1. oplama says:

    Will it come with the rubber band this time?

  2. KMFIX says:

    The time travel app works. I have it…on my iPhone 23.

  3. mharry860 says:

    Phones for dummies, yeah I have one, but they didn’t have any of the Android sets at that time.

  4. foobar says:

    The cartoons tells gallons about the mind share that the iPhone has. Kind of like Sarah Palin and the liberal fascination.

    Waiting for pedro to be the token old school liberal. You know, balding but with a pony tail.

  5. A Bush in the Hand or Something says:

    I hate the iPhone. It’s GREAT hardware and pretty good software, but I hate it. It’s such a “fashion” phone. It’s the Members Only Jacket, or Bose stereo of the 80s. It’s the “thing you have to have to be cool!” even though 90% of the people who buy it couldn’t tell you what it does or why anything it does is better than the competition. (sigh)

    Technology as fashion always makes my skin crawl.

  6. Animby says:

    # 4 foobar said, “token old school liberal. You know, balding but with a pony tail.”

    I fear you’ve thrown me a quandary. I used to be balding and had a pony tale. Now, years later, the balding is about the same but I wear my hair closely cropped. I use a Nexus One but have a serious jones for the Galaxy Tab.

    Please, what is my political status?

  7. RatBastard says:

    I’ll wait for the telomere lengthening app. And the genital sizing app; yeah it’s gotta go DOWN too.

  8. Michael says:

    To all apple haters:

    There’s an app for that.

  9. revdjenk says:

    … leave Apple alone … cry – cry !

  10. The Dude says:

    This post is simple JEALOUSY!

    iPhones simply work. Users spend time enjoying life and having it enhanced by the device instead of spending time “hacking” trying to get software to play nice. Whats so wrong with that?

  11. Gazbo says:

    I notice there is no phone, but with the “get out of jail free” ap, I don’t really need one.

  12. pschyotoad says:

    Fan bois rejoice!
    Everyone else laugh your ass off.

  13. JimD says:

    I’ll take the “Pie on Demand” !!!

  14. foobar says:

    Animby. Definitely geek with a touch of retro. You could reach the honorable title of nerd if your Android is rooted.

  15. Animby says:

    # 15 foobar said,”…nerd if your Android is rooted.”


  16. Arkyn1 says:

    #11 iPhones “simply work”? What does that even MEAN??? Show me a cell phone that didn’t allow you to make or receive calls. It’s a cell phone, folks. Primary function of a cell phone is to allow incoming and outgoing phone calls. Everything else is frippery.

  17. PeterR says:

    I just bought a new phone. It cost €41. It allows me to make and receive phone calls. The only “app” I use is the alarm clock. The ringtone is a recording of me playing Bach’s BWV 565 Toccata (but not the Fugue – it’s kinda difficult). And that’s it. Not even a “Pie on Demand” feature.

    BTW, I bought a new phone because the battery died in the old one after 2 years. Ever tried buying a phone battery? Nobody sells them, at least not here (Spain) “for safety reasons” I was told. WTF?

  18. msbpodcast says:

    Hey foobar (#4) mi nombré es Carlo, no es Pédro.

    I am not interested in owning any appliance or piece of tech gear which could rat on me out of vengeance.

    While I am a firm believer in having the freedom NOT to carry a smart anything, unfortunately you can’t even find a phone without a camera and a web browser anymore.

  19. deowll says:

    #17 not according to Leo L. He’s in love with his Iphone but he ends up hauling around something else because at least where he lives the phone feature bleeps.

    Of course I’ve been told some people won’t even answer a phone call. If you can’t or won’t text they won’t communicate with you.

  20. foobar says:

    I respect nerds.

  21. foobar says:

    pedro is just ray of sunshine on a cloudy day.

    Nokia owners are cranky.

  22. The Dude says:

    Pedro is one of those regulars here living the “Dvorak lifestyle”, so his world view is limited to Android, Google, failing stock market hype, government conspiracies, and all the usual blather Drvorak would have you believe if this was your only information source.

    #17, Sorry to hear you are stuck in the past. I enjoy my “frippery”, I hope you enjoy your bag phone.

    I’m certainly not a mac fan boy, or whatever you’d like to believe. I believe in things that work when you want them to. I’ve had all the flavours of smartphones over the years. If Apple happens to make such a device for the time being, well that’s life.

    Written on a Win7 PC (Hope this didn’t disappoint your peabrain assumptions Pedro)

  23. foobar says:

    Yup, I’m figuring Windows XP, Firefox, and Nokia for pedro.

  24. The Dude says:

    “The thing is, anything mac is a turd and macfans are a bunch of retards.” – Pedro

    Spoken like a true intellect. Your computer is broken? Sounds like a turd to me. If you were open enough, you might try a Mac sometime.

  25. GlowingApple says:

    #14 “I’ll take the “Pie on Demand” !!!”

    Pi ~= 3.1415926535898
    e ~= 2.817281728459045


    There, pie on demand.


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