The science is in!

The high topography of Asia influences the atmosphere in profound ways. The jet stream, a river of fast-flowing air five to seven miles above sea level, bends around Asia’s mountains in a wavelike pattern, much as water in a stream flows around a rock or boulder. The energy from these atmospheric waves, like the energy from a sound wave, propagates both horizontally and vertically.

As global temperatures have warmed and as Arctic sea ice has melted over the past two and a half decades, more moisture has become available to fall as snow over the continents. So the snow cover across Siberia in the fall has steadily increased.

The sun’s energy reflects off the bright white snow and escapes back out to space. As a result, the temperature cools. When snow cover is more abundant in Siberia, it creates an unusually large dome of cold air next to the mountains, and this amplifies the standing waves in the atmosphere, just as a bigger rock in a stream increases the size of the waves of water flowing by.

The increased wave energy in the air spreads both horizontally, around the Northern Hemisphere, and vertically, up into the stratosphere and down toward the earth’s surface. In response, the jet stream, instead of flowing predominantly west to east as usual, meanders more north and south. In winter, this change in flow sends warm air north from the subtropical oceans into Alaska and Greenland, but it also pushes cold air south from the Arctic on the east side of the Rockies. Meanwhile, across Eurasia, cold air from Siberia spills south into East Asia and even southwestward into Europe.

That is why the Eastern United States, Northern Europe and East Asia have experienced extraordinarily snowy and cold winters since the turn of this century.

I guess that takes care of that. We’re dooooooomed! Might as well party!

  1. Derek says:

    If it gets warm, it’s global warming. If it gets cold it’s global warming. So basically, no matter what the weather is, its always global warming.

    Good ole altruism. Fueling dominance and control since the dawn of mankind.

  2. Weather is local, climate is global… I cannot for the life of me figure out why people do not understand this simple concept.

  3. richard says:

    Keith Johnston,

    Actually climate vs. weather has more to do with periods of time than global vs. local. They are basically the same thing, except climate is over a long period of time instead of up to two weeks.

  4. cfk1 says:

    #2–What he said.

  5. Chris says:

    @#2 Keith Johnson

    Because that phrase “weather is local, climate is global” is simply a way of diverting attention away from what people are actually seeing. That the term “consensus” is used to define science is the absolute antithesis of science. If it’s consensus, it’s not science. Science is defining repeatable observations and even one lone scientist (e.g. Galileo) can refute “consensus”.

    There is nothing showing that any rise in global temperatures is attributable to anything other than natural fluctuations in climate. The Earth has been much warmer, it has been much colder, and we have no way of measuring accurately how quickly those changes occur. All measurements of past temperatures rely on surrogate measurements, so we can never be 100% accurate and certainly not within a degree.

    And to then try and make trillion dollar policy gambles based on current temperatures varying by a degree or two from a past benchmark for which we cannot guarantee accuracy is lunacy. That’s all we’re saying.

  6. Mextli says:

    That’s the first time I have known the term “standing waves” to be applied to the atmosphere. Is that a common practice?

  7. Frank Gaydos says:

    This guy has been saying for years that it’s a cycle, NOT influenced by man.
    The sun has MUCH more influence than anything man can do.

  8. bobbo, how do you know what you know and how do you change your mind says:

    Weather is local. Climate is global. Add up ALL the local weather reports, and you have a report on climate.

    Thats why when someone says: “It sure is cold here” they are talking about weather. Add up all the “here’s” and you have a measure of climate.

    Track all the climate measures over time, and you’ve got a trend. 2010–warmest year on record==that includes all the cold snaps HERE and there, and all the balmy winters. All the melting glaciers, and all the lingering snow packs. Every average contains variations.

    Yes, the SUN is the largest variable in the Climate Models. Its behavior is cyclic and measurable/predicatable/modelable within a range. It’s contribution is understood and taken account of.

    Chris–there will never be “proof” of any system that can only be modeled. What you are doing however is accepting a null hypothesis that if you take an planetary system like ours and pump billions of ton’s of co2 into the atmosphere that that will not make any difference. How rational is that?

    The earth has been warmer/colder, more co2 and less etc. Thats irrelevant. Silly to even say it when the issue is humanity has built its numbers based on the climate of 200 years ago and our activities are changing it in a way that will cause SEVERE DISRUPTION!!!!

    Mextli==standing air waves are very common. You may know of areas known for sail planing where a constant wind will hit a slope causing an updraft? Well, on the other side of that obstruction/mountain you will typically find a stand lee side wave of turbulant air==best to be avoided. Fly early in the morning or during calm winds if you must.

  9. richard says:


    “Weather is local and climate is global” is incorrect.

    Weather and climate basically the same. Weather refers up to two weeks. Climate is more like years, decades, centuries…

  10. Someone says:


    Thanks for going to bat for anthropogenic global warming.

    I can now dismiss it without a qualm.

  11. Derek says:

    By using altruism of existence, the ones in power control the air you breath, the food you eat, the car you drive, and the job you have. By using the altruism that you’ve been spoon-fed your entire life, they can control everything you have, everything want, and everything you will get.

    You want a 70 in plasma? No, you must think of the environment. The government forces you to.

    You want a black car? No, you must think of the environment. The government forces you to.

    You dream of owning a Hummer? No, you must think of the environment. The government forces you to.

    Being environmentally friendly is a great thing. Being forced to by government is complete and total slavery.

    I ask you, how long of a chain will it take for you to accept your slavery?

  12. Bobbo 2 says:

    What #11 said. Bobbo, our hero, has spoken. Don’t bother with any disagreements. Bobbo knows he knows what he’s taking about and is prepared to convince you of that. Cripes! Our resident “genius”.

  13. bobbo, words have a meaning and a context says:

    #13–Bobbo No2, so scatalogical==excellent review of my contribution to DU, but I do wish to quibble. I “love” disagreement. A well formulated argument in opposition is what any troll desires. Gee, I sure hope you aren’t conflating a well formulated argument in opposition with talking out one’s ass? You aren’t doing THAT are you?

    I do like to think I know what I’m talking about: the mechanics and instances of “how” one knows what one knows, and how one changes one’s mind. Epistemology if you will. More process oriented than data point conclusionary. I’m sure you have spotted that distinction repeatedly.

    Genius? Not at all. Just a challenger. I challenge MYSELF, I challenge YOU. Surprising how many would rather throw rocks at Alfie.

    Sad Hoomans.

  14. Bobbo 2 says:

    I’m no apologist, but I do recognize a consistent never ending stream of self serving bullshit when I read it. You seem to talk a good argument, but rarely have but one point of view on any particular subject. No offense, but might I suggest you expand your horizons and THEN use your incredible talent to inform us of your considered opinions.

  15. bobbo, words have a meaning and a context says:

    #16–Bobbo No2, more scat than ology==Fine words but can you make them specific? Anything in this thread you find “self serving?” Do you have the correct defintion of “self serving” in mind or are you really thinking of some other concept?

    I talk a good argument? /// Thank you, that is my goal.

    but rarely have but one point of view on any particular subject /// and yet am roundly criticized for bloviating–being prolix. What if I went on to cover related but less direct issues? Even longer. Don’t you think a “good argument” on point is worthy in and of itself? Certainly much better than your product which is a poor argument for no discernible purpose at all? Ha, ha.

    I take no offense. Your stupidity and poor skills do not injure me. But, I’ve only fallen right in step with your approach. Lets back up just a small bit. I CHALLENGE YOU–copy paste any argument/statement/posting of mine and show how you would correct it to your complaint.

    I don’t think you can do it. aka==you are talking out your ass. And like that fart of yore, full of sound and fury.

    Prove me wrong.

  16. The Pirate says:

    Perhaps the self-righteous hot air in this thread will warm up the global weather creating a climate ripe for “Save the Planet” fraud.

    Side Note*
    Your words are proof enough bobbo. Resorting to name calling (again) is par for the course and evidence (again) of who the ass is. I laugh at your ineptitude.

  17. bobbo, words have a meaning and a context says:

    Hmmm. 25 minutes and counting?

    Just looking over this very thread, I demonstrate the VERY OPPOSITE of what you expressly complain of Bobbo No 2.

    It must be that you are thinking of some other subject and just using the wrong word? Much as you do with saying nonsensically that you are not an apologist when said concept is irrelevant to anything posted.

    Words. What ya gonna do?

    Well, Bobbo No 2==take your time, choose your complaint for another time and place. I WELCOME YOUR REBUKE AND YOUR CRITICISM. Anything valid will only make my subsequent arguments even better. Ain’t that a rat’s ass?

    Ha, ha.

  18. bobbo, words have a meaning and a context says:

    Hey Pirate==yes I admit I call people names, and I characterize their arguments. But Bobbo’s issue is that I am “self serving.” I don’t think that is true, do you?

    Likewise, now you claim I am “self righteous” and that leaves me wondering about your use of our language as well. SAME CHALLENGE: Copy and paste where I am being “self righteous” and state the better approach. Now, unlike Bobbo No 2, I think your task is much more easier. Easier because self righteous is easier to conflate than than is self serving. But the CHALLENGE remains, can you do it or are you just talking out your ass?

    Question: is correctly noting that someone has no argument and is just stringing words together with no valid basis an instance of being self serving or of being self rightous, or just being “accurate?”

    Inquiring minds want to know. I’ll check back in 25 minutes as I certainly would like to wake up tomorrow a better man.

    I’ve run out of eggs. No more nog. Good thing beer keeps fresh in the can?

  19. bobbo, words have a meaning and a context says:

    Well, mes amis et confrers==no response(s). I have often stated that my name calling “is” self serving. Serves my sense of humor. Also telling when anyone allows such a dithering irrelevancy to sidetrack and otherwise strong argument–in essence, a shorthand admission of defeat? I think so.

    So, Bobbo No 2 and Pirate==I’m sure you have your fingers on the pulse of something, but is it shit or shinola? They look the same in the dark, but taste very differently. Since I’m not changing absent a relevant stimulus, keep thinking about what’s stuck in your craw and catch me on the flip flop. I could go on, but I’d be self serving and self righteous. Never good to steal the flag before the gun goes off.

    I’m just snacking on a fresh batch of bread, croissants, and bear paws. Somehow they go with egg nog but not with beer. My tummy is upset. Time to surf the tv and see if anything is on.

    Of course, I’ll check back for the next few days should anyone have anything at all to backup their character assassinations.

    Heh, heh. Yes, I wonder what the “real” issue is?

  20. freddybobs68k says:

    “The organisation of denial: Conservative think tanks and environmental scepticism”

    “This study quantitatively analyses 141 English-language environmentally sceptical books published between 1972 and 2005. We find that over 92 per cent of these books, most published in the US since 1992, are linked to conservative think tanks (CTTs)”


  21. Rider says:

    Global Average Temperature. Not what’s it’s doing your neighborhood today.

  22. ECA says:

    Can I suggest to ALL of you,

    The only thing this conversation or ANY others is going to cause…

    Those that can do something will MAKE IT LOOK, as if something is being done, but nothing will happen. Then TAX you to make it happen(?)..

    Lets change 1 word in all this.
    Change CARBON for POLLUTION.

    How many products are made to FAIL, after you purchase them? Insted of being able to have a product 5-10 years..its 1-2.(and we pay the same price)
    ALL that CRAP, that is created has a FEW problems.
    Materials USED to create it..
    Materials NOT recovered AFTER you throw it away, for the 100th time.

    The major point in this comes with the IDEA, that CARS used to be repairable, even with OLD USED PARTS. You could even CHANGE the engines for BETTER ONES. You could EVEN make them run on PROPANE. and if you watch the interesting sites on the NET, there IS A PROBLEM. its called COPYRIGHTS. the TECH is out there, OLD/NEW.. but CORPS wont use them, as they dont OWN THEM. WE are the only country that acknowledges EVERYONE ELSE’S COPYRIGHTS.

  23. Shubee says:

    According to A. W. Montford in his book, The Hockey Stick Illusion, climate physicists are not scientists but religiously motivated hucksters that have willingly deceived themselves for money.

  24. Wodehouse says:

    A new season, a new excuse…

  25. Animby says:

    Derek – maybe I’m too dense to understand your use of the word but I’d swear you have no idea what “altruism” means.
    “altruism of existence”??
    “the altruism that you’ve been spoon-fed”????

    I love it when people use big words to try and sound smart. I remember when I was a kid, we used to try and use antidisestablishmentarianism in a sentence. Had no idea what it meant. Could have meant altruism for all we knew.

    Bobbo – while the term “climate” can refer to a global condition, it can also refer to a general condition in a smaller area. For instance, I live in a tropical climate. Where, by the way, they declared a cold weather emergency today. Ironic, no?

  26. Rob Leather says:

    Just to provide some scientific background… this would be a positive feedback loop as predicted by lots of other scientific body but NOT the IPCC. Who have limit the amount of positive feedback to almost zero. That’s how they can get the future temperature so high.

    Otherwise, things like this happen and drag the average down to just 1-1.5c increase over 100 years.

    That fact is that what caused all this cold weather is the North Atlantic Oscillation and it’s combination with La Niña (aka Southern Oscillation). It dragged the gulf stream out of place, temperatures went down.. blah blah blah.

    Now it’s snapped back, temperatures are increasing in the UK (to norms) etc But the rest of the atmosphere is still in shock! White snow in place, solar reflection etc etc.

    So, can we all calm down now 😀

  27. Greg Allen says:

    I’ll get my science from scientists, thank you.

    Not Sarah Palin or Glenn Beck.

  28. foobar says:

    It really doesn’t matter what you think. Peak oil and increased demand will force the decisions anyway.

    Sorry about your house in burbs.

  29. A Bush in the Hand or Something says:


    Headlines like this is why a Sarah Palin presidency would be the end of science. We’d no longer send satellites to the moons of Saturn, we’d just try to “pray” them into space.

    Why so much snow? It’s WINTER you idiot! It ALWAYS snows in winter. These are NOT record breaking snows, just regular old snows. And “global warming” predicts MORE extreme storms (more rain or more SNOW depending on time of year). Global warming doesn’t mean it won’t rain/snow anymore for f**ks sake. And yes it’s cold in mid winter you morons, but the AVERAGE temperature is higher over the entire globe for the year.

    For the LOVE OF F**KING GOD take a math class! Learn the difference between averages, norms, means and general statistics. You have NO idea what you’re talking about. Leave the science to the smart folks and we’ll leave the bigfeet/alien-anal-probing/gods/magic to you…ok?


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