Found by What?

  1. bobbo, telling shit from shinola says:

    So, why did this idiot go to the airport to begin with?

    Silly people think their own loopy ideas should control over “the law.” The law is what happens whether you like it or not. A little reality therapy for the lady–should have been only the first stop to some psychiatric counseling. Disagree?==then you need some counseling too, probably not a lot, just a mandatory touch base with reality.

    The Tale of Billy Budd. You can write books, and still they eat the covers.

  2. gquaglia says:

    TSA is the biggest sham in the history of this country. Millions wasted on what amounts to the Emperors New Clothes of security.

  3. dusanmal says:

    @#1 Because there is 100:1 chance that one will be selected for “enhanced scan/patdown”. If they haven’t selected her, she’d be on her merry way. Problem is that now they are expanding assault by arresting people who refuse both. One must be able to refuse and simply go back. Why arrest?

  4. Yankinwaoz says:

    Trains good, planes bad. Whoo Hoo!

  5. eighthnote says:

    #1 The “law” is completely arbitrary – but you’re right – if more people had a shred of dignity they’d refuse to fly until this nonsense stopped. I doubt there is any “law” that governs what happens at these gate rape centers. It’s more a matter of whatever open-ended and unchecked policy someone decides to implement.

  6. Mikey Twit says:

    I smell a pro bono lawyer in the offing, a constitutional challenge as a result of these “security” searches, and a nice hefty settlement for this lady. I may be a Canadian, but I thought your constitution protects against “unreasonable” search and seizure. These TSA security theatrics sure smack of unreasonable by any reasonable standard to me.

  7. notatall says:

    americans (I won’t even bother capitalizing the term anymore)…what a pitiable people we are. Not so much because armed goons in costume act this way, but because as a people we allow things like this to happen. Hell, listen to the words of the simps interviewed at the airport. They were grateful that the former rape victim was shackled and dragged across the airport.

  8. Butter Butt says:

    #6 your right.

    There is no law, Despite what ‘Big Sis’ says the TSA cannot create laws they can only enforce the laws created and approved by Congress.

    TSA can implement rules and regulations and that is it.

    They are relying on the ignorance of the traveling public and the guy who wrote reply #1.

  9. Rider says:

    If people would actually watch the story before they comment they would realize this woman is a wackjob who got into a fight with TSA.

    She had the right to refuse walk away and leave.

    I hate the TSA and these new procedures, but twisting every nut jobs story into an evil TSA story is not doing the good guys any favors.

  10. bobbo, the guy who wrote #1 says:

    Dontcha just “hate” reality?

    Everybody knows that if you go to the airport you are going to be molested, so you go to the airport and then get upset you got molested? Ha, ha. Yes, a flight from reality, not to Debuque?

    Dismal–I assume you actually do know why an arrest on refusal to be patted down is VERY reasonable==after one allows for security reviews to begin with. Stop being a poser, or–if you are this abysmally ignorant, post again and I’ll report the obvious.

    What a bunch of retards, complaining about the way the world “is” and having to figure out how to best deal with it as per one’s own priorities. Railing against the reality itself though is a total FAIL.

    Stoopid Hoomans.

  11. I like the way the media picks the stooges to comment — always in full agreement with “the Law!” Shameful reporting.

  12. Jim The Waiter says:

    This woman did not want to go through the full body scanner because she thought it would affect her “pacemaker” like device. Yet, she said she gave the TSA full permission to wand her with a handheld metal detector, which has been proven to disrupt pacemakers and defibrillators? And I would like to have a look a the security footage, as really we only have half of the story (none of the arresting officers or TSA agents were interviewed, and the reporter didn’t mention any arrest report). And JCD you are so correct, I would assume if they reporter had footage of someone saying that the TSA needs to go to a Israeli type security, they would leave it on the cutting room floor.

  13. TSA Sucks says:

    The TSA and that dude that runs homeland “illusion of” security seems to run under the assumption we are guilty till they can prove you are guilty.

  14. Special Ed says:

    #3 – What if they refused after it looked like they were the 1 in 100 that was going to get the search? Had they been allowed to pass through, not an issue but once they are selected – then they complain? If you refuse, that makes you look suspect unless you are an attention whore and just want to create a scene. Some people deserve to be kicked in the nuts, or the cunt as that may be. Profile and look for the sand knee grows, it works for the Israelis.

  15. A Nony Mouse says:

    Anybody notice how the said she “claims” to be a rape victim. Nice NLP suggesting she’s a liar.

  16. deowll says:

    The U.S. Constitution does say what the TSA is doing is illegal but then Federal Judges no longer care about what that worthless hunk of toilet paper says.

  17. Animby says:

    # 12 Jim The Waiter said, “a handheld metal detector, which has been proven to disrupt pacemakers and defibrillators?”

    Early pacemaker technology was liable to interference from magnetic devices. No more. The devices require coded magnetic pulses to reprogram. The worst that might happen is that for the moment the wand is directly over the device, it might stop sensing and go into automatic mode. As soon as the wand passes on, the pacemaker (or defibrillator) would return to normal sensing.

  18. Special Ed says:

    #16-It probably wasn’t rape until she realized he wasn’t going to call her.

  19. bobbo, life is an illusion says:

    #17–do-ill===you say: “The U.S. Constitution does say what the TSA is doing is illegal” /// That is just a ditto head lie. Care to quote the relevant language? Hint: don’t leave out the word “reasonable.”

    Whadda dolt.

  20. Animby says:

    “The Transportation Security Administration, which intensified airport screening last month, points to several successes: small amounts of marijuana wrapped in baggies, other drugs stitched inside underwear, ceramic knives in shirt pockets.”

    Ceramic knives in shirt pockets. WTF? Has there been an epidemic of ceramic knives in shirt pockets? None in trouser pockets or handbags? Just shirt pockets? Were any of the people charged with terrorism or where they just innocents with too much room in their shirt pockets? How many ceramic knives do the TSA baboons now own?

    And what kind of success is finding small amounts of MJ? I though they were forbidden to go on fishing expeditions. Was that marijuana a threat to the transportation network?

    Dammit. They are not cops. They have no law enforcement authority. They are very glorified (at least in their own minds) security guards. How dare they claim success based on these infractions.

    If they are so damned good, why can’t they point to a specific instance in which they have foiled just one nefarious plot? Because they haven’t that’s why.The TSA is the most fantastically expensive theatrical production in the history of the world. Performances daily at a theater near you.

    There. Bile vented.

  21. Tricky Nicky says:

    Good for her (unfortunately)
    I desperately hope this makes it to HIGH COURT and some HOT SHOT ATTORNEY picks her up and stops this completely BOGUS invasion of our personal and private space.

    AND I am so sick of hearing sheeple saying ” I feel safer ” when referring to the TSA in ANY WAY.
    People – don’t you realize that TSA employees are the rejects that can’t get real jobs or couldn’t make the cut for city bus driver.
    They have the power to completely destroy your travel plans and the offer you NO ACTUAL SECURITY.

    This could lead to a pat down for entering all public places – like MALLS – yes MALLS, COSTCO, WAL-MART all those places you love!

    So stop believing what news tv/radio serve you and actually look at it without any ‘distractions’ and make your own decision and if you cant do that and feel secure consult a member of your family that is over 50 years old. They will tell you its all BOGUS!

    2 2 the head

  22. TTHor says:

    Safe from what???

  23. ggore says:

    Y’know, out of the MILLIONS of people who flew over this holiday weekend, this whole procedure seems to be just fine with 99.99999991% of the flying public. It’s only on these blogs where you see all the vitriol about it. Very interesting. I talked to relatives who flew in for Christmas and to a one they all said it was no big deal, no one even came close to saying they had been molested, and they were all very happy with the extra measure of mental satisfaction that they might just be a little bit safer flying now. Again, very interesting, despite all the vitriol in these comments. Makes me wonder if anyone commenting here has actually flown under these new regulations or if they are just sitting here ranting & raving just to hear their head rattle.

  24. Rider says:

    What would the ACL?U have to get involved with. getting on a plane is not right that is guaranteed to anyone.

  25. sam says:

    Bad reporting! I have some questions! Did she refuse to leave? What was she charged with Disorderly conduct or Criminal trespass to property?

  26. Benjamin says:

    If we just just went back to the way it was ten years ago, but had passengers be vigilant, it would stop all this nonsense. Both the shoe bomber and underpants boy were caught and tackled by passengers. TSA just let them on the plane.

    DO away with enhanced pat downs.

  27. Special Ed says:

    #27 – After viewing the video there appears to be a certain amount of derp involved.

  28. Animby says:

    Napolitano said. “We pick up contraband now, and we pick up more contraband with the new procedures and the new machinery. ”

    I hope by “contraband” she means weapons but I’m guessing it’s mostly drugs. “What we know is that you can’t measure the devices that we are deterring from going on a plane.” Tell us Big Sis. Just one reasonable terrorist attempt you’ve detected and stopped. Just one… Ceramic penknives and an ounce of mary jane just don’t warrant your many billion dollar budget.

    I suspect the major terror attack will be a dirty bomb detonated on some container ship parked in LA harbor. Whatcha doin about that, Big Sis?

    # 28 Benjamin said, “shoe bomber and underpants boy were caught and tackled by passengers. TSA just let them on the plane.” I am no fan of the TSA but these people did not pass through TSA. They both boarded from foreign airports. (The shoe guy in Paris and the undies boy from Amsterdam.) Watch your facts, Benjie.

  29. The_Tick says:

    Wow, it truly is with a whimper. Huxley for the win.

  30. Mr Fog says:

    #31 The_Tick
    This is the way the world ends
    Not with a bang but a whimper.

    T.S. Eliot >not< Huxley


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