Duke shot himself after firing at school board members during a meeting Tuesday. No one else was hurt. Before opening fire, he painted a red V on a wall and talked about his wife being fired.

Officials say she worked for the schools, but it wasn’t clear whether she resigned or had been fired or what her job was. She was apparently living with her mother in a nearby town. Van Etten says the shooting was not “spur of the moment.” Police also found anti-government paraphanelia in Duke’s home.

The entire school board shooting was captured on camera, as Melissa Bell explained:

In the chilling video captured by a WMBB News 13 camera, the board members try to reason with Duke and try to save one another from the gunman.

Ginger Littleton, one school board member, stayed in the room even after Duke ordered her to leave. In the video, she swings her purse at him, in an attempt to knock the gun out of Duke’s hand. She falls to the ground, and Duke stands over her but does not kill her. Another school board member comes back into the room at that time and asks the gunman to let Littleton leave, which Duke does.

At another point, Superintendent Bill Husfelt asks Duke to let everyone else go, saying Husfelt was likely the one responsible for firing Duke’s wife. Duke turns his gun on Husfelt and fires, but the bullets miss Husfelt.

Expect to see much more of this in the coming days, weeks, years.

  1. Benjamin says:

    Obviously a leftist nut who was mad that his wife lost her government paid job. She was probably a union member.

  2. PequaFrog says:

    This is unbelievable. Thank God no innocents were hit.

  3. Randomized says:


    Here is a longer video with more footage before the shooting started, including the heroic/stupid woman hitting the man with a purse.

  4. Benjamin says:

    His favorite websites were leftist:


    Here is a youtube video that analyze what he was thinking: http://youtube.com/watch?v=mbIk6RvZI7A

  5. FRAGaLOT says:

    Ding dong the nutball douchebag is dead.

  6. spsffan says:

    Another loon. Not to mention a bad shot. Sad all around.

    Now, it only this had happened at a City of Bell council meeting a few months back, and several bullets lodged in that tub of Rizzo without him even feeling it, THAT would have been funny.

  7. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Benjamin…you forgot to add this:


    …because then it makes sense.

  8. Special Ed says:

    Luckily the security guard spent more time at the range than this guy did. If all of those board members had been armed this would have looked like a firing squad. Carry guns folks, there are more and more of these nuts out there. Shoot back!

  9. EdZepp says:

    What a nightmere!The women with the purse
    is very lucky.What a nutball,I predict scanners
    in schools by next year,dam good thing he was a crappy shot.

  10. This Guy says:

    If he was upset that his wife lost her government paid job, what does that have to do with the government sponsored media?

    My guess is Curry will be all over this.

  11. McCullough says:

    Suicide by cop.

  12. freddybobs68k says:


    I hope to see you rushing to post when ‘right wing nuts’ something nutty. It’s impressive that you’ve all figured out what this guy is all about, practically the moment the report came out. Amazing.

    Would I be guessing correctly that you think Timothy McVeigh is a ‘leftist nut’? I’m just trying to figure out your frames of reference.

  13. Faxon says:

    What would have happened if the Security Guard did not have a firearm, as in most of California’s school board meetings?

    Was the Security Guard’s gun evil? Or just the maniac’s? If the woman with a purse had a gun and shot him, would HER gun be evil?

    What worked better, hitting him with a purse, calling 911, talking reasonably with him, or a gun right there in the hands of a lawful person?

    I thought I heard Democrats say the cops protect us from this, and nobody needs a concealed carry license.

    The answers are so clear, please don’t even bother replying, lefties.

  14. freddybobs68k says:



    From those figures the US has 10 times say Germanys death rate. Or around 30 times Uks.

    So presumably you aren’t claiming superiority of ‘lots of guns’ in terms of the having less death. It’s some other reason?

  15. freddybobs68k says:

    @ Pedro

    “People with one-sided view of things are so tedious to deal with.”

    Right. That’s the most sensible thing you’ve said. Possibly ever.

  16. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Saw the video this morning with a close-up of his shooting hand. Looks to me like he aimed right, at the last second, maybe to miss intentionally? Who knows, but that’s what it looked like to me when I saw this on the morning news.

    pedro…correct they come from both sides. It’s not 50:50, but whatever.

  17. TheRightLeftist says:

    I’m a lefty with a concealed carry permit. I may be liberal, but I’m not stupid… if the citizenry is unarmed, you can be sure the criminals will be the only ones with guns.

  18. snh says:

    Sadly as things continue to deterioate around the world we will see more and more of this type of thing, probably starting locally such as this and escalating to national politicians, big banks and what not. A sad state of affiars to be able to see all this coming and theres nothing anyone can do about it. Usually once a mind snaps its all over at that point…….Just some food for thought.

  19. Faxon says:

    #14 Every state that has enacted “shall issue” laws has seen a major drop in crime. When Australia confiscated all the guns, major crime skyrocketed. Any other questions?

  20. freddybobs68k says:

    @ TheRightLeftist

    Thats true. But it also makes it much easier for the police to identify criminals. If you have a gun – then you are one. Which makes it a deterrent for criminals to actually have guns. The results speak for themselves in the statistics.

    I’d also point out that in this example, and in say school shootings in general – they aren’t ‘criminals’. Easy access to guns – in large part is what makes it possible.

    That said in the US – there is a ‘tradition’ of guns, and there are an awful lot of them. It’s probably very hard (although not impossible) to change that. So in that environment you may well be better off with a gun. The idea that the arrangement works well – doesn’t bare any investigation. It’s just the best of a bad lot.

  21. Benjamin says:

    I did point out that he is leftist. Media Matters and the Progressive Mind must be to blame for this creating guys like this. Maybe they should be regulated.

  22. Benjamin says:

    I forgot the sarcasm tags on #22 “Media Matters and the Progressive Mind must be to blame for this creating guys like this. Maybe they should be regulated.”

    [sarcasm]So Media Matters and the Progressive Mind must be to blame for this creating guys like this. Maybe they should be regulated.[/sarcasm]

  23. freddybobs68k says:

    #20 Faxon

    So your answer is that it doesn’t matter there are 10-30 times the deaths, because you claim there is less crime?

    Well without looking I know the US has one of the highest per capita prison populations.


    USA has say 7 times the amount of people per capita in jail than Germany. So that would seem to indicate quite a bit of crime in the US – even with those crime reducing guns.

  24. bobbo, appears to be some confusion here says:

    “A distrubed man with an apparent death wish.” == Yea Verily and trying to cope in a society that values only the Super Rich.

    So, another example of gun violence that underscores but solves nothing. Does give idiots like Faxon a hard on though. Hard On, Facts Off. I’d hate to see his keyboard after he watched the video and posted.

    Gun Nuts. Sadly way far down on the list of whats destroying America, though they do all tend to be Pukes.

  25. dusanmal says:

    @freddybobs64k Info Benjamin got is from the terrorist (yes he is) own Facebook page, in his own words. That is “primary source” of ideal kind.

    As for why Right underlines his connections to extreme Left is because those same Leftist organizations the terrorist idiot loved, followed and have been inspired by (his own words) are the ones known for claiming that free speech from the Right is the one causing immanent danger, before anything like this have happened with Right media. One would expect Media Matters to claim their responsibility when something does happen with them as an “inspiration” if they constantly predict that to happen inspired by the Right. Or at least to say they came to their senses and see that free speech from either side is not what causes these nuts to happen.

  26. CrankyGeeksFan says:

    This shooter was in prison from c. 2000 – 2005. Aggravated stalking of his wife & other charges. He’s been unstable.

    I just don’t know how people can take seriously any comments such a person would make about science, religion, culture, government and/or politics, etc.

  27. ScotterOtter says:

    They all sat and watched as the woman tried to subdue the guy alone…nice

  28. bobbo, appears to be some confusion here says:

    #27–cranky==facts? Heh, heh. Thank you, good to know.

    So what we now have is: crazy person listening to the “LEFT” that society owes them a job, and listening to the “RIGHT” that a gun will protect his freedoms and rights.

    Lets see if anyone can identify and separate the relevant issues–or just blame it all on one side as was urged above?

  29. Derek says:

    No, they all sat and watched as the woman attempted suicide. They did the right thing, as everyone that should have lived did. Had they jumped up, someone else would have died.

    Attempting to subdue a crazed gunman while being unarmed it completely retarded.

  30. dexton7 says:

    Desperate times can produce desperate people. I’m glad that nobody else was hurt…

    And this guy was intentionally vouching for suicide via cop. He needed some Xanax and some therapy and would have probably been OK. Sad…


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