A humiliating TSA pat down that left Indian Ambassador to the United States livid and insistent that she would never return to America has prompted Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to promise a review of TSA policies in the aftermath of a nationwide revolt against invasive airport security measures. At the height of the TSA backlash last month, Clinton herself told CBS News that the pat down procedures were so invasive that she would personally want to avoid them.

Now she has been forced to promise an inquiry into measures that led to Indian diplomat Meera Shankar being confined to a glass cage before being invasively groped by TSA staff in full public view, after Indian authorities demanded an apology for her treatment. “We obviously are concerned about it,” Clinton told reporters in Washington.

“Although the matter had not been raised when she met with Shankar on Tuesday, she said, “certainly we will be looking into it and not only responding to the Indian foreign minister but also reviewing the policies,” reports CNS News.

Yep. I’m sure the policy will change, for the diplomats. For the slaves it’s business as usual.

  1. Robert Leather says:

    Now, where did I leave my fake diplomatic papers…..

  2. Animby says:

    McCullough “the policy will change, for the diplomats. For the slaves it’s business as usual.”

    I fear you are right, sir. Diplomats, then Senators and Congressmen, then Cabinet members, possibly the White House dog groomer. The next prez election is going to be very interesting.

    Out of curiosity, I am surprised someone with diplomatic ID would submit to a search. Aren’t the assured privacy in their persons and possessions by international treaty? I have seen diplomats walk right through security not even putting their carryons through the x-radiator.

  3. bobbo, the law is what happens whether you like it or not says:

    I’m with Animby. Once a person is “known” to be a Diplomat, they cannot be arrest or charged with a crime even with a bus load of Nun’s in God’s Witness==they are immune. Shows the depth of Ambassador Training in India: probably happy just to see indoor plumbing.

    I don’t even object to that other than who gets to be a diplomat with such privileges should be much more restricted than what it is.

  4. Angel H. Wong says:

    Did anyone caught that part where the male TSA worker smiled while sniffing his index and middle finger?

  5. bobbo, the law is what happens whether you like it or not says:

    Here comes the tag. “ba dump”

  6. denacron says:

    Since small farming seems to be going out of vogue perhaps they could reorganize their mission to now train young up-and-coming TSA in a new and restructured FFA.
    ‘Future Fondler Association’

  7. tcc3 says:

    “Singled out because she was wearing a sari”

    But I thought we had to have the invasive search because it was *wrong* to profile.

    So now were profiling (poorly) *and* groping?

  8. chuck says:

    Dear Al Qaeda, please please please start using fake diplomatic passports in your future terrorist activities.

  9. TSA found my butt plug says:

    If never coming back to the U.S. is the result, we should pat down all of those Indians several times to make sure.

    And Hillary, I’m sure no one wants to pat your big ass and huge cankles down either.

  10. msbpodcast says:

    All of this is making me laugh.

    She was singled out because she’s a foreigner.

    The TSA troglodytes wanted to see what women wear under their saris and they’re too ignorant to know about diplomatic passports.

    She was too stunned to get (right?)fully outraged that she was going through security in spite of having a diplomatic passport.

    I hope she caught the names and badge numbers of the pathetic louts who laid their low-expectation, poor, trailer-trash* hands on her and that these pathetic, ignorant, angry, sneering, cousin-fuckin’, mayonnaise-sandwich-eatin’ ex-TSA troglodytes are back wearing their hair-nets and do-rags, in their place at the back of the Chick-Fillet™®.

    You realize of course that any sort of on-board security is happening as a side affect of the wonderful employment opportunity presented to the bottom-feeders of this society and that it will last exactly as long as it takes for the scanners to get nationwide distribution, world-wide distribution at airports.

    The terminals will then be cleared of the trailer-trash and everything will go back to the efficient, though slightly more radioactive, service we have all come to know and love.

    Its going to be EVERYWHERE…

    The air force has taken bio-diesel to heart** and so has the commercial carriage so there won’t be any possible future threat from Camel Jockeys or Canada’s own “Blue Eyed Arabs”.

    *) Who the fuck else are they getting to man the lines except angry trailer trash? No one with any self respect works out at the airport patting people down. This is a low paying job and is getting replaced with machines. This TSA kerfufflel is just a temporary inconvenience and even I, despite my advanced years (I’m ten years older than you,) will be waltzing through scanners everywhere, never mind at the airport or at the train-station, before my MS won’t let me go anywhere anymore.

    **) Sorry about your car Adam, but you had the right idea. You just needed about a billion more dollars in capital. The air force has the billion in capital. You? You can wait.

  11. Floyd says:

    I’m simply going to avoid taking an airplane, as are thousands of others. No worries. The airlines will take care of the rest, economically and politically.

  12. O'Really says:

    I find it interesting that the Sec of State promises to review TSA policies only after a foreigner complains. I guess the 4th Amendment violations of the US Citizens don’t really matter.

  13. ECA says:

    lets see…

    You want to SNEAK into the USA…what do you wear?

    Hmm, lets understand something EVEN stranger..
    HOW many Muslim based beliefs are around the world? MOST Muslims arent in the middle east(I wonder why(no I dont)), do you REALLY think they are going to wear CERTAIN clothing that TARGETS them as from those GROUPS in the middle east?

    An international Flight, that has Already been checked, at the other end…gets to the USA.. THEN you search them AGAIN?? Wouldnt they just BLOW UP THE PLANE??

  14. Orion314 says:

    Hey #10!!!!
    I Like mayo from time to time, what the hell do you put on your sandwiches ?????

  15. MikeN says:

    At least there is some semblance of trying to fight the actual terrorists. The House just defunded civilian trials for Gitmo detainees.

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    The next time the TSA is before Congress explaining themselves, I hope someone asks about this. How any government security agent NOT know about diplomatic immunity is not a good sign.

  17. Maricopa says:

    # 10 msbpodcast – “mayonnaise-sandwich-eatin’ ex-TSA troglodytes”

    Why are you bad-mouthing mayonnaise?

  18. ArianeB says:

    The voice of the people has been heard, there is near unanimous outrage over the grope downs and porn scans the TSA implemented since late October.

    Washington still does not get it, though.

    The TSA is not going to change policies until the Airlines start to fail, because Washington listens to the corporations, not the people.

    Welcome to the Corporatocracy.

  19. foobar says:

    4th Amendment underwear, for your holiday travelling pleasure.

  20. Counterweight says:

    Foobar: Humorous idea but wouldn’t work. Even their illustrations are on real, penetrating radiographs. Not backscatter nor millimeter wave images. I’m pretty sure all this would do is get you a rapid secondary pat down. No thanks.

  21. foobar says:

    Counterweight. I just thought it was funny. Personally I just strip down to my tighty whiteys and tube socks then ask for a pat down. It’s one of life’s simple pleasures. Especially when you have a hairy back.

  22. Counterweight says:

    Hey Foobar – you know what’s good for a hairy back? Heat up a block of C4 then have a friend (a good one) spread it out all over your back. Later, when you’re at 30,000 feet and detonate it, all your back hair will disappear! Less painful than waxing and you only ever need do it once.

  23. Somebody says:

    It’s a sari state of affairs….

  24. It is amazing to watch or listen to the English accents on the Indian newscast
    You would think that you were listening to the BBC
    But then again the Indians bought Jaguar and Land Rover – two British icons
    Yet again you wonder both at the level of the American border staff at cultural appreciations, understandings and comprehension
    Saris are associated with Hindu Indians not Moslems
    It makes you wonder who are the victims from Bin Laden and Sept 11 – dare I say Muslim attacks against America and American cultural icons
    They are still rioting from cartoons – and we are politically correct but go after Hindu women in Saris
    Give me a break
    Guess it will an excuse for a month off cultural education event – catered off site with Indian food


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