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Hmm.. Here I am in the Great White North of Canada (Vancouver) I played golf today.
Blizzard where? Our blizzard was about the thickness of frost.
look at the Japan pics here.
East coast… New York, or Atlantic Canada? They’ve been hit pretty hard a few times.
My anti-smiley face software eats all of the vimeo video control overlays so all I get is frame zero in firefox 🙂
I wish to suggest that I have lived in the NW states a fair amount of years, and have watched the news repeatedly over the years..THIS IS NOTHING. Wait until it gets over 6′(2m) THEN start thinking its bad. I think somewhere in the recent past(60-70 years) Lake Erie FROZE. Even Niagra has frozen.
For those that DONT GET IT…its called NATURE, and it dont give a DARN about you. ITS WATER and growth.
I don’t know where it is but I would like to be there. I live about 50 miles north of Montreal, Quebec and we have about 12 inches of snow. I hope to do some cross-country skiing someday…
That was no blizzard, that was a simple snow storm.
That’s a lot of global warming. And to think just 2 years ago the experts were saying winter was a thing of the past.
Could you post a link to the video? All I see is a photo of somebody’s yard.
Of course, by the time I get back to, I’ll be at home on a computer that will allow me to see the video here properly, but I’m sure there are others who may not be able to see it.
I chat about wx all the time with the guy that made this.
You ought to come to the Manitoba Interlake
We have real snow storms where its 40 to 50 below in the wintertime and you have to “plug your car in”
The ice jams in the Red River at Selkirk come springtime
What a party
That sounds like a python routine and I don’t mean code.
“We’re becoming a nation of wussies…This was in no way, shape or form a blizzard!”
Pennsylvania governor Ed Rendell on the postponement of the Eagles-Vikings game
Lou Minatti: Um global warming means more snow, not less. Go ahead and criticize, just get your poop in a pile first.
check out this time lapse of destruction
OK top video – you should really put away the umbrella, but whatever, it’s a cool video.
Bottom video. What were they supposed to do? Maybe it could have been pulled the other way, but given parking on BOTh sides of a narrow street, what the heck were they supposed to do? Wait for spring? Don’t park on the street. You live in the big city you shouldn’t need a car.
#15 First the global warming crowd makes a prediction. When they turn out to be wrong they say we expected this and its due to global warming.
Scotland is buying nuclear powered electricity because from France because their billions in Windmills are a bust. Spain is going bankrupt because of investing in “green” energy and Germany got dented.
Both France and England keep coming up short because they have been told for years that “the science is in” and winter snows are going to be a thing of the past.
The one thing that has been demonstrated is that even if somebody does have some ability to make long range weather forecasts they must not be part of the global warming bunch because those that have listened to them have been left out in the cold completely unprepared to deal with what actually happened.
At my location in Southern TN we haven’t had much snow but we sure have had what is for us is lot of nasty cold weather.
deowll, you live in Tennessee? Yup, you’re an expert on snow.
If some inbred idiots from the Independent wrote some crappy articles then you believe them? Wow!
I’m starting to understand Americans now.
#17 dig your vehicle out, dont try to yank it out. i can not understand people who say “what else were they supposed to do?” take time and dig out your machine, dont smash it into shit all over because yuou are lazy
In England we had 5 cm of snow last week. They called it the “Big Freeze” and closed the airports and told everyone not to make any journeys unless they had to.
bloomberg has seriously screwed over every borough except manhattan. cars and buses are stranded in the middle of the streets and barely any roads have been plowed at all.
#17 was obviously the tow truck driver and his twin was in ‘control’ of the rescued equipment.
These record lows and snows make global warmers look like liars and lunatics.
Apparently the whole world was unprepared for this early winter onslaught. Because they’ve been hearing NOTHING from those who’s job it is to warn us and predict this stuff coming well in advance. BECAUSE they’ve all been too busy predicting how we’re all going to die from heat. And drown from rising melt waters. None of which has been shown to be happening. Anywhere as much as the amounts of snow that have inundate cities and towns, so early in the season.
We need to stop paying these people to be advocates of a badly conceived “theory”. And go back to giving us the useful regional predictions, based on facts, that help us deal with the weather as it is now. Not some possible climate event in the far future. Since when have all the climate scientists gotten into the “curse” diagnosis and removal scam? And some of the astronomers and astro physicists aren’t far behind them. Warming of asteroid collisions any time now. Yeah, not for millions of years. But all of sudden, it could have today or tomorrow. And if we give them all the money we can possibly spare. They’ll somehow make the evil spare rocks go away. All it will really do, is make them go away. To live in Tahiti!