This Can’t Be Happening

There was a black-out and a white-out Thursday and Friday as over a hundred US veterans opposed to US wars in Afghanistan and elsewhere around the world, and their civilian supporters, chained and tied themselves to the White House fence during an early snowstorm to say enough is enough.

Washington Police arrested 135 of the protesters, in what is being called the largest mass detention in recent years. Among those arrested were Ray McGovern, a former CIA analyst who used to provide the president’s daily briefings, Daniel Ellsberg, who released the government’s Pentagon Papers during the Nixon administration, and Chris Hedges, former war correspondent for the New York Times.

No major US news media reported on the demonstration or the arrests. It was blacked out of the New York Times, blacked out of the Philadelphia Inquirer, blacked out in the Los Angeles Times, blacked out of the Wall Street Journal, and even blacked out of the capital’s local daily, the Washington Post, which apparently didn’t even think it was a local story worth publishing an article about (they simply ran a photo of Ellsberg with a short caption).

Found by Cinàedh.

  1. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    YOU KNOW, its been niggling at me for a while how passive the people have been about these endless expensive unpaid for wars of little imaginable benefit for the USA?

    Figures I’VE BEEN BAMBOOZLED by the same incompetent/in cahoots press that serves the Government rather than checks its power.

    And bearing private arms won’t do a thing about the rape of your freedoms right before your eyes.

    Deaf, dumb, and blind. God Bless You DU! Its the lords work you are doing.

    Now what?

  2. Improbus says:

    Where to get real news? Al Jazeera. Sad, I know.

  3. Cursor_ says:

    And like the dimwits that were at the national mall with Glen Beck in tow asking why government is all f’d up, these fools wait until NOW to chain themselves up?

    What took you guys so long? Ran out of beer and batteries for the remote?


  4. Brian says:

    But at least I know which celebritard had some “racy” photos leaked and which celebritards had a baby! Now that’s news!!!

  5. BigBoyBC says:

    Who cares about a bunch of veterans freezing their collective nuts off, We’re wanting to know if some “D” list celebrity has a new sex tape leaked, or if Justin Beiber gets laid…


  6. dexton7 says:

    Again proof that the lame stream media is part of the 4th branch of US government. They may be forced to put their own spin on this once the internet buzz gets loud enough.

    There is going to be a lot more stories blacked out this year… I have a hunch that this year will be the year of massive protests.

  7. deowll says:

    None of the media outlets actually has reporters any more so unless this appears on line or in their media feed they don’t know it happened.

    The numbers are to low to matter to the modern media who can easily ignore thousands. I would have thought somebody was there protesting something just about every day and often in larger numbers than this. The mess arrests should have been worth noting I suppose.

    The people named should have contacts with the lame media but it normally kisses up to the WH and doesn’t report what might embarrass it. The lame media also nearly always report on the same story at the same time with pretty much the same point of view which is why their market share is tanking.

    In order to get market share they need a real conservative/libertarian and a real progressive which is about all most of them have and let these people hit it from very different view points then chew each other out.

    They might also try bringing in something that everybody else hasn’t talked to death or breaking a new story for a change.

  8. A Bush in the Hand or Something says:

    It’s not a “black out”…it’s a non-story. Dude, I used to LIVE in DC. There are protests EVERY SINGLE DAY at the White House, by people for or against something (abortion, gay rights, military action, monetary action, blah blah blah).

    It’s generally speaking NOT news unless something unusual happens. These wars have been protested for 7 years…this ISN’T news. I wouldn’t have covered it as an editor either.

  9. Still_Walking_Point says:

    They act in your name.

  10. ECA says:

    Another war for oil..Yes it is. They wish to install an oil pipeline threw Iraq and Afghanistan, to SAVE SHIPPING around Africa.

    and WHO pays for it.. NOT the corps, who WANT IT.

    Bush said that OIL from Afghanistan and Iraq would PAY for the war?? NOT ON YOUR LIFE.

  11. TooManyPuppies says:

    And this is why I block all channels and web properties belonging to the lamestream coming into my home. On the satellite box, all major network and cable news channels are blocked. Via my OpenDNS settings all properties owned by ABC, FOX, CBS, NBC, CNN and MSNBC are all blocked.

    It’s rather refreshing to not be subjected to them.

  12. Improbus says:


    Agreed. I cut the cable cord a year and a half ago. I don’t miss them.

  13. msbpodcast says:

    The saying in the editorial offices goes “If it bleeds, it leads!”

    That’s what’s missing from these peaceful protest. There’s no drama.

    If they wanted coverage, they should have arranged to have a member commit a non-lethal “sepuku” and they would have got all the publicity they wanted.

    How do you commit non-lethal “sepuku”?

    You tie big, long balloon to your stomach, around your waist, atop a thick leather strap, under your clothes. Fill the balloon with animal blood. You wait for somebody with a camera to show up (somebody’s bound to show up because you told them you were coming, and they’ll send some stringer there.)

    You ask the stringer if he wants a Pulitzer prize, pull out a wakizashi sword, (dulled or not), cut through your coat, shirt and the balloon (but not the leather strap) fall to the ground, have your buddies rush in and pick you up while you scream and writhe as you yell out your message, and carry you to a hospital* and you’ll definitely make the 5::00 news.

    And escape out a back door while your buddies go on about how distraught you become over the shameful treatment of [insert cause here].

    You make the 5:00 news and all it cost you was one old shirt, one balloon, a few quarts of animal blood, clean up of one blood filled balloon.

  14. McCullough says:

    Damned terrorists…er, Patriots…or whatever. The government just views them as “dumb, stupid animals to be used”.

    now that’s showing respect.

  15. Greg Allen says:

    But when a dozen Tea Partiers act like jackasses at a Town Hall, it dominates the news for weeks.

    “Liberal” media, my foot.

  16. Lou Minatti says:

    Barry Obama is doing a heckuva job!

  17. MikeN says:

    There’s a Democrat in the White House now. Protesters are not assumed to be righteous anymore.

  18. Greg Allen says:


    It’s the ones who believe this nonsense about the “liberal media” who have drunk the Kool Aid.

    You have to live in some alternative reality to believe the mainstream media is liberal because there is ample and constant evidence otherwise.

    This blog story is just one example.

  19. Grandpa says:

    But it wasn’t blacked out of this page and others throughout the Internet. Now you understand why the newspapers are going under….they don’t deliver the news.

  20. TTHor says:

    Can’t be cried out louder than this! The mainstream media are puppets for the Government Party. “Don’t see here, look over there…”

  21. DeeHexi says:

    I noticed quite some time ago that the Headline NEws in the US show more of the Lohans and Hiltons than real news. Here (Germany) our news are IMPORTANT things from Germany and all over the world. And the news in the entertainment area are on different shows, but NOT in the Headline News section.

    This was definitely worth for headline news…I think it’s about time that people go back on the streets for what they believe in. Same over here. We need to tell the people we voted for what to do…not the other way around!!!

  22. The0ne says:

    Seems like there’s some Fox-news going on here!

  23. BryanP says:

    Now now #10, quiet down. Logic, reason and common sense have no place here.

  24. LDA says:

    I think people are mostly ambivalent because conscription ended, being forced to act as cannon fodder will get people motivated.

  25. jman says:


    and those anti-war protests led the news every night…..when Bush was in office. They don’t want to hear about people protesting the Mighty O though

  26. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    Chris Hedges was also at that assemblage. He mentioned it in reviewing his book/views “The Death of the Liberal Class” on Democracy Now last night. Shocking how stark/craven he makes the issue. Makes me sound puerile and lackadaisical–hah, hah.

    The US is installing a “neo Feudalism” thru its tax, education, media, congress systems.

    Not only is it “worse” than I have ever thought, it appears to be irreversable as well. From IF Stones “Manufacturing Consent” to the Quizzling Presidency of Obama–the liberal/middle class is being destroyed from the inside out.

    This 20 minute talk was followed by some comedy relief with Naomi Wolfe accurately reviewing the Assange rape allegation and her all sex must be expressly voluntary advocate on the other side. Something to see.

    This was then followed by local news regarding that Pedophile in Florida who got arrested for his “how to” book. Actually, everything the guy said I think is accurate and true. One of the few instances I think where FREE SPEECH should take second place to safety for our kiddies. Why? Because the kiddies cannot protect themselves. They are like Republican Voters in this respect: too stupid/uninformed/misinformed/too attracted to candy to act in their own self interests.

    Now to find Hedges one and only commencement speech for which he quit the NY Times on the Dem Now website.

    I may be just on the cusp of a majory political depression here. Its much worse than I thought. Democracy had a good run in the 20th Century. God Rest Democracy.

  27. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    Hedges appearance is posted at

    I could not find his commencement speech on the website but found the short transcript here:

    Gosh, pretty middle of the stream/reasonable speech. “Red Badge of Courage” and “When Johnny Comes Marching Home” are several times more horror inspiring.

    Our culture is going backwards. Yes, feudal indeed. A new dark age of cultural values as we fight for the scraps left us.

  28. JimD says:

    The “Mainstream” Media – All the News we want you to know !!! Plenty of news about Korea, the next War – for the War Profiteers !!!

  29. dittmv says:

    The entire left wing establishment has an interest in not making Obama look bad because in their minds any criticism of the administration enables the Republicans. Continuing the analogy, enabling the Republicans will somehow lead to the fall of Saigon which will then lead to the continued spread communism throughout the world.

    As soon as Obama’s victory was apparent and more so post election, the protests started disappearing. The participation in war protests is down considerably locally. (I do not even remember the last one.) It is hard to say from my perch 2000 miles away but, I theorize that this is also the same reason the pot is still illegal in California.

    Makes me sick how these quacks on both sides are more interested in defending their presidents and their police state than their country.

  30. Guyver says:

    Not surprising. Back in the Summer of 2004, Vladmir Putin had a press conference explaining that Russian Intel had told the U.S. Iraq was planning to attack the U.S. “soon” back when we ever considered going into Iraq.

    The newsworthy part was that this was coming out of Vladmir’s mouth seeing how the Russians were against us going into Iraq prior to his press release.

    The news’ reaction? Fox covered it all day. CNN briefly mentioned it. For the remainder of CNN’s time and all the other networks, Bill Clinton’s new autobiography at the time was more newsworthy.


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