1. Dale says:

    Propecia is not meant to be used as a recreational drug

  2. Floyd says:

    “One pill makes you larger
    And one pill makes you small
    And the ones that mother gives you
    Don’t do anything at all”

  3. Bob says:

    Ha! Great captions. Gotta love it.

  4. lking says:

    Mo’ Fro.

  5. gildersleeve says:

    ho eee umm. Yoooh um.
    ho eee umm. Yoooh um.

  6. Loaded4th says:

    What’s the FUZZ all about?

  7. ECA says:


  8. right says:

    Hair hair.

  9. somedazearebettter says:

    Whoa – slow down brother, it’s one of those cardboard cut-out cops.

  10. I says:

    That’s one way to keep your head warm during the depths of a snowy winter.

  11. SplitendZ says:

    Big Afro Samurai fan

  12. SplitendZ says:

    Awarded best contributor of hair for BP oil spill disaster

  13. SplitendZ says:

    What ya mean this is “unacceptable” for a trapeze artist working without a net?

  14. Sheepsheering season says:

    “And the sign said, Long Haired freaky People need not apply, so I tucked my hair up under my hat and I went in to ask them why?”.. time to sheer the sheep.

  15. SplitendZ says:

    “Rap”unzel’s Revenge

  16. oh là là! says:

    Immigration won’t affect the famous Parisian sense of style.

  17. Harry Furbough says:

    Look what the cat coughed up!

  18. wig out says:

    Kanye West in drag …”My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy”

  19. dadeo says:

    Whoopee Goldberg counting her View money on the way to get her hair braided

  20. wig out says:

    And now, here’s the “Dolly Parton” of “soul”…

  21. jescott418 says:

    Got to stop using that extreme body shampoo!

  22. wig out says:

    I don’t mean to come across as a “bigwig”…but I AM the CEO of Wig n’ Toupee Inc.

  23. hairspray hater says:

    Whoopi Goldberg, “I wish I could have eyebrows…”

  24. hairspray hater says:

    I’m considered the “black sheep” of the family.

  25. hairline fracture says:

    Oprah giving everyone in the audience a wig.

  26. msbpodcast says:

    The latest black-sploitation video:

    “Q-Tip™® gone wild.”

    Starring? you must be kidding.

    That’s like actually admitting you were in a “Trauma” production in your IMDB profile.

  27. Wretched Gnu says:

    “Is this handbag too much?”

  28. Wretched Gnu says:

    “Is this scarf too much?”

  29. MacBook Hair User says:

    Hair today, gone tomorrow.

  30. HairSE says:

    A typical Wookieepedia user.


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