Cameras everywhere….keeps us safe!

  1. turkeynuts says:

    Can I say retarded still?

    Because this is retarded fake news and its aimed at the retards that watch news.

    I wish I had never watched that video, I feel a little more retarded now.

  2. Faxon says:

    As Johnny D would say, “OH, BROTHER…”

  3. Mextli says:

    Mattel meets Reefer Madness.

  4. James says:

    Letting the government put cameras on every street and in every public building and monitor us 24 hours a day, totally OK. Letting your kids have access to a toy camera, instant FBI alert.

  5. Cursor_ says:

    And so where were these people when the Hannah Montana camera came out?

    How about all the kids spy gear including nightvision camera junk?

    Or ANY of the video camera toys that have been out since 2005?

    Barbie had one too. It was bloody pink. Where was the outage then?

    Damn stupid people.


  6. ECA says:

    Another barbie collectible..

  7. Ben-in-the-woods says:

    If anyone is going to perv on children it should be the TSA ….

  8. pschyotoad says:

    This camera is somewhat hidden in the doll, so there is more potential for abuse. FBI alert? Not so sure it was needed.

  9. Annoyed says:

    This is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen. Its just random fear-mongering against the internet in general. Dolls can’t make pornography. This product is not different from any other camera.

  10. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    No danger of pedophiles using this doll! Mattel’s website says software “Software is for Windows/PC only”.

    Everybody knows pedophile pervs are Mac users.

    On a more serious note.
    Where was the FBI warning or outrage at those school administration creeps in Pennsylvania spying on kids at home thru their webcams?

  11. Publius says:

    In other news, my bed pillow can be used to suffocate kids.

  12. God says:

    I see all of you no matter what you are doing, no matter where you are. So what’s the big deal?

  13. Special Ed says:

    We have a bunch of Barbie Amputees because of our Basset hound.

  14. electrohead says:

    Excuse me, I feel the need to bang my head on my desk.

  15. deowll says:

    This is what happens when you have to many people without a shred of common sense in law enforcement.

    Yeah some kid with access to video equipment may hit record at the wrong time for freakazoid adult tastes. They were doing that a long time ago. The problem was and is 95% in the heads of the adults who need help because they are the ones who are sick.

    If the kid happens to record something that you don’t want hit delete.

  16. Lou Minatti says:

    Welcome to Barack Obama’s America. Obama and all other Democrats deliver Change We Can Believe In.

  17. Milo says:


    Reductio ad Obamaum

  18. agp says:

    Take a look at the doll on the Matel website. The thing looks like a crack whore. I wouldn’t get for my kid just on those grounds alone.

  19. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Pedro Barbie?

    Oh…sorry, misread that…..

  20. Hyph3n says:

    #16 Lou… do you and your ilk blame Obama for everything? “The Charlie Brown special interrupted Grey’s Anatomy. Damn you, Obama!”

  21. FRAGaLOT says:

    #10 fuck you man. Pervs can’t afford Macs. They use Linux because it’s more secure than windows to hide their illegal porn on. and it’s FREE!

  22. Robert Leather says:

    Sorry, but F-bomb alert!

    Are they out of their tiny fucking minds?
    Where did they find those “concerned” parents? Outside fucking “Stupid-mart”?

    Are they honestly trying to say that kids would allow themselves to be molested because the camera “is in a Barbie”? Are they fucking serious!?

    That’s the most stupid fucking story I’ve seen today. Jesus, has the FBI got nothing better to do than come up with this bullshit?

    – calm now.

  23. msbpodcast says:

    I wonder what possible purpose could be served with this piece of attempted clap-trap, white-trash, trailer-dwelling, semi-simian, knuckle-dragging, low-grade sensationalism?

    Apart from putting the name “Barbie©™®” front and center in the enfeebled mind of every little gurly-girl out there, there is “No Agenda.”

    This couldn’t possibly have any effect on anything, other than shilling for Mattel©™®.

    How low has the mass-media fallen?

    NLN isn’t exactly mass-media.

    If it wasn’t for this item, I wouldn’t have heard of this bunch of screwballs.

    Checkout their “Channel” on YouTube. It ain’t exactly, uh, trust inspiring.

    It looks like an off-shoot of the “Fortean” blog done with a old Mac for voice and a Flip™ camera.

    Its a hoax, folks.

    They’re just yanking your chain.

  24. Cursor_ says:


    A hit piece produced by the makers of Bratz!

    I’ll bet ya anything.


  25. President Amabo says:

    Turd is the word – the word is Turd.

  26. Sandstar says:

    Oh hai everyone who didn’t read the article. The alert is for members of LAW ENFORCMENT. They were being told that, since this barbie has a camera in it, it shouldn’t be over looked as a potential source of evidence in child abust cases. It was *never* meant for the general public.

  27. Rob Leather says:

    #26 I hate it when people miss the point. Are you suggesting that because the camera is in a Barbie doll it makes it MORE susceptible for use by a pedophile?

    Does the Barbie host it’s own web server to share images with other pedophiles? No, it’s just a camera and the evidence isn’t found on the camera… it’s found on the computer it’s uploaded too.

    The fact that the news company decided to interview “America’s Stupidest Shoppers” is almost irrelevant.

  28. Somebody says:

    I pity the mom-and-pop pedophile outlets that are going to be run out of business by the giant companies.

  29. Str][ker says:

    The common theme here was that people were terrified at the prospect of the videos getting onto the internet. (plus I love how these adults automatically assume their little girl thinks as they do in terms of doing bad things with the camera) So, shouldn’t the parents do their parenting and make sure that the kids don’t do that? Also, kids who play with the Barbie aren’t going to be even thinking about recording inappropriate things let alone uploading it to the internet. I am quite certain that any kid who is old enough to think about doing such things has access to the necessary equipment already (cell phones, cam corders, flip style video recorders, etc) and will have knowledge of the various media sharing sites already.
    Again, it’s the job of the parents to keep control over their kids’ activities and access to such things as TV, the Internet etc. to begin with.


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