Click pic to read about it

Despite the movie about him and Facebook, the 60 Minutes interview and Leo LaPorte saying on last Sunday’s TWIT that Zuckerberg was smarter than Bill Gates, I didn’t see this one coming. On the other hand, is Time and their Man/Person of the Year still relevant anymore?

  1. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    He reminds me of Eddie Haskell from ‘Leave it to Beaver’.

  2. pschyotoad says:

    Makes me want to vomit. That’s all I got for this despicable asshole.

  3. Jordan Wyatt says:

    What an outrage, Assange is far more important.

    Or what about Steve Jobs? Guy gets a magazine cover every now and then, dudes out there, after getting thrown out of his own company, coming back (like that jesus myth), DESTROYING ALL COMERS…..

    Whose more important? The guy in charge of Apple, who founded it, saved it from sure death, beat cancer,gave us the iPod (who would want to live without digital music?), iPhone (ok, you poor schmucks in the states cant make a phone call…) and iPad?

    Or, some guy who made MySpace 2.0

    Give it to Assange!


  4. SomeDudeInPA says:

    I hate to be so shallow… but this is one of the worst pictures I have ever seen of anyone.

  5. oldfart says:

    While I’m still not entirely sure what facebook contributes to society, I’m with the group on this.
    It seems to me the corporate/media/government consortium has stopped looking outside the four walls for society’s heroes.

    The status-quo as it stood yesteray is just fine thank you, and people that want to make the world sit up and think are too dangerous to put on a pedestal.

    Sheep Rule, OK!

  6. Ah_Yea says:


    Much, much better.

    The more I think about it, the more I believe Time sold out. Wouldn’t be surprised that big financial tie-in to facebook appears in 3 – 6 months.

  7. deowll says:

    The eyes remind me of V.

  8. dexton7 says:

    And this is why mainstream media sucks…

  9. JimD says:

    “Behind every great fortune is a crime!”

  10. President Amabo says:

    I don’t know that Assange is a ‘person’. “Asshole of the Year” would work though and he’d be the perfect recipient.

  11. foobar says:

    You’d think they could airbrush the acne out of the picture.

  12. Improbus says:

    #5 Ah_Yea for the win.

  13. Thomas says:

    I would add Manning to that photo. I think they both deserve Person of the Year.

  14. Animby says:

    # 32 President Amabo said,”Person of the Year matters as much as the Nobel Peace Prize. (Not at all).”

    Actually, The Peace Prize was of importance until they instantly devalued it by giving it to your anagram for no discernible reason.

  15. foobar says:

    Is it just me or does that boy have lizard eyeballs?

  16. chris says:


    This guy is only notable because he kept his company private, and a lot of other rich guys are thinking they ought to have done the same thing!

  17. chris says:

    One of my friends no longer contacts anybody except through facebook. I’ve decided that if he is only willing to broadcast his news it isn’t nearly personal enough to warrant my time. That’s a 20 year friendship, so you can see how I feel about this stuff.

    There is a very depersonalizing aspect to social networking.

    Out of tens of thousands of people you meet probably less than 100 are worth keeping up with over time, and I’m counting an entire life. Right now I’d guess that you, the person reading this, are really close with less than ten people.

    Do yourself a favor: close facebook and go hang out with a friend. Your friend count is going to be lower than if you dedicate your time to facebook, but your life will be immeasurably richer.

    Gotta paraphrase a good show on this, from The Wire(Beaddie to Jimmy): “You have to focus on what is important. At your funeral there will be family and a few friends who might as well be family; and that is all the best of us

  18. Urotsukidoji says:

    I think Time Magazine just Zuckerpunched us!

  19. Glenn E. says:

    OMG, MZ is an alien! Is his head really that long, between his brow and lips. It looks like Time’s printer got suck, and dragged his head out 20% longer, in the middle. And why such a close up, if Time’s editor didn’t think MZ looked pretty weird? They could have shot him from the chest up. Wearing some neat Tshirt, with the word “Facebook” on it. But no, Time went with the alien “grays” head shot.

    I agree with hhopper. Julian Assange would have been a better choice. Time probably switched to MZ, at the last moment. Cause it’s not like Facebook only got started in 2010. So how is its founder/inventor, man of the year, for what’s been evolving for four or more? Where as WikiLeaks is more about what has just recently been made public. Especially about the wars.

  20. Somebody says:

    My, the grapes are sour tonight!

    When you steal from one, it’s Plagiarism, When you steal from many it’s Research.

    Zuckerberg achieved research level years ago.

    And since we are all clever enough to know that software patents are a BAD THING….

    We are all clever enough, right guys?

    What does that leave as grounds to resent Zuckerberg?

    The fact that he can have your girlfriend* any time he wants and pay you to watch?

    * and I AM being very generous with my hypothetical.

  21. Hmeyers says:

    This was a chickenshit choice and lame.

    Seven reasons why …

    #1 Zuckerberg already had a movie made about him; Facebook is everywhere. This educates no one.

    #2 Myspace. iPod/iPhone/iPad. Twitter. Yahoo. Google. Microsoft. Napster. Tivo. There isn’t anything remarkable or world changing here.

    #3 He didn’t change the world … someone was gonna do it, it just happened to be him.

    #4 Assange was the far better choice. Probably Time magazine trying to be politically correct.

    #5 Zuckerberg is unlikely to have a lasting impact like, say, Bill Gates or Albert Einstein. Not to say that Zuckerberg isn’t good at what he does … he does “get it”. He also knows how to exploit, exploit, exploit.

    #6 Choosing Zuckerberg is a socially smelly choice. Why not pick some other pop culture entity like someone from American Idol or Lady Gaga.

    #7 This guy is already over-exposed and other than lawsuit sideplots and scummy practices, there just isn’t anything compelling below the surface.

    Then again, Time magazine “Person of the Year” choices are often rather lame. So why not!

  22. Rich says:

    I still refuse to drink the Facebook Kool-Aid. The people I know are *so* enthusiastic about getting me to join it scares me a bit and reminds me of an episode of Star Trek TNG where an addicting game took over the Enterprise D one person at a time. And the simple fact is I don’t want to “network” at all with most of the people I know.

  23. retroman81 says:

    Sorry Julian Assange,I guess you didn’t reveal
    to much privacy

  24. jobs says:

    Zuckerberg is probably the right choice. With almost half a billion users it is the greatest marketing machine ever. There is not a politician, celebrity, corporation that is not using Facebook. Pretty much any website you visit will have a facebook button. And who doesn’t hear “follow us on facebook” when watching television or listening to radio or podcast.

    Facebook has been around for a few years but 2010 they become a way of life. I don’t use facebook but I know terms like “friend me” “poke me” “face me” “leave a message on my wall”.

  25. President Amabo says:

    #47 – Arafat? Carter, Algore? The peace prize was devalued long before Barry got one.

  26. raster says:

    Ah, Time magazine… Once more “The Onion” gets it right:,17950/

  27. The0ne says:

    Shouldn’t them Casino guys get the vote every year then? I mean, they get people addicted and people socialize in their places all the time. They have my vote!

  28. Philo Farnsworth!


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