Found by Gary, the dangerous infidel

  1. Kari Hansen says:

    If I’d wanted a fairytale, I’d listen to the Government. The last thing I need now is a made up-story about the illegitimate child of an unmarried carpenter.

  2. Rabble Rouser says:

    If I’d wanted a fairytale, I’d listen to the Corporations. The last thing I need now, is a made up story about a bastard child of a carpenter.

    There Kari, Fixed it for ya!

  3. JimD says:

    The Pharisees wanted Jesus dead because he overturned the money changers tables in the Temple !!! Couldn’t have ANYTHING INTERFERRING WITH “COLLECTIONS” (STILL TRUE TODAY – IN ANY RELEIGION) !!!

  4. donsilva says:

    This is really a good way to show how technology has changed the way we do things. I think it is very funny.

  5. Nate Homier says:

    I’m agnostic and I still thought it was cute. We could use another Jesus today to overturn the money grabbing TV Evangelist.

  6. bobbo, the evangelical progressive says:

    YOU KNOW, add some gps trackers/or even dna matching to the story and you could find out who Mary made the doublebacked beast with.

    Virgin Birth. Is that still supposed to be taken literally or is that in Great Flood territory now?

  7. nobody says:

    #7 – depends which brand you are.
    The guy-in-Rome-with-big-hat lot reckon yes
    The German-guy-with-a-diet-and-a-church-door-blog lot reckon no.

    Historians reckon it was added in the 2nd century to sell the whole pitch to the Greeks = what kind of God do you have if they didn’t spring from the forehead of another God.

  8. bobbo, the evangelical progressive antitheist says:

    Thanks Nobody–that even makes sense and is good to know as a general concept: the Greeks thought of everything first. They are kinda like the Simpsons that way.

    Comparative Religion – powerful stuff.

  9. Cursor_ says:


    It doesn’t matter in the least one way or the other about the story, or who Jesus was/is.

    The majority of chrisendom is in rebellion of his rules. And there are only TWO of the suckers.

    They prefer their old wine, But then again so do you.


  10. Benjamin says:

    #10, It does matter if Jesus was born from a virgin birth. Especially if you believe that God came down to earth to walk among us as a human in the form of Jesus. Then we treated Jesus poorly when he was on earth. Sometimes I wonder why God loves us so much even though we aren’t worthy of His love.

    I liked the video. I just wondered where the names of the wise men came from. The Bible didn’t give the magi names.

  11. Mojo Yugen says:

    As a hard-core Atheist, some of you need to lighten up a bit.
    I liked the “Avoid Romans” check-box on the Google Map page.


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