This Episode’s Executive Producers: Adam Curry & John C. Dvorak
Art By: Nick the Rat

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  1. deowll says:

    A good show. Time to go to bed.

    The simultaneous deaths of all those birds in flight is an issue. If they’d been caught in hail or something it would be understandable but that doesn’t seem to be the case.

    Adam missed a great chance to suggest death rays.

    The more processed food is the worse it is for you.

  2. msbpodcast says:

    Adam, read a book on Mormonism.

    You’ll love the part about a wife wearing “Temple underwear”.

    Mormons are off the wall.

  3. msbpodcast says:

    I find your view of conspiracies to be too formless (or uninformed.)

    Get yourself a copy of “The Unseen Hand” by Ralph Epperson ISBN 978-0-9614135-0-7 from Amazon.

    The “Unseen” hand is an exploratory pun from Adam Smith’s “The Invisible Hand” as an explanation of market economics.

    The meaning should be clear to you long before the last page is turned.

  4. TooManyPuppies says:

    I’m surprised that you guys brought up the mass of dead birds, yet failed to mention the mass of dead fish also in Arkansas.

  5. deowll says:

    Maybe the fish kill is disease but why a virulent and highly contagious disease wouldn’t just keep spreading is kind of hard to figure. Drum are an exceedingly wide spread species.

    Having a large fish kill and a large bird kill near each other also seems passing strange.

  6. blah says:


  7. B. Dog says:

    The word on the street in Madison, Wisconsin on Monday morning is that 2,000 dead birds are coming today for an autopsy.

    Maybe the boring weather news in California is to mask the fact the state has no NFL team going to the playoffs this year.

  8. BigBoyBC says:

    Adam is an idiot, always looking for the most complicated reason for an issue. His daughter and chewing gum, blaming aspertaime. Chewing gum all day long was more likely the cause of her headaches. Plain and simple oral gratification to reason for the mood changes when chewing.

    Also both John and Adam need to read a book about Mormons.

  9. Drake says:

    That the supposed 9-11 hijackers are still around is nothing new, it was reported shortly after 9-11. Conveniently, its never talked about anymore. False flag anyone?

  10. EricD says:

    Starsuckers, 2009 documentary referenced in the show is worth seeing. It’s on TPB if all else fails.

  11. SimonSezz says:

    It’s interesting that over 100,000 fish are estimated to be dead in the Arkansas river too. With the birds and fish dying it’s rather odd. It reminds me of this incident:

    But who knows, the fish and birds might be completely unrelated and the fireworks and disease explanations might be true.

  12. msbpodcast says:

    EricD I am incapable of even watching even the opening shot of the couple walking with all the paparazzi cameras going off.

    I am trained to ignore all that distraction, find the real source of the action and focus in on the real players.

    I find it extremely irritating to see that kind of fawning behavior, fake like this, or, even more disgustingly, unfeigned.

    Its at times like those that I become tired of the invasion into people’s lives, and the sheer security risk posed.

    When this happened anywhere near me I cringed and looked for people wit cameras, shotgun mikes, or just plain shotguns.

    (I lived in Battery Park City, across from the WTC 2, and worked in and below Wall street, this shit worried me. I was in Germany during the Baader-Meinhoff troubles and in Montréal during the FLQ crisis. [The early 70s were violent years.)

    By the way, WTC 7 was across the street from WTCs 1.

    One of the buildings in my apartment complex was hit from debris and had pieces of the plane that slammed into WTC 1 fall onto the roof.

    The AmEx building in the World Financial Center, also just across Western boulevard, had a big ugly multi-ton piece of WTC 1 stuck in it.

    I have NO PROBLEM believing that WTC 7 went down, with the huge oil tanks kept in there to power the generators for the city’s emergency response center back up power in case the power grid went down.

    The fail-safe system failed by getting hit and NOT being able to fail-safe, instead catching file and slowly melting until the building had leaned so far that it finally fell over into Greenwich street.

    Adam,never put down to malice what can be put down to sheer human incompetence.

  13. Heinrich Moltke says:

    Some major problems with the posts here:

    #1: Can’t get to The Pirate Bay anymore. I’ve been trying for months. Their computers were seized long ago — and there’s no sign of their coming back.

    #2: Dvorak clearly knew more about Mormonism than he was letting on. He obviously didn’t want to offend Mormon listeners.

    And now for the biggest, most important item that you idiot commenters have missed:

    #3: Why on EARTH would Dvorak stop drinking?

    How could people visiting this website, listeners of No Agenda, or fans of all stripes bear to hear, let slip unnoticed, or worst of all, CONDONE this action?

    Are you all mad?

  14. r33b says:

    #15: “Why on EARTH would Dvorak stop drinking?”

    Not to be an apologist, but Dvorak and Curry both have private lives, the intricacies of which we do not necessarily need to be privy to.

    Personally, it is of no concern of mine whether an individual drinks or not, but if an individual or group of individuals decides to tell me that I should abstain from alcohol, THAT is when I get concerned.

  15. David says:

    I don’t buy the story that some of the 9-11 hijackers are still alive. Why doesn’t one come out and talk to the media? Why not make their presence known? Also, I was wondering what happened to the Tech5 podcast?

  16. TooManyPuppies says:

    More dead birds today, this time in Louisiana. No word on more dead Doug’s

  17. nicktherat says:

    @#18 so far only one dead doug

  18. Drake says:

    333 dead dougs in Haiti.

  19. Glenn E. says:

    Perhaps the calendar year change-over caused some computer hiccup at a chemical processing plant in AR. And some toxic spill into a river effected both fish, and later, birds. They all have to drink water, sometimes.

    Let’s hope it goes no farther than it has so far.

  20. Glenn E. says:

    #3 – wasn’t Adams Smith’s theories superseded or replaced by those of the genius featured in the movie “A Beautiful Mind”, John Nash? You’d think that colleges would have tossed out Smith’s old books, by now. But why buy newer teaching materials, when they can continue to make a nice profit off of student tuitions, using out of date course books? Do they mention Nash’s theories last?

  21. TooManyPuppies says:

    Now birds are dropping dead in Sweden!

  22. loopy says:

    funny after looking at the map in Arkansas then following the river upstream to near where the fish incident occurred i saw an interesting looking industrial facility near the river
    i tried to find the name of the facility by searching for the address found on the google map.

    so what i find is that it turns out, somebody else did exactly the same thing as me and posted a blog about it.
    interesting reading…

    just a theory, but not sure if it holds any water. i hope its a localized event and not something far more sinister.

  23. kuch says:

    number 333 symbolism

    “The number 333 is increasingly associated with the year 2012 and the completion of the current Mayan Baktun; a cycle of 144,000 days. The present Baktun is the 13th and is said to end on 12/21/12 which reduces down to 3/3/3. This will have concluded a Mayan Long Count of ~5,129 years and the setting of the 4th world according to the Popol Vuh.”


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