1. EJmcn says:

    I think I just found out the most scariest thing about Google, that they are going to be writing current history.

  2. bobbo, the law is what happens whether you like it or not says:

    Year, Decade in review always interesting regardless of source. That video focused on pop culture. I’d like to see a listing of the top searched terms. Top Blocked Websites. Top DNS targets etc.

    THE LAW OF UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES. The turmoil surrounding Assange is many fold more interesting than the initial issue. Governments taking away civil rights, violating the law, cyber attacks.

    None of it possible 10 years ago. 10 years from now . . . . .?

    Beautiful Creatures.

  3. bobbo, the law is what happens whether you like it or not says:

    Pedro–I don’t know/recall what you are referring to. If you ever engaged in conversation, rather than turd dropping, I’d ask you for details.

  4. bobbo, the law is what happens whether you like it or not says:

    Pedro–I’ll bet “my” memory is superior to your own when it comes to my own positions and postings.

    Prove me wrong.


  5. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #6 bobbo – Forget it. It’s like arguing with a drunk.

  6. Improbus says:


    Loon? Have you been hanging out with Alfred?

    To the topic at hand, this last decade might have been bad but it was just the warm up act. The next decade will be the one were the excrement really hits the rotary oscillator. America’s financial chickens will finally come home to roost and we will find out that we can’t afford to be a super power anymore. I would not be surprised if America becomes a fascist dictatorship. I expect the NASCAR crowd and bible thumpers to welcome it. I am sure anyone that smells of progressiveness will be put in re-education camps to learn the errors of their ways.

  7. Mextli says:

    #8 “I am sure anyone that smells of progressiveness will be put in re-education camps to learn the errors of their ways.”

    PLEASE promise me this for Christmas.

  8. Doomed & Divided says:

    Spoken like a good Christian American.

  9. bobbo, the law is what happens whether you like it or not says:

    #7–Monster, the inamorato of reasoned discourse==yes, sadly too true which motivates my short shrift and scatological challenge.

    I may have made a few references to USA’s immigration policies/actions but in the main I have not posted my main position. It takes a bit longer than this blog allows.

    I’m sure Pedro simply lumps me in with everyone else he disagree’s with, which is everyone else by the way, just as he lumps all ideas together. A perfect mishmash of generalized thinking to the point of incompetency. Sad, because I think a year or more ago he actually made some valuable input. He is capable of better thinking, just comfortable in being lazy.

    Say Pedro–even if you can’t think of anything I have ever said on immigration that you disagree with, try a generally liberal position. Hit close enough and I’ll adopt it just so you can show everyone how sheeple I am.

    Saying that, I think I have said that anyone that enlists and fights honorably in our military should be in line for citizenship. But I would allow that to be the case for people that are not even here yet. One of the few things USA seems to be able to do is fight wars. We should charge other nations for our mercenary works, and for that you need mercenaries==paid for by citizenship as well as slave wages.

    How terrible of me.

  10. Improbus says:

    @Doomed & Divided

    The problem with most Christians is that they have never actually read the good book. They have their preacher give them the Cliffs notes on the “good” parts. I was raised Catholic and have read the Bible. That is why I am an Agnostic (functional Atheist). Happy Solstice season! Oh, damn, there I go attacking Christmas!

  11. Improbus says:

    Simple solution? Nuke Washington D.C. and start from scratch. I can think of no other way to get rid of the rot. I can’t see either side of this debate working together. I fear this union will not much longer endure.

  12. bobbo, the law is what happens whether you like it or not says:

    #13–Sanford==my, that was a bit of work. I assume to be relevant that each of those issues was a google search from the video?

    If not, the issue between Pedro and myself is some claim by Pedro that I should be happy or ashamed ((hard to tell with Pedro’s oh so subtle use of irony)) of some USA immigration issue= which I would also assume was one of the issues shown in the google video?

    Otherwise, Pedro and you are being irrelevant. Now, with Predro, that can be assumed. Your hat however is new to the ring.

    I will then only comment on your closing Obama Like Naivete: “the only way we are going to prevent the further decline of the US is to work together.” That would be true if the differences were between men of good will, but that is not the case. Here we have Pedro and the rest of this blog. Here we have Republicans serving only themselves and their Super Rich/Corporate Clients==not the rest of Humanity seeking a fair share of the pie.

    But given your effort–re-edit to make it german to anything, or keep your powder dry for when any of the excellent subjects you raise is actually the subject of a thread: or just go for it. We can continue until the ed’s shut us down for being off thread.

  13. Cursor_ says:

    No difference from year to the next when you produce these end of year reviews.

    Shit happens. Next!


  14. Improbus says:


    I break the law on a daily basis. Just like most other Americans.

  15. Improbus says:


    I would say that you will be getting fit for a brown shirt but I am sure you already have one. God bless the Father Land!

  16. Sanford195 says:

    Sorry bobbo, I was way too subtle.

    I selected these because I thought conservative right leaning ideologues would recognize these issues as ones they say they are “passionate about”. They want to lower the debt, reducing taxes, becoming less dependent on foreign nations. They dislike religious states such as Saudi Arabia and Iran. They want to honor the fighting men and women of the military, etc,…. However, in reality the hypocrisy and ignorant nonsense that comes from the right has resulted in exactly the opposite. 1 through 17 and beyond……

    Ok forget working together. your right that only works if reasonable people………

  17. President Amabo says:

    #13 – You missed the most important: America has a president that actually said out loud that Americans can’t continue living in big houses and driving SUVs.

    Sorry, but if that’s true then the human race no longer has any reason to exist. And without humans, the universe no purpose.

  18. Somebody says:

    “I would not be surprised if America becomes a fascist dictatorship.”


  19. Somebody says:

    # 1 EJmcn For the Win!

    Is it Zeitgeist or Zeitheist?

  20. retroman81 says:

    Where is Avatar


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