them and make them allow democracy, pornography whatnot and other outrages that are not what they’re culturally used to. In other words, “I don’t want your tribe telling my tribe how to live, and also I’m tired of you implying how ashamed I should be of where I’m from, just because I’m not as technologically advanced as you.” etc. etc.

    And that white man’s so called “burden”…
    It’s just a lot of “Why can’t these bloody wogs speak English?” and other b.s. that did so much to get the whole folly going.

    As long as conflicting cultures can’t get to trying to see how the other side feels about such things and learn to agree not to boil over about it, expect all our grandchildren (to the x- power) everywhere to have to still be mucking around in it. Oh well, guess at least I’ll be gone by then


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