Click pic to read about it
Despite the movie about him and Facebook, the 60 Minutes interview and Leo LaPorte saying on last Sunday’s TWIT that Zuckerberg was smarter than Bill Gates, I didn’t see this one coming. On the other hand, is Time and their Man/Person of the Year still relevant anymore?
enough to gag a maggot
They should either change it to “most INFLUENTIAL person of the year”, or change the title. Alot of people rightly confuse it with saying this guy is a really awesome person, when he’s really just about selling marketing.
Looks more like a V re-reboot poster. O_o
Should change the title to:
“Douchebag of the Year”
How many people has this guy ripped off, maligned, and screwed over??
Come to think of it, just like Bill Gates…
Might have been a good pick a few years ago, but now it looks like an ad.
Assange, Obama, Rompuy, or even Sarah Palin.
I guess if you’re a failing business, as is Time Magazine, you worship at the altar of the dollar. Zuckerberg didn’t invent the concept, he merely managed to package and commercialize it (often in ways detrimental to his consumers) better than anyone else.
Person of the year? Poop. Assange will have a greater impact on history. The Bengali soldier who let the camp sewers overflow into the river and thereby brought cholera to Haiti, would certainly be a suitable candidate. There are far better candidates but, as if to prove Time is without relevance in current society, they chose to select a cultural and financial icon. Hell, Lady Gaga would have been a better choice.
Bradley Manning and Julian Assange!
The little worm Zuckerberg providing the world with IT’s equivalent to Kleenex…. unbelievable!
Is there any question why Time Magazine is down to a flimsy and thin magazine that no one reads unless they are in a dentist’s waiting room?
No readers = No advertisers = No Pages
What a lame outfit. Instead of taking a stand on the national and international issues, they wimp out with this selection.
Quite possibly my laugh of the century…but who knows.
I left Facebook 6 months ago after so called friends who I never liked from childhood began contacting me. So glad , what a waste of time. Leo Laporte did it around same time but sold out and went back. Lost some respect for him.
TIME took the easy choice but it’s all about who effect the world good or bad.
They pick Hitler in 1939 FOR MAN OF THE YEAR !
Mark you are rich & famous but still a scumbag and looks to me cannot tan well.
He DOES look like a lizard!!
Time magazine was horrible ten years ago, the last time I read it. I can imagine how lame it is now, just like the San Francisco Chronicle newspaper. Remember “My Weekly Reader” in the fifth grade? That’s what comes to mind with both of these “news” periodicals.
What happened to all the failures we were enjoying a year or so ago? Somebody with cash step in to prop them up?
Regarding this twit. Who cares? I tried his invention, and like John, can’t stand it.
But, of course, millions and millions can’t wait to tell everyone they are taking a shit.
Such an attractive photo?
Accidents happen.
meh, Little Brother. How annoying.
If you are reading this on a WiFi equipped airline, get the vomit bag ready and read the complete list here:
I openly congratulate Mr Zuckerberg and welcome our new alien lizard humanoid overlords.
# 19 sargasso_c -I openly congratulate Mr Zuckerberg and welcome our new alien lizard humanoid overlords.
Sorry Sargas. Lizards are scaly. Zuk is scummy.
100% idiotic to call this Lizzard the Person of the Year.
Kudos to the photo editor, who no doubt picked the best photo for the cover… 😉 Nothing like getting all up in someone’s FACE(book) to make a not-so-subtle point…
My question is: Why now? Why this year? Facebook has been very popular (*cough*evil*cough*) for the past few years, so why now? Are the owners/publishers of Time trying to court Zucky to entice him to buy-out their dead-dinosaur publication that no one reads? Hmm…
Couldn’t they have done this in 2006, when their actual nominee was … go ahead and guess …
Dude, its Time magazine; something that comes out monthly on dead trees. That is SO last millennium.
Print has not been relevant since the August 1981 issue of Byte magazine.
But like William Gibson says: “The future is already here – it’s just not evenly distributed.”
What a cop-out. There was a poll on Time’s website and Zuckerberg was not even in the top ten. Might as well name it least important person of the year. Reminds me of when they named “You” the person of the year a couple of years ago.
A shameless tie-in with the Movie just released? Yes, as Animby almost got it: Pop. As in pop culture. Maybe a pop culture magazine would see it that way.
In my view, maybe FaceBook is a force in society but not Zuck. What happened this year that this slowly building social media is now worthy of remarking on? Most I can think of re Facebook is that its what some Politico’s who can’t withstand any interview at all resort to? No==scratch that, THAT is twitter.
Refusing to use either, I will none the less wonder if the next big thing will be a combined FaceBook/Twitter amalgamation if that is not already the case? YouTube/FaceBook/andTwitter with a Coupon for the Day?
Anyway==why leave commercial/sell you something when the significant institutional changes/revelations brought by WikiLeaks is “UnAmerican.” ((Sar/On)) How dare an Australian be UnAmerican. TREASON I tells ya! ((Sar/off))
Who has done a better job of enabling endless mind-numbing time-wastage for a narcissistic populace needy of constant affirmation?
New marketing strategy and name change for Time.
(It’s about time.)
#15 Exactly.
Couldn’t they have at least cleaned up his skin a little…I know he’s a geek or whatever but that just looks bad.
Well, lets all hope that Julian Assange is more influential in the long run! I’m beginning to have my doubts as to whether the world will go on as corrupt as ever despite the leaks.
I agree Zuckerberg would have been a worthwhile choice a couple of years ago, but not now. The show’s over.
Oh, and Time hasn’t mattered in about 10 years. Like someone up there said, I only see it in waiting rooms, and then it’s often an old issue. Oh, and as far as I know, it and the even more diminished Newsweek are weeklies, not monthlies.
A much better choice:
Glenn Beck – The Lone Voice Of Reason In An Age Of Hysteria
Person of the Year matters as much as the Nobel Peace Prize. (Not at all).