The worst part is how the host treats the two guests (one, a journalist who’s saying facts; the other, a government official).
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Wow. An albino hacker, one gay soldier, and an army of teenagers are bitch slapping security and news organizations around the world.
I wonder why FOX, CNN, and all the other MSM outlets hate them?
Total crap and a presenter who should be fired. If this is American journalism… I don’t wonder WikiLeaks is on to a winner. Appalling interview
Conditioning is a hell of a thing
If the “guests” find it too hot, then they should stay out of the kitchen.
The host is unbelievable.
I can’t believe the government official has the audacity to ask whether it’s a smear campaign against Julian Assange?!
Some No Agenda material if ever I’ve heard it.
Nice how they keep repeating “Crime” without substantiating it.
But the Salon guy got to say his bit, and called them on the BS here and there, so this clip does not induce despair in me.
Yes, we all know that (as Glenn Greenwald himself puts it on his column at Salon):
“It’s not news that establishment journalists identify with, are merged into, serve as spokespeople for, the political class: that’s what makes them establishment journalists.” . . . . “They don’t even bother any longer with the pretense that they’re distinct or play different assigned roles.”
The question is “what can we, or what are we willing to do about it?” Can we merely trust that internet technology will solve it because it’s the new wild-wooly west (despite how Governments want to police it)?
I think the P2P-DNS (Distributed DNS system) movement is the most hopeful thing going so far.
I like how Palin condemned Assange as being the goddamntraitoroussonofabitch, then used WLeaks data to support her favorite points.
What part of “The truth will set you free” is complete bullshit?
We live in the Information Age. Get used to it, governments.
The fun is going to hit the fan when hackers dig into Fox’s disingenuous policy paper trails.
The host seems like a dingbat, calling Assange a revolutionary and criminal. In any case she sure read the talking points to rid the world of a unauthorized librarian.
BTW although the US has the ‘juiciest’ gossips wikified, they’re certainly not the only to have documents leaked. So there is no attack to the US, there’s just more to leak đ
In a grander schema, it’s remarkable that there are few leaks from states in the axis of evil, or more from the European union.
Everything the US Government does, plans on doing, or has done, should be public. I’m not saying we need to know every aspect on how, but we certainly deserve to know what.
At first I thought the newsreader was a sketch from the Onion, or a skit from Sat Night Live. Greenwald nailed her to the wall, I’m sure she learned nothing from it. No learning, no dissonance at all.
What Brave New World are we entering when National Journalist don’t respect/understand “their” own first Amendment rights and responsibilities?
Sad when “news” achieves its highest relevancy by watching with the sound turned off. Although Greenwald did do an excellent job.
In related fun and accurate “I am Assange, bringer of Truth to the Sheep” we have:
Assange on Huckabee: âJust another idiot trying to make a name for himselfâ
The truth. Will never win a popularity contest.
Yea, Veerily.
#7 I especially like how Palin and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad both lost their shit on Wikileaks on the same day.
the only ones he is terrorizing are the people in charge…who are committing crimes….
Perhaps it is not that he has exposed a tiny fraction of the actions of the US government and its “allies”.
Perhaps the reason for all the fuss is that he may expose the activities of the unelected, unknown, uncaring and imoral who are really in control. Some of it might be as #7 says people like Murdoch who has bizzarely got some in the US believing he is liberal or even left wing. It could be those stories about the Bank of America HDD he has somewhere.
The scumbags are worried. Until Wikileaks, their biggest problems were getting people to ignore the truth. It was easy when it was scientists saying it. We have a culture of “ignorance is better than knowledge” in what used to be called the free world.
Don’t like it that doctors are proving that smoking gives you cancer? Make people think that doctors are stupid. The same goes for evidence that lead in petrol hurts the poorest, global warming, GM foods, evolution and so on. Discredit the messengers and your profits will continue.
It doesn’t always work though. I use unleaded petrol, don’t smoke and would never knowingly eat GM food (I’m British – I don’t have to). They delayed that knowledge, just like they have all the other things that affect their profits.
If they are exposed to everyone, they will not find it so easy. That is why Assange is under attack in the press and by politicians.
We need to know who those controllers are.
Right ON! Holfast (#15). I happen to disagree with you only about GMF. I ask for my education: what is your reservation?
Unfortunately, I am familiar with one aspect of the mentality of government officials.(I worked for some time with and for Canadian government officials, which explains why I am now living in the US.[The gummint critterz ain’t any better here, or in Beijing! {Don’t be deceived by location. People are people everywhere.}])
Quite apart from the “innocents” we elect every cycle, and watch them get corrupted by the greed of the system, followed by their own greed, there is a cadre of government officials who are in charge of the administration and execution of the business of governing a nation.
The first instinct of any government official is to stamp EVERYTHING and anything with an “official secrets” label. (Even trying to find out how much trash is hauled away from somewhere can be fraught with bureaucratic hurdles, and visits by one or more security and/or military forces.)
It makes them feel entitled. It plays into the mindset that they are special, even though they aren’t; they’re legion.
An organization like WikiLeaks is bound to threaten them, even when it only reveals how mundane and banal their work is.
The fact is that it is the banality of evil which saw German Reichstag clerks push paper around while people with guns were pushing around people without guns into ovens and open graves, after starving them and working them to death.
All permanent government workers, from the president’s or prime-minister’s staff to the “schlub” who cleans the toilets out on a rez somewhere, fear the fact that at sometime, they will ruin someone’s life or possibly cause irreparable harm.
I am looking forward to the day when someone in North Korea is ashamed enough of what they do to their citizens to use something like WikiLeaks. (Perhaps, someone will be forced to murder a relative in cold blood for a justification which he knows is patently false.)
It is the banality of evil which they fear and something like WikiLeaks WILL expose the children who turned the rice paddies into Pol Pot’s “killing fields.”
NOBODY wants to be shown that they are being stupid, short-sighted or useless.
“NOBODY wants to be shown that they are being stupid, short-sighted or useless.” /// How I wish that were true, but it ain’t. Truth is, and you see it here every day on DU, that when stupid, short-sighted, or useless people are shown the error of their ways, most of them ((true not all of them, but most of them)) will redouble their efforts to CLING TO THE DOGMA! Add in they get paid to cling to the dogma, and they are permanently lost souls – atleast for some of them ((true not most of them, but some of them)) until they retire and rediscover their humanity.
Thread a while back here on DU about confronting idiocy with facts doing no good.
Yea, Veerily.
Speaking of food, safety, and sustainability, I found this to be simply fascinating from 5-6 different viewpoints:
Its about the BP Gulf oil spill and cancer causing pollutants not even being tested for WHILE our government plans to get rid of the sea food products by feeding them to our troops.
Ain’t America Great?
# 15 Holdfast said, “never knowingly eat GM food (Iâm British â I donât have to)”
That’s funny, Holdon. You’ve been eating genetically modified food your entire life. You think those mushie peas you eat with your fish & chips are cooked up with genetically pure plants? Or the chips, for that matter? Most of the popular potato strains are patented varieties, these days. (My brother-in-law is a potato farmer in Jersey.)
The truth is, we’re just learning to be able to do it much faster and with much better results these days. And if we are able to improve yields or durability for shipping, then we are addressing a serious problem of feeding an immense population.
Bobbo: You surprise me. I somehow thought you were a food Luddite against GMF. Glad to hear you’re open minded about SOMEthing!
#17 msbpodcast: Ooooh. You are destroying another cherished myth. Many of us still believe Canadians are all warm and cuddly. Childhood’s end, indeed.
Off GMF and back to Assange: He needs money? Didn’t we hear just a couple of weeks ago that his website was pulling in millions every month? Instead of writing a book, he should go ahead and publish the UFO material he claims to have. THAT would pull in some moolah. (Wouldn’t it be great if our alien overlords would just come down and set everything straight? So what if it’s a cookbook?)
Animby–well thanks, but I can be self serving and self righteous about anything, including myself. I simply am close minded about denying people their choice to have GMF.
“Maybe” you are confusing my “cautious” position about genetic engineering of the human genome with GMF? I think we WILL do it, because we can==thats the rule. But even as this thread demonstrates–the harm I see is unintended consequences to the reproducing/health of the offspring, not a concern about the edibility of the result. On that issue, as long as we can still eat the products of conception, yes, let’s try to have all our babies look just like Bradolina.
Designer Babies. Who’s got the patent?
Ha, ha.
in #22, I should have said “Many of the popular potato strains are patented varieties…” Not “most.” Apologies.
CAN I suggest something?
THE USA can not make international LAW.
He is NOT a citizen..
THE USA GOV, should HAVE no power in what is happening to this person. BUT, our corps are chasing him..WHY?
# 23 bobbo, “âMaybeâ you are confusing my âcautiousâ position about genetic engineering of the human genome with GMF?”
Could very well be and, if so, I apologize. As for your assertion that we WILL screw around with the genome because we CAN – you know, we’ve been doing it for years. Go on and google up some information about gene replacement therapy. I remember when I was in medical school, molecular biology was almost an aside. I’m sure it must be an extensive part of the curriculum now.
I am NOT in favor of doing too much fooling around with the genes. Fixing defects, sure. Go for it. But designer babies? I don’t see the advantage of blue eyes and, personally, I like my big nose and small dick. Or is it the other way around?
Oh, well, the only thing I can think of is to improve the flavor and shelf life of the infants. I mean, come on – stick an apple in their mouth, baste til a golden brown and who cares if they looked like Brad or Angie?
Animby–I thought you had caught me behind on the times. But gene replacement therapy is not the same thing as designer babies/GMF/creaing Bradolina’s. Close, but different enough not to be lumped into one pile/genome.
In an already overpopulated world, I see reason enough not to spend our resources on these activities, but I support FREEDOM and if that be the will of our bribed officials, then so be it. Ok in my book. If we are going to have kiddies, we really should give them the best start we can. Where would a dollar spent have a bigger bang? Gene Modification/Building/Design, or general prenatal care, or neonatal nutrition, or adolescent physical activities, a good general education….etc. Like everything else, money/resources are to be husbanded to its greatest return.
Course, all I know is less than whats here:
Greenwald destroyed both the host and the government stooge. Clear win for Greenwald.
Loved his point that NY Times and other organizations print Top Secret stuff all the time, while Wikileaks cables are only Secret, a lower designation.
The one who allegedly did a crime was Bradley Manning who (allegedly) took classified documents from a DOD computer. Assange has merely provided less than 1% (so far) of these documents to news organizations (and put them on the Wikileaks site.)
Note: Assange did not go asking Manning for the documents. Manning allegedly took them on his own and then gave them to Wikileaks.
The host was ridiculous and apparently desires to work on Fox. Her “treatment” of Greenwald was ineffective. He won, she got ‘owned’.
The government stooge’s goal was to spread lies and fear. She likely only succeeded with people that already believe the fiction “Assange is a criminal.”
By the way, I think the same journalists that are going after Assange for “publishing secrets” are the ones who defended Cheney/Rove/Libby for revealing that Valerie Plame worked for the CIA–something that actually IS a crime.
He’s not a hacker
Assange is an elite hacking, high-tech terrorist, who also happens to be a treasonous pedo-mongering criminal-minded, money-grubbing backstabber. Oh yeah, and he also is the grand-pooba mastermind behind all actions Al-Qaeda has done, and will ever do in the future. Behold our nation’s true enemy has been identified. Now let’s all go to the malt shop before I get shot by the police for playing with a garden hose on my front porch.
now expect 4-30 US MARSHALS to knock on your door, in the next month.
NOT to arrest you..we just wont FIND you anywhere, AFTER they arrive.
#30 RapedMonkey – You left out his part in the assassination of JFK.
# 28 sam said, “I think the same journalists that are going after Assange for âpublishing secretsâ are the ones who defended Cheney/Rove/Libby for revealing that Valerie Plame worked for the CIAâsomething that actually IS a crime.”
Wow! You have a strange set of ethics. Releasing the name of one agent is a crime. Releasing the names of many agents is ok. Releasing one secret is a crime but releasing thousands of secrets is ok. I’m sure there’s some logic in there but it’s likely clouded by the idiocy.
The same journalists who did one thing are now doing the other? A baseless assertion, I’d wager. If I’m wrong please document.