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WTF, this was horrible performing.
#17 nicktherat
It’s back after CES.
Holy moly those kids need help
I like the one kid with sunglasses on and a hood up hoping no one will be able to tell who it is…
Where are their “Obama Youth” uniforms?
They also have another lovely ditty called “Jesus Gave Us Authority”. These delightful little offerings are care of the Westcoast Believers Church who look like a bunch of dewey eyed Dallas Theological types.
Even my dogs threw up.
BTW, I like the circular logic.
1. Respect and obey authority
2. Jesus gave us authority
3. Therefore, respect and obey us
Rapture loving fundamentalist Christians say the darndest things, don’t they? It’s all kind of like a theological North Korea.
Good to see that there are still kids that have learn to respect authority!! there will be plenty of time for them to question and challenge things as they excel past all the arrogant punks with their oversized sense of entitlement.
Fundamentalists are blind for anything but the truth they preach, being it Christians or Muslims or one of the -isms that are on the garbage pile of history.
Outside military ranks, obey is such a horrible word. It oozes of power abuse, and demand for the blind dedication without reason or question.
AQ, Taliban and this disgusting example of indoctrination are equal evils.
Suppressing and making people – and children in particular – to submit blindly to authority and more often than not, abuse – is as bad as to maim. Killing the mind softly and slowly is pure evil. The works of the psychopath.
#44 Thanks for the language lesson. We foregners try the best we can. But maybe with some imagination you could understand the point?
The -isms relates to Nazism and Communism. I though that was obvious. Not so, so here goes. I guess we can agree they are on the said garbage pile? I have not heard of Christianism and Muslimism but can be caused that Englsih is my 3. language. Shall we do it in Chinese or in Norwegian, maybe German or French? You pick I write.
Blind obey in this context is a horrible word. Just as the Nuremberg trials showed. Go read history.
Thank you for also pointing out how stupid I am and how smart you are. I always wondered…
Respect mah authoritah!
#42 Alfred Persson,
Respect is not something given by demands or decry to anyone living, in this world, nor the invisible white man in the clouds. It is something that is earned, no matter who you are or who you think you are.
There is also no such thing as Government Authority in any level of government. Government on every level is a public office of the people and by the people. Public office on any level does not grant the elected public servant the dictated, assumed, presumed, or demanded respect of the citizenry.
SHUT up Slaves!
Jesus would hate this song.
I agree with zokolo. #18. If you’re blaming one party or the other, you’re avoiding half of the problem.
Hey, what’s everybody think of Alfred Persson? Could you imagine having him as your Dad?
Alfred does solstice.
Fundies are fundies.
I wish I could see them in 5 years when they look back on this after reading 1984 and die from utter humiliation.
Had to listen to F*ck tha Police after this just to balance things out.
Ahhhh……much better.
#57 And apparently fundies have no sense of humor. Ease up there little fella, you’re going to hurt yourself.
#42 Are you serious? Tell me you are joking, because your post is by far the most hilarious in this thread…you were going for the comedy, yes?
#42 Your post is by far the most hilarious in the thread. If you were going for the funny, you nailed it! Where will you be performing your standup routine?
A clear case of romans 13.
Hitlers favorite bibleverse…
Great…in the lovely rat race that is life, I will encourage others to program their kid’s attitude exactly like this. My kid is gonna run the frigging country. How’s that Hope and Change thingy goin’ for ya? Morons.
I’m really enjoying the whole Christian fundamentalists trying to blame this on the liberal fundamentalists. I love squirming of any type.
Hey Alfie–I know you are too far gone but dig this: any idea/sentiment that is “disgusting” in one context retains that reality when it is recast into a different context.
In this case, its not the idea that has changed but merely the “authority” that is being worshiped. The disgust remains untouched.
Heh, heh.
Anyone with a residual of interest can catch more about the making/makers of this video here:
Yes, one of the “empty vessel” type adherents finding fulfillment in total immersion into their kiddies. Surely an abuse by any standard?
This kind of song would be completely accepted and considered great in Taiwan.
Even jesus wouldn’t have that on his iPod