This Episode’s Executive Producer: Geoff Crowther
Associate Executive Producers: Ann Nonymous
Art By: Nick the Rat

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  1. moss says:

    Mothra? Har!

    That means Chicagoans had better prepare for the chrysalis stage at that big old building that used to belong to Sears, Roebuck.

  2. moss says:

    BTW, for all the doomsayers – you might note the European stock markets – this morning – have returned to where they were before Lehman Bros crashed and burned.

    Seems to me there were a few pundits predicting this couldn’t happen.

  3. What? says:


    Watch the Ivory Johnson videos on YouTube, and read his work on the Washington DC Examiner website.

    If you accept 15% of his arguments, you must change your mind.

    The begining of the changes haven’t begun.


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