While the video is a promo for a shopping center, you see their rather large Caganer leaving his traditional Christmas “present” as he’s being assembled.
While the video is a promo for a shopping center, you see their rather large Caganer leaving his traditional Christmas “present” as he’s being assembled.
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WTF Spain?
Spain and Japan, exist in that realm between genius and insanity. In this case, I’m thinking the latter…
Best translated as “Shitter.”
So that’s where Yule Logs come from.
If this were next to a McDonalds, then I would understand.
Many political Caganers from (s)Catalonia.
Reminds me of 1 or 2 US presidents of recent memory…………
Reminds me of the shower rangers. Dr. Pierce had a talk about this kind of humor. I can’t remember the exact ADV broadcast but maybe shower rangers is in the name. It would be be interesting to know the name of the person behind this to see if old Dr. Pierce was right?
I Found it!
This humor is anti Christmas.
From the Wikipedia entry on Caganers:
Other mentions of feces and defecation are common in Catalan folklore, indeed, one popular Catalan phrase before eating says “menja bĂ©, caga fort i no tinguis por a la mort!” (Eat well, shit strong and don’t be afraid of death!).
Words to live by… Anyone know where I could get a CAGAFORT wristband? 🙂
@#11: !?!?!?! Do you really believe that?? When a child of a certain race is raised by another, how many time do you see them “revert to form”? The environment has MUCH more to do with it, my LIFE being a prime example.
Or am I trollbait??? Hmmmm….