The worst part is how the host treats the two guests (one, a journalist who’s saying facts; the other, a government official).

  1. ECA says:


    Lets see..

    #1 reason IS…..
    HE ISNT A CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES..He cant be a traitor to a COUNTRY he is not PART OF.


    #3 HACKER?? he could make MORE money trying to make BOTS for your computer.

    60 minutes did a special on Cigarettes.. HOW they are killing you, 80s(?) and THIS WAS NEWS.

    Exposing the CRAP behind the scenes of NATION RUNNING? ISNT?

  2. Maricopa says:

    ECA in #33 – You didn’t respond to a single thing I said in my post. Why did you address the reply to me?

    I never accused Assange of being a traitor, a spy or a hacker. Are you tripping, again? Lay off the brown acid, man!

  3. bobbo, is there any difference between a fact and a belief says:

    #32–Maricopa==since you won’t accept a missing shotgun blast from ECA, who is “usually” much more on target, the error in your logic is the failure to recognize the First Amendment rights of the Press to Publish information all for the benefit of the Truth being allowed entrance into the market place of ideas.

    Pull out that dusty copy of the Bill of Rights you have. The First Amendment is the first one on the list. Some say that makes it the VERY MOST IMPORTANT OF YOUR FREEDOMS!!!!! The Freedom to be informed and make good political judgments when you vote so that “real” revolutions in the street will not have to take place to correct an errant government.

    FREEDOM of speech. Think about it.

  4. foobar says:

    #35 Nope, just a bunch of inbred hillbillies in a church basement living on free government money.

  5. bobbo, is there any difference between a fact and a belief says:

    #38–Thanks Antonio==I couldn’t stand the BS and so stopped watching about half way in. Good to catch the material at 9:21. I wonder how many viewers are stupid enough not to catch the complete pwning of the Anchor and Political Tool?

    Not only did they change the subject when challenged, the responded with another lie: that Assange committed a crime by release of the info, and then another crime of rape, which is also not true.

    Lies upon lies, upon lies. by CNN no less. The Fauxification of infotainment continues apace.

    Sad actually. Sad that it is done, sad that it gets ratings. Sad that news is used to sell advertising time. Sad that it works.

    I guess its sad?

  6. Maricopa says:

    36 Babboo – You have probably been tasting the same brown acid. YOUR POST DOES NOT RESPOND TO WHAT I WROTE!!!

    I questioned Sam’s ethics in saying releasing the name of Plame was bad but releasing the names of our agents in Iraq and Afghanistan was okay.

    I challenged his assertion that the same people who defended Cheney/Rove/Libby are the ones going after Assange.

    There is no fault in my logic and there is nothing about the freedom of the press! Jeeez. You and ECA need to learn to read. Thinking might come later.

  7. bobbo, is there any difference between a fact and a belief says:

    #40–Maricopa==let’s parse though it and see if your defense holds up? Who knows, maybe I read too fast?

    1. I questioned Sam’s ethics in saying releasing the name of Plame was bad but releasing the names of our agents in Iraq and Afghanistan was okay. /// Ok, you START by using the word “ethics” but then you immediately shift to the issue of criminality. In the best of all possible worlds, there “should be” little difference between the two, but in our real world, yes there is too often a difference, sometimes a gulf, too often complete opposition. What do we have here. You imply, if I can fill in your best interpretation, that a discussion of ethics does not include recognition of FREEDOM of speech? You don’t think exposing the the lies of our government is an ethical undertaking? You equate LIES told by our Government TO the TRUTH told by Assange because both instances potentially can result in innocent people being killed? Well, unless I’m just too dull witted, I think you lose on every point.

    I challenged his assertion that the same people who defended Cheney/Rove/Libby are the ones going after Assange. /// I did not address that at all. Without looking it up, I wouldn’t be “surprised” that happened – would you? Or not, doesn’t matter. The key unless you are a willing dupe is to look past the puppetheads to the puppet master. What is the Corporations position? Fox is a criminal front, CNN seems to be joining them. The entire Lame Steam is becoming Cheerleaders for the power structure. But I didn’t address that at all. Aren’t you being irrelevant?

    There is no fault in my logic /// Logic? Ha, ha. Actually you commit a classical logic error. If A and B create the same result, then A and B are the same. I think its called the error of the undistributed middle, but I’m too lazy to look it up.

    and there is nothing about the freedom of the press! /// Exactly. That is your factual error. Freedom of the Press is EXACTLY WHAT MAKES YOUR ANALOGY FAIL.

    Jeeez. You and ECA need to learn to read. Thinking might come later. /// heh, heh. It’s one kind of foolishness to make an error all on your own. A wholly different kind of error to persist in it after the error is pointed out.


  8. Animby says:

    # 39 bobbo, “Lies upon lies, upon lies. by CNN no less.”

    CNN stopped being a reputable news source years ago. BBC is headed that way. You know who is surprisingly well-balanced? Al Jazeera. Sure, they have a pro-Arab slant but on international news, they seem able to present a clear and accurate summary of the story without getting lost in flashy graphics and inserting commentary into the news. And you know, that’s the real problem with most broadcast news these days. It ought to be called “The CBS Evening Commentary” or on PBS “Morning Indoctrination,” etc. I heard a rumor that Fox is starting a new show called BBB (Blonde Bimbos Babbling).

    It’s sad, really. More so when you remember that the vast majority of people still get their news from television or radio. And before someone says that’s what’s wrong with America, I’ve lived in a lot of places and it’s pretty much the same wherever you go.

  9. Maricopa says:

    Babboo. There is no arguing with you. Your dogmatasm is complete. You infer, incorrectly, and simply put in what you need to make your feeble points. I tell you what. You go ahead and write my next post so it says exactly what you want it to say so you can refute it easily. I hope it makes you feel as important as you seem to think you are. You should have been a priest.

  10. bobbo, is there any difference between a fact and a belief says:

    Maricupa, sad child. I have already identified 2 arguments I made that should be “better.” In essence, I went more to an underlying assumption, but I’ll leave it vague so you can find them if you really want to.

    You really are overly defensive. When I lose an argument, I really enjoy it and try to learn from it. I guess thats why I lose so few arguments these days? Do you think whining like a little child will gain you the same results? —- I don’t think so.

    I named your logic error (sic). Speaking of logic errors, your entire Post #44 is ad hominem==not a single factual argument made. A child crying for his Teddy Bear.

    Now really Marycupa==suck it up, learn to enjoy the learning process==go back and pick my response apart. YOU CAN DO IT. I have faith in you. I’ll wait.

    Hee, hee.

  11. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    Well, at para Two, its stated that lower and mid trophic air masses are measured by balloons and satelites which are CONSISTENT WITH the ground measurements. I wonder if a footnote somewhere lists the locations of all the ground based thermometers? Why even look at that issue if net/net its all consistent with the balloons and satellites? Seems you’d have to WANT THE consensus of scientists and their WRITTEN REPORTS to be wrong to invest that kind of energy in looking for errors. Hoping for errors? Making up errors when we all agree science proceeds by making errors and correcting them?

    Silly Hoomans.

  12. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    Eds–#46 hit the wrong thread. Delete if possible? Repeating it on correct thread.

  13. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    Hi Alfie. I’ll respond to your unsupported character assessment just so that Meaculpa doesn’t feel lonely. Why don’t you show him how to make a supported argument?

    Please state what your definition of “hot air” is and provide an example of it? for extra credit, deflate my premise and demonstrate how it could have been done better. Is “hot air” a synonym for “just words” as you and Meaculpa have posted?

    Usually, but I wait for your response, it is not a premise that is inflated by rather the argument? Maybe you mean overly wordy which really is a different issue.

    Might it all be definitional?

    I’m pretty loony huh?

    Silly one note pony.

  14. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    Alfie – you are waste of time. A good object lesson for Meaculpa, but still a waste of time.

  15. Greg Allen says:

    I’ve been trying to follow the _content_ of the leaks, rather than the drama of Assange.

    Best I can tell, the leaks actually kind of helped the State Department.

    These are not the Pentagon Papers. There are no big lies even remotely like Nixon’s secret and illegal war in Cambodia.

    The most embarrassing revelation may be the spying at the UN but I think most of us assumed that goes on anyway.

    The most significant revelation is that the regional Arab countries hate Iran as much as Israel does. And they cooperate with America a lot. But this wasn’t much of a secret, either.

    But where is the great big scandal in these recent leaks? If you know of one, I’d like to hear about it.

    Fareed Zakaria has an interesting op-ed on this very subject.

  16. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    Greg Allen==good post/link. There is no damage to the USA, there is only an affront to the false pride of Government Officials. That requires a false scandal to be manufactured in order to punish those who act against the vagaries of those in Power.

    Its an interesting question: how much does secrecy/lies/diplomacy ACTUALLY help run a government? The House of Saud doesn’t want its people to know that they hate Iran. Wikileaks exposes that. I have no idea which scenario–telling the truth, or telling lies–is the better position, for whom, with what consequences.

    Absent a clear showing otherwise, I vote for the truth.

  17. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    Alfie–recognize how few chances you have left.

    If there are no wikileaks on whatever you think there should be, I assume there simply are no wikileaks on that particular subject.

    What is it Alfie, conspiracy theories all the way down?

    If you google (wikileaks Iraq wmd) you come up with the notion that Iraq did have a chemical warfare development program before our invasion. Bush was all about the smoking gun of a Nuclear Explosion==the conflation of Nukes with Chemicals==you could see that one coming the day the conflation was made. The fact that wikileaks is all over the chemicals, and doesn’t mention the Nukes, is a strong inference that the evidence of a Nuke Threat from Iraq was “made up.” Contact your secret angels to figure out who was motivated to do that.

    Alfie, you can disagree with me. I enjoy that. Stay stupid and this will be my last response to you, even when called out specifically.

    Your move.

  18. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    Alfie–I hope that didn’t hurt, you were almost reasonable.

    If we take wikileaks as the representative of the universe of information that was available to the Western World, what we have is NO INFO regarding NUKE WEAPONS being developed in Iraq. One would think if there were any such weapons programs, there would have been reports from the field regarding this.

    There were no reports from the field, therefore it is impossible to conclude any such program existed. But Bush said there was such a program. The logic is inescapable that Bush made it up. YOUR issue argues against you.

    -or- Memo’s/emails regardign WMD and NUKES would all normally be sent/kept under TOP SECRET AND HIGHER security status. Wikileaks only was given info labeled as SECRET and below I assume. If this is true, then there is no reason to think wikileads would reveal anything about these programs, one way or the other.

    Regarding Chris Matthews, it is obvious he wants the “orignial birth certificate” to be shown to shut up the loons who are demanding it. But Orley Tate has already said she would have to have the document tested in order to be satisfied. Yes, thats what we need, every loose loon wanting to personally test a document to satisfy themselves.

    Alfie–your batting 500 here. Wrong on everything you state. Hopefully, you can learn how to give your arguments more force.

  19. Mr, Ed says:

    Batting .500??? In baseball, that would be very,very good!

  20. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    Mr Ed–isn’t 500 perfect? but this is not a measure of baseball, its a measure of how wrong Alfie is. At least, that was my target.

  21. foobar says:

    The reason that Alfie is wound up is that the Secret Service is keeping the press away from Obama while he’s on vacation in Hawaii. Alfie really enjoys those shirtless shots of Barry frolicking in the surf.

  22. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    Alfie–who were the founding fathers in your estimation? ie: how many? How many founding fathers refused to create our Union if slave owning was not allowed? Thats one variable. There were at least 50 other major issues the Founding Fathers disagreed over.

    Did you agree with all of them on each split or do you define FF as only those people who agree with your position? How many and who were they?

  23. Mr, Ed says:

    # 63 bobbo – Mr Ed–isn’t 500 perfect?

    In baseball, its point 500 (.500) and indicates you get a hit exactly half the time you come to bat. Batting a thousand (1.000) is perfect. Im not exaclty a baseball expert. But Im pretty sure that’s how it works. I think Alferd is more of a strikeout king.

  24. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    Thanks Ed. I care so little about sports. I thought 500 was like measuring alcohol. Off for whatever reason. I’ll assume you are right without looking it up, it makes sense.

    Every day, we all just get smarter and better informed. Don’t we Alfie? And fyi–use the name of the person you are responding to. Its why god had Adam name all the animals. Only SATAN uses numbers.

  25. bobbo, Adam named the animals, SATAN uses only numbers says:

    Wikileaks reporting on Wife of President of Zimbabwe profiting off of blood diamonds and related issues.

    Who thinks this is a bad thing?


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