1. fulanoche says:

    I hope he’s smart enough not to try that funny stunt in the U.S.

  2. Benjamin says:

    In the US, he would be shot.

  3. nicktherat says:

    this has to be fake, no one seems to notice the guy with the giant camera behind him.

  4. jay says:

    you people. please shut up. it’s funny as fck. Whos cares where he did it. Not sure what place you guys are talking about. stores don’t have guns.

  5. Bobbo 2, people who vote for Democrats are not necessarily stupid, but enough stupid people vote for Democrats to keep the party alive said, says:

    There’s better ways of getting yourself noticed than giving out a bunch of heart attacks. Try random acts of kindness for a change.

  6. SpeedBump says:

    This is a good way to get shot dead!

  7. bobbo, people who vote Republican are not necessarily stupid, but enough stupid people vote Republican to keep the party alive says:

    Bobbo2==well done. Gosh, your nom de flame is so derivative and partisan I didn’t expect anything as direct, honest, and insightful as what you posted subsequently.

    Lets hope this starts a trend and see what BobboNo3 says?

    Ha, ha.

  8. Awake says:

    If the guy thinks he is really funny, he should strap some hollow cardboard tubes to his chest and go though airline security a few times.
    Or maybe he could get a good laugh by finding some cops and walking up to them in the stocking mask, their reaction to him would be hilarious!
    Ha Ha Ha! They just beat the crap out of him for being an asshole! Ha Ha Ha!

  9. Publius says:

    Funny as shit

    Those who say it’s not funny are statists… go back to Russia, statists.

  10. Mr Fog says:

    # 4 nicktherat said, “no one seems to notice the guy with the giant camera behind him.”

    Not sure it was a giant camera but I wondered too.

    Meantime I don’t think it’s funny at all. What gives him the right to make people crap their pants?

  11. jbenson2 says:

    #10 Publius thinks shit is funny.

  12. nicktherat says:

    @#11 no one even look at the guy with the camera though, no matter what kind of camera it was, people would have at least glanced at the person following around the guy with a stocking on his head. the reactions were pretty real though. i dont think this would freak people out to much in reality… it takes the sight of a weapon to really freak a person out. ive worked in retail and the only time i got robbed and was a little freaked out was a guy using his finger in his coat as a gun… but i knew it was just his hand

  13. dexton7 says:

    Classic Pavlovian conditioning at work… I’ve seen scarier people walk into the stores I worked at in high school and and college. People are bad at risk assessment..

    and yes this guy would have probably been shot here in Gitmo West.

  14. dexton7 says:

    On a slightly related note… if he walked in those places wearing an Obama Halloween mask I think that he’d get almost the same reaction. =]

  15. Animby - just phoning it in says:


    hhopper or any other moderator.
    How do you feel about the nanny state censoring Mark Twain?

    Check out the Publisher’s Weekly link above.

    Sorry about going off topic. Don’t know how else to get in touch.

  16. Miguel says:

    I thought of doing precisely the same thing during my Xmas shopping, only using one of those snow/terrorist masks that only show your eyes… But then I thought better, I might be shot by some shop owner who might have thought I was actually a robber…

    Anyway, no harm done, funny video! 🙂


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