A topless sunbather is being investigated by police after being accused of sensuously rubbing sun cream on herself on a public beach. Police were called to a beach at Anzio south of Rome by a furious mother who said the way the “attractive” sunbather was rubbing lotion on her body had “troubled her sons aged 14 and 12.”

“Troubled.” Not the word that springs to mind about what 12 and 14 yr old boys are feeling while seeing her.

The mother said she had asked the 26-year-old woman, identified only as Luisa under Italian privacy laws, to cover herself up. But the woman, still topless, refused and an argument broke out and police were called.
The complaint has triggered a debate in Italy about topless bathing, with the Luisa’s lawyer calling the incident “absurd”.

“She is amazed that she is being condemned for simply sunbathing topless,” lawyer Gianluca Arrighi said. “’Let’s be clear my client is tall, brunette and has an ample breast and is therefore going to naturally be sensuous when she applies cream to her chest.”

Of course, in the USofA, she would have been wrestled to the ground by a conscientious cop and then tazed. To save the children, of course.

  1. igor says:

    in times like this, Italians are lucky to have Berlusconi. He’ll never let topless women go away 😀

  2. tdkyo says:

    “Of course, in the USofA, she would have been wrestled to the ground by a conscientious cop and then tazed.”

    Nope, not in NY. Two different reasons: 1) Not a lot of good beaches in the state. 2) Court ruled that a woman can be topless where a man can as long as it’s not commercial

  3. chris says:

    Hey, that does sound like something worth investigating!

  4. Imagine if this happened at Grand Beach Lake Winnipeg
    Dudley Do-Right of the Canadian Mounties would of been there is a place
    The broad might of been no prize and been uglier than a channel catfish !

  5. bobbybrown says:

    I would love to investigate her, investigate her real hard.

  6. gildersleeve says:

    I didn’t read the by-line before I read the topic. Last paragraph revealed it all – Oh, Uncle Dave.

    Oh why oh why can’t I be on juries covering these kind of cases?

  7. Heinrich Moltke says:

    Pretty sure that this is an old case that has already been thrown out.

  8. rbitting says:

    I do hope that John will keep us a’breast of this situation. Fortunately in America we don’t have tit for tat as in Italy. I’d recommend that mother to use son’screen to prevent the harmful UV (udder violations) on her son’s eyes 😉

  9. bobbo, people who vote Republican are not necessarily stupid, but enough stupid people vote Republican to keep the party alive says:

    There should be adult and family beaches. Live and let live with FREEEEEDOM for all.

  10. rabidmonkey says:

    Prudishness begets ignorance of one’s own true Buddha-nature. When is “self-possession” so prevalent than when our own bodies are deemed vile enough to not be worthy of being seen in public? I thought we were all adults here. It’s time to grow up children. SIGH!

  11. Mr, Ed says:

    I do not understand. Tits is tits. The older I get, the more I need a bra. People at the pool who find me offensive, simply turn away. No one calls the cops or covers their kids eyes. Why can’t topless bathers and breast feeders get the same courtesy?

  12. Jim says:

    Much like when I watch television here in the USA I always find it interesting that I can see beheadings, shootings, knifing, disembowelment, people eaten by mutant monsters and every other form of horror in a movie but a woman’s breast must be blurred out. Who are we protecting and from what? How stupid have we gotten?

  13. msbpodcast says:

    We ALL have to submit to the TSA already. This is international as well.

    The TSA can already either x-ray you, microwave you or get really invasive and you have NO CHOICE in the matter.

    Attempting to resist them can get you fined $10,000 and your airplane ticket torn up.

    I would take the argument that her boys are being raised poorly and should be taken away from their mother because she’s raising them with false expectations of what reality is.

  14. msbpodcast says:

    # 4 “Perhaps Uglier than a Catfish” don’t you know about Meech Lake in Ottawa, Reck Beach in Vancouver, lots of spots throughout the country where “naturism” is practiced.

    Canadians have a reputation in Hollywood because “they get naked at the drop of a hat” which, coming “from the land of the ice and snow, from the midnight sun where the hot springs blow,” you sort of see their point.

  15. jescott418 says:

    Here is the problem with nude sunbathing. This woman can do this and probably won’t get in big trouble. However the young men who may develop a stiff lower region and possibly masturbate would be arrested for indecent exposure. I think nude bathing should banned unless men have equal rights to be aroused!

  16. foobar says:

    jescott418, you really need to spend some time on a beach, topless or nude.

  17. FRAGaLOT says:

    I’m sure the woman who complained is from the USA. Why are so uptight in the states here? Jezz.

  18. foobar says:

    The heart of the story is more about the size and quality of the complainants’ breasts. And the lack of rubbing they receive.

  19. Gazbo says:

    I remember 12. Even a knothole in the fence was “troubling”, and all women were “sensuous” no matter what they were doing; looking at a worm, sharpening a pencil, breathing, whatever.How any young man can be protected from that – or should be, or want to be – is beyond me.
    Good luck, mom.

  20. JimD says:

    Those kids would get STEEL PIPE BONERS LOOKING AT THE VENUS DI MILO (A PIECE OF STONE!) Probably from a very “Religious” family, and therefore potential SERIAL MURDERERS !!! The Police would do well to keep an eye on those two !!!

  21. sargasso_c says:

    I sensuously applied my lotion.

  22. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    #22 JimD – Is THAT you ECA?

  23. dvdchris says:

    In Italy? Really? There’s nudity on broadcast TV there.

  24. So what says:

    The problem with nude beaches is that they tend to be populated by people you don’t ever want to see naked.

  25. Publius says:

    Lawyer said she had an ample breast.

    Just one?

    That would be like Futurama, sort of.

  26. Rick Cain says:

    The 14 and 12 year olds are obviously gay, and have a future writing broadway plays.

  27. dexton7 says:

    Here in the US the Mass Media tries to train the human resources to be numb to bad reality shows, bitchy backstabbing drama, violence and scenes of horror…

    But when some woman’s ‘ample breast’ pops up somewhere, then people here just freak out.. That really makes no sense. What did the ‘ample breasts’ ever do to these people?

    Poor misunderstood boobies. =[

    # 13 Jim,

    I’ve often wondered that myself… strange isn’t it?

  28. So what says:

    13 and 30, I blame the puritans. If they hadn’t come to this country we would be in Europe with the topless girls.


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