Not sure which is more amazing: politicians lie or that the electorate believes them. Who could possibly have known either? Other than watching the pols actions or seeing who gets elected, I suppose.

Following the first election since the Supreme Court has struck down limits on election-related advertising, a new poll finds that 9 in 10 voters said that in the 2010 election they encountered information they believed was misleading or false, with 56% saying this occurred frequently. Fifty-four percent said that it had been more frequent than usual, while just three percent said it was less frequent than usual, according to the poll conducted by, based at the University of Maryland, and Knowledge Networks.

Equally significant, the poll found strong evidence that voters were substantially misinformed on many of the key issues of the campaign. Such misinformation was correlated with how people voted and their exposure to various news sources.

Voters’ misinformation included beliefs at odds with the conclusions of government agencies, generally regarded as non-partisan, consisting of professional economists and scientists.

Read the article for what the electorate was ignorant of and/or bamboozled on. Two bottom lines: We’re idiots and we get what we deserve. Will we ever learn?

  1. chris says:


    You hit the important bit, bobbo.

    “Equally significant, the poll found … that voters were substantially misinformed on … key issues”

    If you don’t know anything how are you going to determine if someone is misrepresenting the truth?


    Of course people are lying to the public: they’re f*cking ignorant!

  2. ECA says:

    lie detectors built into their foreheads..

  3. Benjamin says:

    How about jobs? What are the politicians doing about jobs? They wanted to raise taxes on those who provide the jobs so that they can’t provide as many jobs.

    The government needs to leave employers alone so they are free to employ people.

    Extending the tax cuts for everyone was a good idea. Turning it into a trillion dollar spending bill with a bunch of other pork added in by people that lost their seats last election was a horrible idea. The government needs to cut spending. You can increase revenue slightly by taxing at a lower rate, but if spending continues without check, the deficit will never go down.

  4. ECA says:

    welll, they aint looking for one…

    There is a trick..but they DONT want to do it..
    the GOV, hire people to REBUILD the infrastructure.. THEN tax the corps for the JOBS the gov created.

    But this can cause problems.
    You AINT getting paid the best.
    Property tax will go down.
    Food/goods prices will have to DROP..

    There is an ALTERNATIVE…and its been around and known, for over 70 years..
    but, corps wont deal with it.
    they changed from the BASICS of business to the BASICS of PROFIT..

  5. Steve S says:

    “I’ll thumnail how the Pukes are WORSE, thereby making voting DEM the only rational choice:”
    So if Stalin and Hitler are on the ballot with a few other unknown candidates, then the only rational choice is the lesser of two known evils?????
    There are always other choices.

  6. bobbo, to the left and right, and then more left of Obama says:

    Heh, heh. You dolts have NOTHING. Maybe I should pop a six pack, get into an alternate frame of mind, and see what the Dems are doing that is worse than the Pukes. Nay. I’ll take what the numbnuts say above, make it better, then evaluate it. Just for the exercise.

    No, I better have a few beers first…………


    25–sargo==I usually agree with you so I’m just quibbling here: once we understand the difference between representation and leadership what difference would it make?

    28–Mextli==blowhard? I like it. But as usual you either don’t make any sense or you are wrong. You say:

    These are the topics where you really show your liberal colors. Pick the pockets of everyone in the country and use the politics of division for one reason, to get elected and stay in office. /// Please connect my liberal colors ((yes, but the point here is to vote for DEMS, not PUKES, because Pukes are actively/intentionally destroying the USA, Dems are just self dealing and corrupt for their own ends–not near as bad)) to the politicians picking pockets. You make no sense. Paragraphs are supposed to address a common theme.

    The “Dream Act” is a perfect example. It has ONE goal, to buy votes for Democrats. That’s what got Dirty Harry reelected. //// OK, thats ONE: Democrats are WORSE than Pukes because they are willing to give citizenship to people who have been in the USA all their life, haven’t committed crimes, are going to school, and/or serve in our military all while overcoming being screwed over for every shit job the business community has paid them illegal slave wages for. xxxxRESPONSE: you can be for or against doing what is only fair and reasonable, but how is this “hurting” the USA==I mean actually HURTING. Lets say it is bad—how is it HORRIBLE? FAIL.

    Same goes for education, it’s all for the children right? BS, it’s all for the teachers unions that elect, you guessed it, Democrats. /// Gee Whix Nextlie–confuse things much? Are you against our kiddies being educated or are you against teachers unions. Figures you vote Puke==you show without exception you can’t think straight. Unions? Big Threat??? Membership declining, power next to nothing now. Traditionally thought of as an offset to the power of Corporations. Now lets see: what caused the last four financial downturns? Was it the Unions, or Big Business??? Another FAIL.

    Safety net my ass, how about a job? /// Safety nets only make sense when there are no jobs/between jobs/low end jobs etc. So, by mirror image Nextlie, you too show your idiot colors==can’t present an argument to save your ass yet you get to vote. Dolt.

    More to come, but need another beer.

  7. msbpodcast says:

    Call me a “True Democrat™®” but the first thing that has to be done is to get rid of parties, (useless oppositional forces from the get go which cost the country way the f*ck too much.)

    We’d get better and more representative government by picking names out of a friggin’ hat, letting go for four years and then throwing them out.

    It would get rid of these lying sacks of shit who run FOR office.

    I want a government full of first-timers who couldn’t run fast enough FROM office.

    That would shut up and shoot down the “Special Interest™®” cabal who couldn’t build any forms of “mutually beneficial relationships” with the pond scum we hold our nose and pull levers for now.

  8. msbpodcast says:

    ECA #34 said: “lie detectors built into their foreheads.”

    I just bought a baseball cap at ThinkGeek that shows me ambient WiFi signal strength so I can try to leech off what ever signal’s around.

    That’s the closest I’ve found.

  9. bobbo, to the left and right, and then more left of Obama says:

    31–ECA==what difference does it make if a lower percentage of people vote? Books have been written saying that low voter turnout “stabilizes” the society between the over motivated extremes on either ends. No rioting in the streets when the great mass of people just want to watch tv. If there were more turnout, but the choices are the same, what difference would it make? I think you are substituting higher turnout for some other subject==like informed enough to want to vote? Close, but thats a different issue.

    33–Chris==thank you.

    35–Benji==stop being a stooge. There is NOT A SINGLE BUSINESS that is not hiring because of taxes. Its all demand driven. I take it you are rather young? Grow up. The Starving the Beast dogma pushed by Pukes and swallowed by you does not reduce goverenment–it only increases the deficit. Think the Tea Party is going to change that???? I don’t think so. If you are honest–you match revenue to expenses==TOGETHER!!!!

    37–Steve, student of Nextlie==care to connect your sentences? No, there are no other choices. USA is a two party system. Other choices when attractive enough are incorporated then corrupted by the two parties. Third Party Candidates have worked what once? Not rational thinking.

    I Blowhard because as I post, I see the USA going down the sewer because of the Stinkin Thinkin of the type that gets proudly posted here every day. It goes past partisan politics. I used to wonder how a member of the Polit Bureau could act like such a puppet in the Kremlin while his fellow citizen’s were suffering so and while the evil of their leaders was so apparent. Spouting/adhering to mindless dogma rather than dealing with reality is EVIL. Deficit spending over the horizon is EVIL. Thinking that paying taxes is an assault on your Freedom is EVIL.

    So it upsets me to see so much EVIL accepted as virtue in the USA. Now, I wouldn’t have gone down this road, but the question posed was: “We’re idiots and we get what we deserve. Will we ever learn?” and the answer from you idiots is “No.”

    Stoopid Hoomans.

    Did Susie answer? – – – – -#29==”Like a child, you may have the last word. Just don’t pout too much.” There is no last word in a dialectic. It continues. To the degree I have the last word, isn’t it because you have no word at all? Just dogma? That all you got??? Sad.

  10. Thomas says:

    The Starving the Beast dogma pushed by Pukes and swallowed by you does not reduce goverenment–it only increases the deficit. Think the Tea Party is going to change that????

    The implication here is that we should simply raise taxes to the hilt to (hopefully) pay for whatever program in order to cut the deficit. Frankly, that solution is equally bad if not worse. The idea behind the “starving beast” approach is that Congress would have a sliver of ethics and not spend money they do not have. What you are admitting is that they do not, nor ever will any such ethics and will spend whatever money they get.

    I don’t think so. If you are honest–you match revenue to expenses

    You have it backwards. You match expenses to revenues. Matching revenues to expenses translates to a blank check and unending taxes.

  11. KD Martin says:

    Bobbo said, “but the point here is to vote for DEMS, not PUKES, because Pukes are actively/intentionally destroying the USA…”

    Sure, vote for that health care bill and all the spending crap that got stuck on the end. I’ll wager not one pol has read it or understands it. Even the summary is tough reading. Cripes, the pols are enough alike and so self serving today it makes little difference what party they are from.

    I’m not a member of any party. I end up having to vote for the lesser of two evils. But liberal vs. conservative? Here’s an old joke, hope you haven’t heard it.


    A young woman was about to finish her first year of college. Like so many others her age, she considered herself to be a very Liberal Democrat, and among other liberal ideals, was very much in Favor of higher taxes to support more government programs, in other Words; redistribution of wealth.

    She was deeply ashamed that her father was a rather staunch Republican, a feeling she openly expressed. Based on the Lectures that she had participated in, and the occasional chat with a professor, she felt that her father had for years harbored an evil, selfish desire to keep what he thought should be his.

    One day she was challenging her father on his opposition to Higher taxes on the rich and the need for more government programs.

    The self-professed objectivity proclaimed by her professors had to Be the truth and she indicated so to her father. He responded by asking how she was doing in school.

    Taken aback, she answered rather haughtily that she had a 4.0 GPA, and let him know that it was tough to maintain, insisting that She was taking a very difficult course load and was constantly studying, which left her no time to go out and party like other people She knew. She didn’t even have time for a boyfriend, and didn’t really have many college friends, because she spent all her time studying.

    Her father listened and then asked , ‘How is your friend Audrey doing?’ She replied, ‘ Audrey is barely getting by. All she takes are easy classes, she never studies, and she barely has a 2.0 GPA. She Is so popular on campus; college for her is a blast. She’s always invited to all the parties and lots of times she doesn’t even show up for classes because she’s too hung over.’

    Her wise father asked his daughter, ‘Why don’t you go to the Dean’s office and ask him to deduct 1.0 off your GPA and give it to your friend who only has a 2.0. That way you will both have a 3.0 GPA, and certainly that would be a fair and equal distribution of GPA.’ The daughter, visibly shocked by her father’s suggestion, angrily fired back, ‘That’s a crazy idea, how would that be fair! I’ve worked really hard for my grades! I’ve invested a lot of time, and a lot of hard work! Audrey has done next to nothing toward her degree. She played while I worked my tail off!’

    The father slowly smiled, winked and said gently, ‘Welcome to conservatism’.

  12. MikeN says:

    That story is bogus. One of the poll questions is about what economists have concluded is the number of jobs ‘saved or created’ by the stimulus.
    Not even the actual numbers, but what economists have concluded about the subject, a number which cannot be verified thanks to the ‘saved or created’.

  13. bobbo, people who vote Republican are not necessarily stupid, but enough stupid people vote Republican to keep the party alive says:

    #42–Thomas==oh, you came so close, even italicizing what I said to reveal your dogma. A match is a match and expenses vs revenue is interactive. So typical of you Pukes to want to strip any insight and turn a process into a bumper sticker. YOU, and people like YOU, are what is sending our country down the drain. Why do you hate America?

    #44–KD==you don’t have much of a clue do you. You have “no argument” against PUKES are worse than Dems, you just repeat/parrot one more time the NO-THINK that goes on for political analysis these days. OK–making your best argument: Dems are worse than Pukes because they pushed for HealthCare Reform. Is that your Best KD? Well, Dem’s “pushed for” SINGLE/UNIVERSAL PAYER but because of the PUKES HORRIBLE PUTTING PARTY ABOVE COUNTRY interferance could only compromise on the crap we have now, and even now, the best independent analysis is still that it will save money. You have no position, no analysis, no argument===and yet you are so proud of it. Why do you hate America?

    Anal-ogies? I accept your “I got mine, screw everyone else” position is as valid as positing that taxing people to provide social services is the same as taking an average of GPA’s. You make being simple minded appear high-brow. What a dolt.

    It used to be that “fair minded people” could be for or against Dem and Pukes. Those days ended with the Bush Adminstration and the Tea Party drove a stake through its heart.

    Wake Up Stupids. The equivalent of brown shirts marching in the street is upon us.

    Stop cheering.

  14. ECA says:

    You are correct.
    but, what of those instances from the past that SHOW that those that VOTED 1 way, DIDNT get what they voted for. Or the Vote was over turned? or rigged.
    The only ones voting, tend to be registered Demo/rep..90% of the time. Others are Tired of the game/games.
    Even montana, voted FOR MJ to be made legal, and the ELECTED officials are trying to over turn it. WE have been PUSHED OUT of caring for our government.

  15. bobbo, people who vote Republican are not necessarily stupid, but enough stupid people vote Republican to keep the party alive says:

    ECA–there is no evidence I know of that reports how unregistered voters would vote were they given the chance — so your assumption they would be independent and would fund 5-6 different candidates to the same degree the Dems and Pukes fund one each is less than pure speculation. Who is to say they aren’t all Tea Partiers?

    but, the notion of “Pulic Funding” of elections is coming back in the news. Rather than VOTE ALL INCUMBENTS OUT OF OFFICE, or Vote for any Dem rather than a Puke, or vote for the best candidate, or vote for Libertarians, or change the Constitution for direct election, or for Parliamentary Construction etc===that looks like the only “real” modification that might have an effect towards better government.

    It doesn’t need to be this painful, perhaps beyond recovery, but thats how civilizations fail. In this case, not because the people voted themselves a welfare state, but because the PUKES stole socity blind. I think of some African Leaders leaving for Switzerland with a C-130 loaded with gold and greenbacks.

    And after the greatest rolling criminal conspiracy in history–no one as yet even charged with a crime and the big issue is to roll back even the ineffective corrective measures barely passed.

    Gag me with a spoon.

  16. ECA says:


    My understanding of the human condition, says some interesting things.
    1. if things arent going HOW you think they should. After a time you give up, and those around you do the same.
    2. Even when you BACK a group that are TRYING to do the best, MOST times they get bought out or SHOT, or run out of money.
    3. Persons that SAY, they go to church, should STAND by those beliefs. but I see so FEW standing up for what JESUS SAID/DID, that represent us.
    4. society, CHANGED. it used to be, HELP one another. NOW its “HOW MUCH is it going to cost?”
    5. it USED to be that 1 income was ALMOST enough. NOW you can have 2 incomes and get Gov. housing and food stamps.
    6. NOW the choice you make is the one That can get his FACE ON TV…their used to be a RULE of equal TIME on TV. The only ones able to PAY FOR IT, are 2 groups…ALL you see are the 2 groups..
    7. the infiltration of our gov, was TOLD/WARNED long ago. by the few WHO SAW IT COMING. back unto 1900 corps were STARTING to learn HOW to do it. Once TV became POPULAR, they learned FAST. SPEED was the issue, and THEY HAD IT.
    8. who knows MORE about people? The psychologist or TV/Commercials?
    9. What SCARES THEM?? the INTERNET and VOICES. it used to be RUMOR past around, NOW 1 person can infect MILLIONS in 1 post.

    It dont need to be painful..but its easier to RIP off the bandage and DEAL with it, then to SUFFER and cringe over whats HAPPENED.. FIRE THEM ALL and elected REAL PEOPLE, not persons that are TRAINED ONLY for politics and lies.

  17. Thomas says:

    Still tapping the egg nog are we? Matching revenues to expenses is not the same as matching expenses to revenues. In the former, we raise taxes to (hopefully) pay for what has been spent. In the later, we cut spending to match the amount of money we have. They are entirely different processes. One is living within our means and the other is not. Claiming them to be the same shows a fundamental disconnect in philosophy with respect to deficit elimination. What part of “we do not have the money” do you not understand?

  18. MikeN says:

    Ad they are relying on an outdated CBO analysis as their basis that people are misinformed about the cost of health care. Just one part, the exchanges for high-risk care, is 5 billion over budget, despite enrolling just 2 percent of the people they expected.

  19. bobbo, people who vote Republican are not necessarily stupid, but enough stupid people vote Republican to keep the party alive says:

    Oh Thomas–stop playing the idget as if you don’t understand. What “cleverness” do you think you display when you post simple minded BS? You cling to simpleminded BS even after the correct answer is presented to you. How calcified your mind is. When is the last time you changed your mind on anything Thomas? Can you even remember what the issue was? Please inform us so we can tell you are not a Tuning Failure?

    Government works through a BUDGETING PROCESS where revenue and expenses are ESTIMATED and adjusted on an ongoing basis. ITS INTERACTIVE–as it should be==not a slave or dogmatic to one side or the other. Flexible in the budget as in thinking. Something PUKES like you aren’t capable of.

    Silly to post otherwise. Silly to think a government should spend money the same way individuals do, but like people, I agree with your sentiment that it would be nice if some kind of more immediate feedback/limitation could be put on government not to have them go into debt so easily/destructively.

  20. KD Martin says:

    Bobbo said, “You have “no argument” against PUKES are worse than Dems, you just repeat/parrot one more time the NO-THINK that goes on for political analysis these days.”

    I did state that I am a member of no party. I vote for the lesser of two evils. Takes some thinking and research to do that, rather than libs like you who pull the “Dem” lever and vote all democratic party. Yeah, takes a lot of thought to do that. Look where it got us this term.

    About half the doctors I know will be retiring if the health care bill passes. Try finding a great doctor/hospital if the Pres. signs that one. My primary care doctor already is not accepting new patients.

    Enjoy the crap laid on us the by a Dem congress and a Pres. with an approval rating that really inspires voters, just like Jimmy Carter.

  21. bobbo, people who vote Republican are not necessarily stupid, but enough stupid people vote Republican to keep the party alive says:

    KD–thank you for a reasonable response. I accept it could well have been painful for you to actually think thru a response. I will do the same.

    I did state that I am a member of no party. /// True but totally irrelevant to everything else you posted. When you post as a mindless PUKE, that is what you are. Doesn’t matter you don’t hang a label on it. Its what you think, what you post, that matters, not the labels.

    I vote for the lesser of two evils. Takes some thinking and research to do that, rather than libs like you who pull the “Dem” lever and vote all democratic party. /// Well, I have only “just now” come to the position of voting Dem over voting for the best candidate==which is as you recall to VOTE ALL INCUMBENTS OUT OF OFFICE. Yes, living, loving, learning, growing all the time. I am a pragmatist: not a lib or con, Dem or Puke==I counsel to vote Dem because we are in a two party system and the PUKES are now ABSOLUTELY THE WORSE PARTY having now closed ranks around a Tea Party Nucleus. WAKE UP!! There is no acceptable “stand alone” Puke Politician when they walk lock step on party issues.

    Yeah, takes a lot of thought to do that. Look where it got us this term. /// Your criticism is voting for Dems when the Pukes just had a landslide? Ha, ha. Pretty stupid.

    About half the doctors I know will be retiring if the health care bill passes. /// What health care bill? You mean the one that passed a year ago? Or do you mean if the cockblock from the PUKES doesn’t work? Really KD, I mean really, you aren’t making any sense. Are you 18 months behind in your email or is everything going to your junk box? Well, if true, sounds like half the docs ought to retire now because they worship the dollar rather than providing healthcare to those who need it. And isn’t that pretty much theproblem with our healthcare system? Seen only as a way to make money rather than serve its natural and intended purposes? I think so.

    Try finding a great doctor/hospital if the Pres. signs that one. My primary care doctor already is not accepting new patients. /// Already huh? Then passage of this bill is irrelevant. My, how you flounder. Yes, doom and gloom if there is any change to our most expensive by x2 healthcare system in the World with 17-20th place performance is ever changed. You think you aren’t a PUKE?

    Enjoy the crap laid on us the by a Dem congress and a Pres. with an approval rating that really inspires voters, just like Jimmy Carter. /// Yes, I can just barely make out your equal handed assessment of the political landscape. Very non labeled assessment.

    But say: where is your argument? What Dem programs make them worse than the PUKES? Still waiting for ANY RESPONSE.

    But I ain’t gonna hold my breath.

  22. KD Martin says:

    Bobbo, guess you didn’t read the article I linked to. ObamaCare didn’t pass 1.5 years ago.

    ///they worship the dollar rather than providing healthcare to those who need it. And isn’t that pretty much theproblem with our healthcare system? Seen only as a way to make money rather than serve its natural and intended purposes? I think so.///

    Funny, my doctors truly care about my health and since I have no insurance always cut me a healthy discount. Your thinking that doctors care only about money provides great insight into the type person you are. Maybe it’s you that cares only about money and projects that thought onto all other people. Hey, not everyone is as greedy as a Dem or Repub pol.

    Arguing with you is like picking water up with a sieve. This is boring.

  23. Greg Allen says:

    The GOP just won an election on balancing the budget.

    Their first and only agenda item?

    _UNFUNDED_ tax give-aways to the rich, further ballooning the deficit.

    Yet, Americans will still vote GOP.

    Go figure.

  24. Thomas says:

    Fact: the Federal government has not had a balanced budget since the 1950’s. We got to where we are at because politicians spend as they like and raise taxes when they can (whether it increases tax revenue or not). That fundamental ideology is broken. For some reason you want to make this more complicated than it is. It is not like the deficit is due to inaccurate estimations and you know it. You have X amount of money; don’t spend more than that. That is all there is to it. Don’t spend more than you make. Somehow, you don’t want to abide by this obvious philosophy to which all other individuals and most State and local governments are required to honor. Why? Using your sophomoric tact, do you hate America? Is it that you hate future Americans and that is why you are fine with piling on debt now? We can talk all we want about ways of increasing tax revenue but at the end of the day it does not mean squat if we do not first employ the fundamental approach of not spending more than we make.

  25. Thomas says:

    Unlike the Democrats who bitched for years about Bush II’s deficits and then proceeded to dwarf his and every other President’s deficit.

  26. bobbo, people who vote Republican are not necessarily stupid, but enough stupid people vote Republican to keep the party alive says:

    KD–your link did not open for me. Sorry if I missread your meaning otherwise. Yes, VERY boring of me to assume that docs would retire if Obama care passed had nothing to do with money. That was the scuttlebut last year–that some groups of docs did not want to take less money.

    It wasn’t really until MediCare Passed in 1961 and docs got paid by the feds for their charity care that docs stopped taking chickens in payment for care rendered and expected to be millionaires by their third year out of residency==unless they were a GP, then only half as much.

    Docs wanting to be RICH rather than take care of patients. Its a mind set that has totally corrupted the “profession.” Happens in many ways, encouraged by “the system.” I could go on, and on, and on.

    When I say docs care about money, I’m not suggesting all docs, each and every one of them. No, I’m talking about a bias of “the system”–or those who as YOU say are going to retire if the reimbursement changes? Strongest Union there is with all of the well documented problems. Of course not all pipe fitters or welders or train engineers care only about money. Many do care about water tight fittings, clean welds, and clean burning reliable engines. Who would say not?

    but maybe its “me” that cares about money? KD, did I ever tell you the story about my daughter who got good grades in college but her friend was lazy but did not? Oh, its an excellent story about how one will grow and learn to be self centered when they equate every advantage they have as their property alone. Yes, no heart if liberal as a kiddie, no brains if not a conservative as a dried up old crone. Its a wonderful fable, quite instructive. Everyone that lives in a gated community with private security knows the story by heart. but don’t call me a Puke voter. I’m independent constantly researching the facts. Just the FACTS. Like how Jimmy Carter was just a terribul prednesdent. No mindless anti-liberal schlock here, I’m independent!!!!!

    You are a tad transparent there KD. Who was the last Dem you voted for? But more importantly, why should anyone vote Puke when they walk lock step putting party politics over the good of our country??? Have you studied enough facts to recognize that simple reality? Wasn’t true 15 years ago. It is true now.

    Try to keep up.

  27. bobbo, people who vote Republican are not necessarily stupid, but enough stupid people vote Republican to keep the party alive says:

    Thomas–use peoples names. Its only polite.

  28. MikeN says:

    Bobbo, so do you think doctors are motivated by money?
    So you think people will quit practicing because of cuts in payments?

  29. bobbo, people who vote Republican are not necessarily stupid, but enough stupid people vote Republican to keep the party alive says:

    Mike–everyone is “partially” motivated by money and partially motivated by 15 other variably valid issues, each of us having our favorites. We are also restricted/motivated by the choices society makes available.

    I am an expert in Healthcare. I say that not to establish any authority, but to telegraph my short temper on the subject.

    I have seen docs kill patients because they operate when too tired, having spent the evening before at an investment meeting on how to skim private pay patients away from the local community non profit hospital. That issue alone, the allowance to allow docs who have been given a government enforced monopoly to practice medicine ALSO BEING ALLOWED to engage in non medical practice activities, is in short destroying the healthcare delivery/quality of care outcomes in America. Quite sublime, an unintended consequence when started. Now, the desire of docs to make MORE MONEY after already being millionaires, is very intentional. One always should keep in mind: How much is enough? Money should be used to maximize productivity. As with most things, USA overshoots the mark and money corrupts bringing worse results than if other motivational factors were given any modicum of respect.

    Is everyone motivated in part by money? Yes. Does money corrupt the main activity involved? Yes.

    Much of what you get in any social system is ordained from the rules you set in place to play the game. Intentional and unintentional consequences are always the result. Its rare anyone ever analyzes the results and how to change the controlling practices.

    Everyone becomes a values voter rather than a pragmatic reviewer.

    Silly Hoomans.


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