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  1. Stickum up truck says:

    Bumper stickers are probably the only thing holding that truck together.

  2. Improbus says:

    Magical Thinking … No thinking required!

  3. Mr, Ed says:

    This is one guy who’s daughter will never have a date outside of church picnics yet will have a husband and three kids by the time she is 18.

  4. Buzz Mega says:

    I am sooo glad somebody blanked out the pickup’s plate number. That has assured the driver of this vehicle a measure of anonymity.

  5. smartalix says:

    Yes, Alfred. How dastardly is the FCC for daring to regulate that the web should remain a level playing field.

    Next let’s move on those draconian referees at football games.

  6. Floyd says:

    Note he’s got a “Calvin Kneeling” sticker on his truck. As far as I know, Calvin and Hobbes never got religious in the entire time that comic strip was printed.

  7. bobbo, the truth sets you free, real slaves hate that as it makes them think says:

    If I was a cop, I’d give that guy a ticket for obstructing his vision. And thats why assholes should not be made cops.

    Ba duuuummpt!

  8. deowll says:

    #8 Yah know bobbo, I’m inclined to agree with you. My first thought on seeing the truck was that he had completely obstructed his rear window. My second was to wonder if a steam cleaner would get rid of the mess.

    I’m by bumper stickers the way I’m by charities. The fewer you support the better.

    That is I try to make a significant contribution, based on my income, to one charity I’ve checked out and trust and don’t pay much attention to the rest most of the time. One sticker is okay: it says what you stand for, but this many is just an eye sore.

  9. bobbo, the truth sets you free, real slaves hate that as it makes them think says:

    D0-ill==first Factson/Factsoff now you? The Christmas season is breaking out all over!! JCD calls it Pic of the Day but he has posted similar 3-4 times before. Seems to me I’ve already said that Bumper Stickers are more like Tattoos (rather than charities in your forumulation. Nothing inherently “wrong” with making such statements except that it denies the subtleties of all the other choices and really the exciting dynamic of the contest of persuasions between them all that just can’t take place with the posting of merely a few.

    I wonder if those dudes are as shallow as they appear? Seems to be the way of things.

    Dismal?–who/what do you hate and why?

    Heh, heh. I’m feeling cheery myself.

  10. High Karate says:

    Got Jesus?
    No, I got gas…filling me?

  11. TheLemming says:

    Now either I no a few distubed individauls but I was looking at this pic and a few people all laughed at the same stiker the one reading “Only half the patients entering our abortion center leave alive”.

    Got me thinking thats not really what this person is after is it?

    Also I’m sure thats got to be illegal for view reasons and just cos it a general eye sore.

  12. Rich says:

    I’m distressed that he’s displaying every possible bumper sticker for a bogus, superficial “pop Christianity”. Ditto he’s waiting for a Rapture that won’t happen. Of course I appreciate all the anti-abortion stickers, but he needs to make that passion PERSONAL and stop pushing it all off on “God said so”. I like the idea of a lefty, dope smoking weeny type reading this and pulling over to have a quiet little stroke.

  13. foobar says:

    #1 Fail whale

    #2 Funny

    #13 Pop Christianity? That’s a keeper.

    JCD Double plus extra points for filing it under “art”

  14. bobbo, the truth sets you free, real slaves hate that as it makes them think says:

    #13–Rich==what other reason is there to be anti-abortion except that god did say it?

    Doesn’t matter that god didn’t say it, he is still the only reason people can be against it.

    Warning: this is an obvious set up. There is a big fat f*cking trap set you for.

    Now jump.

  15. ECA says:

    Best protection you can have, for paint scratches..

  16. Skippy says:

    Does anyone know of anybody who is anti-abortion for non religious reasons?

  17. @17

    Me. I’m afraid we might abort the next Hitler.

  18. Cursor_ says:

    I am anti abortion on demand. But not against it entirely.

    And I an agnostic.


  19. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    Cursor==no one care what you think. The issue is WHY? What is the source of your position?

  20. PcMonster says:

    If our government continue to condone the killing of millions of innocent babies nothing is ever going to be fixed.
    There will be no balanced national budget, we will not be able to fix unemployment, feed all of the starving people, or fix any other important issue we are facing today.
    If we continue to kill babies at the rate we are going we are in for more problems than we can imagine.
    There is something we can do if we want to be a whole and effective nation.

  21. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    Heh, heh. Say #21–PCMonster==can you connect the dots for us? How does having more babies to parents who don’t want them lead to fewer starving people? Southern Sahara is waiting for your revelation.

    And really, what line(s) in the Bible do you use for this logic?

    Silly Freedom Hating Hoomans.

  22. Number 23 says:


  23. fpp2002 says:

    Abortions actually lower the crime rate. Fewer unwanted pregnancies = fewer unwanted children = fewer kids who grow up to be criminals. The book “Freakanomics” dedicates a chapter to this idea.

    • Dave says:

      This seems obvious but John Lott has an interesting rebuttal to this idea in “Freedomnomics”, and on his blog.

  24. chris says:

    I work in DC, and I see people with bumper sticker extensions built onto their vehicles. The owners of these vehicles, generally old domestic pickups/vans, add plywood superstructures to increase both height and length of their rides. Bigger size means bigger sign capacity.

    But that is nothing. I saw something called Abraxas Dragon at the Stewart-Colbert rally. You can see pics of it here:

  25. Benjamin says:

    #17 I am against the Supreme Court deciding if abortions should be legal or illegal. I think it should be up to the various state legislatures. However, I am just like that.

  26. BigBoyBC says:

    I’ve seen vehicles plastered with just as many “Liberal” bumper stickers too and I’ve come to belief that regardless of political or religious stand of the stickers, the driver is a schmuck who does this to give the appearance of taking a stand, but in reality is a “Do-Nothing” who sits on their butts and lets other fight the real fight…

  27. Benjamin says:

    I stick my bumper stickers to big magnetic sheets so I can remove them after the election or whatever the issue is that I have on the back of my truck is over. I also have the benefit of pulling the magnet sheet off if I go somewhere where someone might discriminate against me based on my views.

    Since the election are over for another two years, I took the stickers all down except for a tiny American legion membership sticker.

    I never have abortion stickers though.

  28. Cursor_ says:


    Now how should I respond to “no one care what you think.”??? And then “The issue is WHY? What is the source of your position?”

    Would not my explanation of WHY be my thought which no one “care” about?

    Troll harder.


  29. Rabble Rouser says:

    Got Jesus? Not until spring, and my lawn needs mowing.

  30. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    Cursor==no, two different things. Think.

    Likewise Benjamin==your constitutional inalienable rights are protected by your Federal Constitution. If you understood the basic nature of your FREEDOM, you wouldn’t talk out your ass so.

    Silly Hoomans, can’t tell shit from bumper stickers.


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