1. bobbo, appears to be some confusion here says:


  2. FatherZippy says:

    One too many times through the TSA scanner …

  3. Mr Diesel says:

    I’d do her a few times.

  4. Animby says:

    Mother and youngest son attempt to hide lengthy …

    Despite current trends toward zero tolerance, Dvorak Uncensored plays dangerously close to pedophilia – “leaves” common sense behind.

  5. Improbus says:

    OK, we are ready to go to the airport.

  6. Mr Windows says:

    At first glance, i thought this was the annual Cringely family Christmas card, but I see the Mrs. in this photo is not as model-rail-thin…(sorry, Mary-Alyce!)

  7. Greg Allen says:

    “The same agency that busted Gary Glitter now investigating Dvorak Unconcerned.”

  8. Jillian Michaels says:

    “Get everyone on your list P90-X for Christmas!”

  9. George says:

    Global Warming reaches the North Pole.

  10. civengine says:

    #8- I thought the same thing and “Oh, god. Not again.”

    That Cringely Christmas Card creeped me out.

  11. Goodsnd says:

    Adam and Eve Curry and their 2 sons Cane and Abel wish you a Merry Christmas! In the Morning!

    And please pass the super-glue remover.

  12. fulanoche says:

    Need to work on those tan lines.

  13. Hmeyers says:

    The best clothes we can afford in the new economy.

  14. LotsaLuck says:

    Good afternoon sir, ma’am… I’m with Child Protective Services and we need to have a chat…

  15. Jim Glass says:

    We voted for the tea party to restore our economy.

  16. ECA says:

    what to do AFTER the figgy pudding, with the leafs.

  17. ECA says:

    we can tell they had sex 2 times..

  18. edbauer says:


  19. Skeptic says:

    Barey Christmas!

  20. User7 says:

    Looks like someone actually wants cloths for Christmas.

  21. Three to the head says:

    And John C. Dvorak still wonders why his website is filtered out at many companies…

  22. ECA says:

    lets wait for FALL to happen.

  23. ECA says:

    Any one wonder how often they change their leafs?

  24. msbpodcast says:


    There are better pictures on the PC window at the TSA scanner screening room.

    It might be a salacious picture to a sexually-repressed fifteen year old kid in the mid-west, but its just an amateur picture with crappy lighting of a bunch of homely people.

    Its at least in better taste than some pictures out there. (These people are wearing things to cover their “private parts.”)

    Where’d you find this? In a nudist organization’s Christmas newsletter?

  25. bobbo, how do you know what you know and how do you change your mind says:

    The Cringely Xmas Card is here:


  26. jk_on_the_run says:

    Mom’s cheating.

  27. The0ne says:

    I could say it’s Boobo, but to be more accurate it’s Boobos version of where Humans came from. Too bad not one of them is African descent though 🙁 But hey so what,

  28. ivandoga says:

    These two kids will have hell on earth if their class mates see this photo, I sure they are home schooled, from this great photo.

  29. Skippy says:

    “Exhibit A”

  30. dg says:

    Nice coconuts.


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