1. Benjamin says:

    Looks like he got away. There was no arrest in this video.

  2. Flat Black says:

    DEude I am a Huffer..he ha..

  3. nicktherat says:

    howd he break the law? lol

  4. hhopper says:

    The cop probably caught up with him… he was too drunk to get away.

  5. Steve says:

    A real cop would have jumped in pursuit of this hardened criminal.

  6. bobbo, on your death bed, what will you remember says:

    It could well be this jump for this dude. Never seen a jump over the chute like that before but it made sense it would work.

    I celebrate his spirit and if “illegal” the fine should only be calculated to cover the costs of those who’s chutes don’t open.

    Let FREEDOM ring.

  7. Bob says:

    #3, I think most states have laws against jumping off bridges. Still its a rather silly law. I would be much more in favor of a law that says if you get hurt doing it, then you are on your own. No ambulance or hospital if you happen to survive. You can lay on the bottom and die on the rocks for you stupidity.

    But if you still want to jump off a bridge, have at it.

  8. chuck says:

    It would have been funnier if his chute had tangled.

  9. foobar says:

    It was a very clean jump – pretty good I’d say except he should probably do up his chest harness before jumping.

    According to various news stories:

    “That same CHP officer drove down a private road to the beach and arrested Jester on suspicion of resisting a police officer, driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol, trespassing and possession of marijuana while driving.”

  10. Trinitari says:

    He’s got eleven on the crazy scale!

  11. EdZepp says:

    Can you imagine if the cop had tazed the guy just before he jumped.
    #5 Steve…howl,lol

  12. WmDE says:

    Bam Bam Bam

    Halt or I’ll shoot!

  13. LDA says:

    What a legend. Pure joy is not allowed. Cop is doing his job, but it shouldn’t be his job. Remove all laws that aren’t to reasonably protect others.

  14. TTHor says:

    Living in a free country where you may jump off of anything you like ( except private buidings without permission, and at your own risk of course – besides, any rescue, you pay or die) I am amazed that the police at all cares. Unless this guy causees traffic problems, why not let him jump as much as he pleases.I don’t see why this is anybody’s business at all.

  15. Bob says:

    #15, I hate to say this, but I think it has more to do with the states fear of getting sued. Someone jumps off a bridge, lands on the rocks wrong, and can’t move for the rest of his life.

    A normal person would say tough luck, you get what you deserve. But in this litigious society, he would lawyer up, and sue the state for millions for not making the bridge “safe”. The worse part is he would probably win too. Hence we have laws like this.

    I would like to see something more akin to, “If you do something stupid, you know is stupid, and hurt yourself, you are on your own”.

  16. dexton7 says:

    I remember in college we would dodge the ‘authorities’ to repel from 120 foot bluffs and bridges… it was good exercise – repelling from those heights and running like hell.

    However, I don’t think that I would have ever done this… What’s the typical sentence for jumping off bridges anyway?

  17. hhopper says:

    Probably just a big fine.

  18. Riker17 says:

    Great jump, no harm, no foul. The officer was polite and courteous to the cameraman and jumper, I wish the guy all the best in jail. I do agree that jumping should be legal, for what it’s worth.


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